Sentences with phrase «debate over the issue»

There is a lot of debate over the issue of eating breakfast.
I believe we can't possibly get to a better place, in debates over issues like global warming, until we understand why getting facts across turns out to be so difficult.
These activities include, of course, the expression of political views and participation in debates over the issues of the day.
This legislation has sparked heated debate over issues such as the federal role in education, testing, and funding.
Reports of rents doubling have prompted fresh political debates over the issue of rent controls.
The long in short for me is to not get into too much debate over the issue.
Those in the trade will remember the late 1970s and 1980s as a time of great debate over these issues.
I think that it is great that people are in dialogue / debate over issues such as this.
No single study will settle the political debate over an issue as contentious as school vouchers.
There is a lot of debate over the issue of eating breakfast.
I won't go into as much detail on those other cases as on Apple v. Samsung, but the public debate over these issues needs more rationality.
In my country right now (USA) there is a huge debate over this issue among Christians.
Update (June 13): Nearly 90 Methodist conservatives have signed a response to the unity proposal by prominent pastor Adam Hamilton and other progressives, claiming it «will only extend, localize and exacerbate the acrimonious debate over the issue
The health secretary has been forced to take Commons questions on his healthcare reforms today, as debate over the issue reaches a climax.
The political posturing was evident in debate over issues ranging from funding for libraries, to detailing county cars.
Uber had launched advertising campaigns against the proposed cap and challenged the mayor to a live stream debate over the issue.
His sometimes awkward straddling of the corporate and nonprofit worlds has placed him squarely in the middle of a heated debate over the issue of conflict of interest in the research world.
His aggressive approach politicized nearly all that it touched, leaving in its wake unnecessarily divisive national debates over issues like Common Core and sexual harassment on college campuses.
Even so, some of those involved in the long debate over the issue questioned whether the plan would satisfy the equity requirements imposed in a pair of unanimous rulings by the state supreme court.
Several blogs have weighed in, and debate over the issue continues to spread around the web faster than that Paris Hilton home movie.
Arguing in favor of the law banning lying is the sad irony that quite often those with their hands on the very levers of democracy, free elections and the right to vote — candidates, their handlers, public and special interest groups — don't trust the public to make the right decision based on an honest and robust debate over the issues, but instead find it incumbent to win by smearing the opposing candidate.
«The strict secrecy of grand jury proceedings — originating in medieval England and mandated in New York by statute — can be detrimental to access to justice and public debate over issues of compelling public interest,» Lippman said in his annual address, known as the State of the Judiciary.
It took only 10 hours after Schneiderman was declared the winner in a five - way Democratic primary to fire the first barb at Donovan, challenging him to debate over the issue of policing Wall Street corruption.
(Though there is some debate over the issue.)
Are atheists so insecure as to want to to debate over this issue?
Despite the lackluster total, Allon said he was pleased with the influence he has begun to have over the debate over issues, as well as his growing social media following, which now includes close to 2,000 Twitter followers.
«What you call Raise the Age, I call the Gang Recruitment Act,» Republican Assemblyman Al Graf said last month, according to the Times Union, during a debate over the issue.
These included: growing commercial interests, such as beer brewers and tobacco merchants, at loggerheads with powerful reformatory bodies like the Society for the Reformation of Manners; a state dependent on the revenue from intoxicants but also determined to regulate its consumption; and a vibrant public debate over the issues but an industry resilient to government and public pressure.
Human rights group Liberty echoed Mr Huhne's call for a debate over the issue, and warned that under current law such a system would be illegal.
Recently studies by Melissa Bateson and her colleagues at Newcastle University in England have rekindled the debate over these issues by showing that honeybees may experience something akin to moods.
Though school discipline reform is an imperative for the most ideological progressives, the debate over the issue has revealed some rifts within the de Blasio coalition.
In 2017, can there really still be a debate over the issue of using pain as a «method» of animal training?
There is a lot of debate over this issue, as many people do not necessarily understand the correlation between insurance rate and credit score.
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