Sentences with phrase «debates about scripture»

We get into enough debates about scripture amoungst each other let alone let someone outside of the Faiths to tell us what the text says.
As for the current intra-evangelical debate about Scripture, I will say only that inerrancy with the needed footnotes weighs in about the same as naked infallibility,» or so it seems to me.

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The «Old Me» from ten years ago debates the «New Me» from today about the traditional doctrine of the Inspiration of Scripture.
Several years ago, a protracted, solemn, and highly technical debate raged through several prominent literary journals about a new edition of Joyce's Ulysses, a debate that reminded one of nothing more than the fundamentalist - modernist debates about the historical authenticity of the Scriptures.
The fact that people are tempted to abuse Scripture by calling upon it to support whatever they believe is one of the reasons it is inappropriate most of the time to think that the primary theological debate is about whether the biblical text is authoritative or not.
Misleading Uses Of Scripture Th is impression is reinforced by some diocesan schemes designed for use by small discussion groups in parishes, which encourage debate about scriptural passages without any doctrinal framework or guidance.
, and I love a good debate about theology and how to understand Scripture.
This concern about how worldly goods inhibit spiritual progress is not prominent in the Jewish scriptures and has introduced distinctive debates into Christianity.
The nineteenth century saw heated debates, in response to Darwin's theory of evolution and the beginnings of historical criticism of the Bible, about whether the scripture was verbally inerrant.
I first sensed the ambiguity of the Bible regarding war and peace as a child, listening to my father and mother quote scripture to each other in their ongoing debate about this issue.
The debate among Christians about the meaning and nature of the resurrection of Jesus has moved from the appeal to inerrant scripture, which was regarded by most until a century ago as being quite sufficient, to the arena where the tools of historical and literary criticism are regarded as legitimate.
I've spent far more time than I care to admit combing through complementarian literature, reading debates about whether women can read Scripture aloud in church, whether female missionaries should be permitted to give presentations on Sunday evenings, what age groups women should be allowed to teach in Sunday school, whether women can speak in small group Bible studies, what titles to bestow upon worship leaders and children's ministry coordinators so that they don't appear too authoritative, and on and on and on.
But it is not necessary to await the outcome of a long debate before one arrives at the conclusion that whatever else is true about these relations, the identification of the Scriptures with God is an error, a denial of the content of the Scriptures themselves.
We can and should debate theology and doctrine, but we must never think that we are the infallible interpreters of Scripture and determiners of people's destiny, and should also remember that doctrine, as important as it is, becomes evil when debates and discussions about theology keep us from living out the loving gospel in tangible ways to a hurting and dying world.
Jesus himself in gospel passages that I can not even count at this moment — argued and debated with people constantly about beliefs — whether that was in question format or conversation... but it always involved scripture and interpretation.
WHERE IS THE LOVE OF GOD IN ALL THIS??? This is an open forum, an invitation to debate... it isn't a place for name calling, or put downs... it isn't a place for closed mindedness... its a place to exchange ideas, and perhaps to come to a greater understanding of scripture and one another and when someone puts someone down or is dogmatic about another's beliefs it prevents dialogue.
The way «justify» is used today is not the way it is used in Scripture, and there is even a HUGE debate about how it was used in Scripture....
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