Sentences with phrase «debate question on»

Would Myron say the following part of Trump's reply to the Science Debate question on climate change has merit?
Zero debate questions on #climatechange.»

Not exact matches

And as author David Rock observes in his book Quiet Leadership, advice can be challenged and debated; that's far harder when people reach a conclusion based on their own answers to open - ended questions.
There have been just two questions on income inequality asked so far during the debates — one of which was directed at Sen. Rand Paul right before a commercial break (he focused on Federal Reserve policy), and the other which was for Gov. Mike Huckabee (who bemoaned general government incompetence).
Sure, at debates, like last night's great one in Milwaukee, candidates are always asked questions that begin with, «As president, will you...» but we all know that presidents alone can't really do anything but put their socks on or, in more recent years, play a lot of golf.
That ad uses video clip from Trump's attack on Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly in protest of her questioning of him at a debate of Republican presidential contenders last August when he said afterward that blood was «coming out of her eyes, coming out of her wherever.»
It's a fraught question with passionately argued cases on both sides of the debate.
Democratic presidential nominee former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton responds to a question during the town hall debate at Washington University on October 9, 2016 in St Louis, Missouri.
The pressure is now on CNN, according to Sesno, to ensure that next week's debate questions move beyond America's fascination with Trump's personality to take a harder look at candidate Trump's actual political plans, while also giving his rival candidates more time in the spotlight.
Ken Bone captivated America when he asked a question on energy policy during the second presidential debate.
However arguments around the «burning question of our time» as Munk Debate moderator Rudyard Griffiths expressed it, was a chance to view champions on both sides of the economic trenches go at it hand to hand.
«Instead of spending months or even years on a hunch that may turn out to be wrong, you're able to answer your questions really quickly — to stop debating in the abstract, and start making progress.»
Michael Dell, chief executive officer of his self - named computer company, knows on whose side he stands amid the great encryption debate — the question of whether tech companies should supply certain governments with access to their users» encrypted communications.
Stop often and seek feedback on direction — In addition to asking questions to prompt a debate you should always check for feedback from the VC.
As the debate has taken on a decidedly Asia focus, with some recent studies and popular media coverage pointing to investors from Asia as one of the drivers of Vancouver's soaring housing prices, the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada (APF Canada) has written a background document aggregating the available facts, outlining similar challenges in other jurisdictions, and raising the question: Is public policy required?
There's no question that the volume has been turned up to 11 on the debate over whether Larry Summers, the controversial former treasury secretary or Fed vice-chair Janet Yellen or another candidate should guide U.S. monetary policy for the next four years.
What is striking however is that there is a tendency to dive into the angst over and debated questions without truly having clarity on where from here to there actually should end up.
Last year in one of my blog posts I argued that although I remained very skeptical about the sustainability of the China growth model I nonetheless believed that China bulls could make a plausible argument but were failing to do so largely because they did not address the three questions that were fundamental to the debate on the sustainability of the Chinese growth model.
Tuur: [00:24:41] So the way I see it is that we had a big scaling debate the past few years and the question was are we going to do on change scaling with a heart.
The team conducts couple's court with a couple that is debating on the perfect time to meet the parents, gives advice on how to improve your relationships, answers a listener's question about a couple with separate bank accounts and a lot more!
The other day Joe Carter linked to a BBC item about a debate that was held in Philadelphia, on the question whether the Declaration of Independence was «illegal.»
What science is currently debating is abiogenisis which is still a mystery, but to say god did it and move on to the next question would be a cop out..
The scholarly orgy of debunking has obscured the importance of the facts that such ideals were professed at all, and that debate about them helped to focus the attention of a large, diverse, professional community on the question of what kind of life a lawyer ought to try to live.
On most of the questions of public policy we debate today ¯ even many important ones ¯ there is no Catholic position.
«The Socratic method... is a form of inquiry and debate between individuals with opposing viewpoints based on asking and answering questions to stimulate critical thinking and to illuminate ideas.»
