Sentences with phrase «debate coach»

The former aide to George W. Bush also served as Ryan's debate coach in the 2012 presidential election.
(CNN)- Mitt Romney's presidential campaign has parted ways with debate coach Brett O'Donnell, a Romney campaign source confirmed Friday.
The association heard concerns from school debate coaches and administrators, who had fielded objections from parents about the combustible subject, said Bob Hetler, an assistant...
As a teacher Ken held a variety of positions including: founding speech and debate coach of a team that grew from 15 students to 250 and was number one in Southern California, technology coordinator, conference champion football coach, a member of the USA Today All - teacher team, and National Board Certified teacher.
That's the debate these coaches are now having, way earlier than they had to even a year ago.
Related Stories: How Republicans Caught Their White Whale: John Barrow The Best Congressional Campaigns of 2014 How the GOP Did It: Debate Coaches, Media Training, Tech Candidates Get Platform With GOP Weekly Address Roll Call Results Map: Results and District Profiles for Every Seat Get breaking news alerts and more from Roll Call in your inbox or on your iPhone.
I am an atheist from Pakistan currently a debates coach and have traveled to europe a couple of time hit me up to know more
Shawn Briscoe is debate coach and adjunct professor in the Department of Communication and Discourse Studies at the University of Alaska Anchorage and coaches speech and debate at South Anchorage High School.
I've been a writing teacher for the past 15 years and a speech and debate coach (recently retired) for nearly the same number.
Thomas Wagner is a retired New York City public - school teacher as well as a former taxi driver, debate coach, union leader, and member of the San Antonio Golden Gloves.
Later in the book, the author, journalist Joe Miller, decides to stop observing and reporting on the story and to become part of it; he grows so intrigued with the game of debate and so deeply involved in the lives of the students that he becomes an actor in the story, watching as they engage in risky personal behavior, then joining up as a debate coach.
I am also the Debate Coach and our team went to Nationals this year during our first year of competition.
If one were a debate coach rather than a truth - seeking citizen - scientist, one would advise anti-Mitigationists to trade off attribution for sensitivity and UMs to make the opposite move.
The 30 - minute debate was brisk, with questions posed by Mr. Morgan (he compared himself at one point to the actor Denzel Washington, who played a debate coach in «The Great Debaters») and responses and rebuttals limited to a minute apiece.
Teachers — From my kindergarten teacher to my speech & debate coach to a few very special college professors... thanks for helping me find my way.
She volunteers and works with adolescents in the Olentangy Local School District as a speech and debate coach, and is passionate about helping all clients find their voice and learn to be self - advocates.»
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