Sentences with phrase «debate over vouchers»

The push comes amid a heated debate over the voucher program, which the state teachers union and local officials contend pulls money away from traditional public schools.
As a result, the practical and philosophical debate over voucher effectiveness continues unresolved.
All of the reviewers decry the contentious political and ideological haranguing that surrounds the public debate over vouchers, and many blame the media for conspiring in the frenzy.
By the mid-1990s, the debate over vouchers had become sufficiently prominent that just about every soul working in education had a position staked out.
This suggests an answer to one of the essential questions in the debate over voucher programs - that is, will sending students to private schools harm their civic education?
It may not be as sexy as the debates over vouchers, Detroit charter schools, «privatization,» or grizzly bears that have dominated the agenda over the past month or two, but the implementation of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) continues apace.
The bottom line is that this analysis is more likely to confuse the debate over vouchers than clarify it.
Given the ferocity of the debate over vouchers, it is often forgotten that early in the history of the United States, religiously affiliated schools at times received generous public funding from states and cities.
Waddington and Berends are the first to admit that their work, which is still being revised, will not end the debate over vouchers» effectiveness, but it does offer new clarity for Indiana policymakers.
The debate over vouchers began this week in the Tennessee House and Senate.
But the study quickly came under attack from several quarters, in part a reflection of how heated the debate over vouchers has become.
Rep. Kreg Battles, D - Vincennes, says the Supreme Court's decision shifts the debate over vouchers from trying to halt them entirely to controlling their expansion.
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