Applied to the question at hand, the debate thus proceeds on the unquestioned assumption that either human beings definitely are naturally religious, and so religion will always persist in human societies, or they are not naturally religious, and so modernity will inevitably secularize people and society as we shed the accidents of our cultural past.
The number is virtually unchanged (71 %) from when Ipsos / World Vision asked the same question in October, before the City of Lights experienced tragedy and American politicians began debating state bans on Syrian refugees in response.
I have a lot of faith in science, not in the unscientific assumption that atheists make that reality is purely mechanistic, but in the procedures of testing hypotheses, questioning assumptions, measuring results, replicating experiments, and in general debating and persuading based on actual evidence.
Old debates about evolution often turned on the question of whether a million monkeys could accidentally type Hamlet in a given amount of time.
Faith was a persistent theme in the presidential race, and moral and ethical questions surrounded budget debates, mass killings and an unexpected focus on «religious freedom.»
Even the questions concerning the pastoral care of divorced and civilly remarried Catholics, and of homosexual couples — both topics of heated debate at last October's Synod of Bishops — are in the end based on theological foundations, and deal with the application of doctrine.
What the ancient debates on the question of the embryo have in common is a scientific adherence to what is empirically known about the embryo.
You say you don't know gods will because to try and think like god is too hard (which for the record I think is a cop out in any debate or discussion about god that I understand you really believe it and are not trying to duck around a question, but to say I don't know, god is too powerful to understand sort of halts discussion from there) but you also are saying to speak with him on a daily basis.
By the time Pius X died in 1914, the Vatican had in place two entirely different Thomisms, one broad and oriented to social questions, the other narrow and focused on capita that could not be debated.
When Saul met Jesus on the road to Damascus (Acts 9), he did not debate the reality of Jesus nor did he inquire as to how to pray to receive Jesus and neither did he question what the situation required.
What makes you think you get a free - pass when you say something, especially something as asinine as your views are, and not get questioned and debated on...?
Being as these candidates continually bring religion into the campaign by stressing how religious they are I would hope that the moderators of the this debate will actually question them on the actual tenets of their beliefs.
There are many more issues of more weighty importance that they might talk about in the debate, but CNN moderators seem bent on sticking to the gotcha questions.
(CNN)-- On Friday we posted a story about U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann responding to a question about a biblical admonition for wives to be submissive to their husbands during Thursday's Republican presidential debate.
The chairman of Christian Aid also appeared to blame the ongoing debate over Europe on a growing sense of nationalism in the UK, he said: «With the Scottish independence agitation and all the questions about a federal UK quite a lot of people feel we need to affirm now what we are, what we distinctively are as English even more than British and that imperceptibly I think strengthens some of this unease about that mysterious entity called Europe which is over there.»
Although decisions about this relationship had significant effects on the whole project, the debate itself could become very abstruse and remote from the questions asked even by those most personally and intellectually concerned about their faith.
A temporary victory has been declared in a part of the debate conducted on the terms of the other side» the question of utility.
But even though Hamilton and her family's faith plays a key role in the film, many audiences would be surprised to learn that the question of how to show their religion in the film caused huge debate on set.
On the hotly debated question of Communion for divorced and remarried Catholics, the synod's report offers a solution of the «penitential path» or a period of reflection and penance which would allow the partners in a second marriage to receive communion.
Unless one bleaches the debate of its living doctrinal substance — and the Rav explicitly states that requiring men of faith to bracket their deepest experiences constitutes unacceptable censorship — it inevitably raises questions about atonement, justification, faith and works, and so on.
These convictions posit the necessity — before a church lobby can exist, before the mobilization of opinion behind specific policies can be achieved — to create a process for broadening and deepening public debate on urgent questions.
On my view, the debate revolves around different answers to two questions.
So here's a question: Do you think that following Jesus should influence one's viewpoint on the health care debate?
You would think that if your god was so reasonable it wouldn't allow this non-stop questioning to go on and would have settled this debate many many years ago instead of being the evasive monster it is.
The question of whether those are valid comparisons became a hotly debated topic in our comments section, opening up a discussion about the ways the two cases might help shed light on one other.
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