Sentences with phrase «debate topic»

A "debate topic" refers to the subject or issue that is being discussed and argued about in a debate. Full definition
One of the most hotly debated topics in the fitness industry today is that of training to the point of muscular failure.
Oil is one of the most hotly debated topics in the energy debate, with «peak oil» lying at the heart of the argument.
By and away the most hotly debated topic of discussion was the introduction of multiplayer into what many considered to be a quintessential solo experience.
In fact, long shifts are a trend that continues today and is a hotly debated topic as nurses tend to burnout from extended shifts.
The subject of the counter offer is a very highly debated topic.
Dating after divorce is a much debated topic due to the psychological and emotional impact it can have on people.
The use of drones has been a widely debated topic in the real estate industry lately.
I would easily enjoy debating this topic with anyone who take this ridiculous point of view that this lady has written.
Another crucial debate topic: Is the moon a lesser light, or is that light merely solar light reflected off the moon.
The use of technology in schools is still a heavily debated topic.
This is a much - debated topic within the ED treatment community.
It is a waste of time for me to debate this topic because I know how you will respond.
On a larger level, a successful trial would prove the usefulness of human embryonic stem cells in treating diseases, a fiercely debated topic.
I am very surprised that more people do not debate this topic more often.
Net neutrality is becoming a hotly debated topic seemingly everywhere.
Where your baby sleeps is a hot debate topic among parents in today's world.
But many debate topics lend themselves to a different form of debate — the role play debate.
Student loan debt is a pretty debated topic these days.
And what better way to start than with what is arguably the most hotly debated topic between gamers and the media: violence.
The panel discussed the hotly debated topics associated with third - party funding and provide an update on the latest funding products in the market.
If you want a list of debate topics for a middle - school debate, then the site won't let you down.
One of the most debated topics of Canadian real estate investing beginners has got to be cash flow.
This is a highly debated topic — some people swear that it does, and then there is research that says it doesn't.
Whether or not to use a shock collar is one of the most hotly debated topics among dog owners.
Video gaming among children and adolescents is a much debated topic.
Otherwise, consider my answer to the heavily debated topic: It depends.
In the end, foreign asset allocations is a hotly debated topic in finance.
Mommy wars rage like crazy on the Internet, with parents debating topics like breast vs. bottle, to vaccinate or not to vaccinate, and who has it harder — moms who stay at home or those who return to work.
Moderated by WNYC economic development journalist Janet Babin, candidates Rubain Dorancy and Jesse Hamilton answered questions submitted by the community and debated topics ranging from education to public schools to affordable housing.
Food allergies and sensitivities are a hotly debated topic amongst different health professionals.
Teachout highlights some possible debate topics for Singer, including trade deals, education, offshoring jobs, and climate change.
One of the most frequently debated topics among endurance athletes (among others, such as the utility of power meters, footstrike versus heelstrike, value of «junk miles», water versus sports drinks, costs versus benefits of disc wheels, whether the catch up drill is good or bad for swimming form... actually, endurance athletes seem to argue about a lot of things...) is the benefit of actual resistance training to performance.
It also includes a «randomiser» slide so that you can generate random debate topics instantly.
This long debated topic of authors being concerned with pirated eBooks arose once again the other week with a conversation with an author and seems to be still making it's way around the nether - webs on the tongues of writers and authors entering the marketplace.
Zelda Challenge is our show where Kevin and Gooey debate a topic relating to The Legend of Zelda.
Which brings us to the Common Core State Standards, this year's leading educational debate topic.
(In social studies, for instance, students debate the topic in class.)
The BIG Print debate will see a panel of experts debate the topic: «Can analogue print survive in a digital world?»
The popular show feature, the BIG Packaging Debate, is also returning, where a panel of packaging professionals debate the topic «Is legislation stopping you innovate?»
Organised by leading industry publication Eurofruit - part of publishing group Fruitnet Media International - and taking place on 4 December 2017 in Dubai, the event will bring together some of the region's leading players to debate the topics affecting fresh produce trade in the Middle East.
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