Sentences with phrase «debates over differences»

In the last few years, debates over differences between estimates from different groups have become increasingly heated.
For those who disagree with my assessment about the current state of our franchise, I welcome, even encourage your dissenting views, but your continued refusal to engage in a healthy debate over our differences certainly hasn't helped the cause.

Not exact matches

The chief debates over regulation center on the philosophical and ideological differences over government's responsibilities versus free market rights.
(CNN)- There weren't too many sharp differences among the Republican presidential candidates in Monday night's New Hampshire debate, but a crack did emerge over how Islam and Muslims ought to be treated in the United States.
The question as to whether there is a qualitative difference in the education being offered in church - sponsored colleges as over against state - supported institutions is a matter that has to be debated in the zero - based mission planning that Bishop Adams suggests.
While debate over the understanding of Biblical interpretation lies at the heart of current evangelical discussions concerning women, differences in theological tradition lie at the center of discussions over social ethics, and disagreement over one's approach toward the wider secular culture is surfacing as the focus of controversy regarding homosexuality.
In a series of articles and editorials that appeared in both magazines during 1977, differences of opinion over the church's involvement in society were defined and debated with little resolution.11 Although both sides refrained from labeling it merely a contemporary version of the debate between sixteenth century Anabaptism and sixteenth - century Calvinism, both recognized the importance their historical antecedents played in the discussion.
Religion News Service: Catholic bishops fail to agree on statement on the economy A divided Catholic hierarchy on Tuesday (Nov. 13) failed to agree on a statement about the economy after a debate that revealed sharp differences over the kind of social justice issues that were once a hallmark of the bishops» public profile.
Karren Brady's intervention in the debate over Sam Allardyce's future has made no difference to the manager himself.
That's according to Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who in an interview on NY1 after last night's Brooklyn debate said the exchange over the wage issue highlighted the main differences between the two candidates.
Differences over detention powers might now be debated in an atmosphere of mutual respect.
But the differences over Trident, which are to be examined in a review headed by Maria Eagle, go to the heart of the debate about the future of the Labour party.
More than two years later, a study looks closely at the differences in color perception that fueled widespread debate over «The Dress.»
It all sounds like a recipe for the most noxious liberal jerk - off movie since «Crash,» but in the hands of writer - director Richard LaGravenese, Freedom Writers turns out to be a superb piece of mainstream entertainment — not an agonized debate over the principles of modern education à la «The History Boys,» but a simple, straightforward and surprisingly affecting story of one woman who managed to make a difference.
This report brings data from the newly - released 2016 National Survey of Children's Health (NSCH) to the robust policy and research debate over the extent to which differences in aggregate special education participation rates over racial and ethnic groups represent differences in underlying needs for special education.
It's not surprising when it comes to attitudes to gender, then, that there are hot debates over the nature of men and women, and boys and girls, and that these continue despite some decades of evidence and argument that gender differences are small and often not particularly significant.
It has been nearly a year since the book The Bell Curve ignited a controversy over alleged racial differences in IQ, but the debate was still going strong at the national meeting of the American Psychological Association here last month.
During the debate in the U.S. Senate over the confirmation of Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education, much of the focus centered on partisan political differences and intense opposition from special interest groups.
In the moral debate over how to manage California's schools, the only difference between the CTA and Palpatine's empire is that complementing the overwhelming raw power wielded by the CTA, there is a propaganda machine of unmatched potency.
«A new article by Dr. Craig L. Israelsen titled, This piece of evidence could derail the growth vs. value debate, opened my eyes to the huge differences similar indices earn over similar periods of time.
The resolution debates are over multi plat games, as they were last gen.. If they don't matter now then why did it matter last gen with those tiny differences?
As debates over national and global climate and energy policy continue to drag out, there's been an intensifying exploration of climate miscommunication among those seeking concrete actions that will make a noticeable difference in the atmosphere someday.
«Differences over extent of any human influence is the essence of the climate debate.
Then I saw the Great Global Warming Hoax documentary, and saw there that the debate was not over, that there were perfectly credible and educated researchers who had a difference of opinion.
All I would ask is that she look over this thread, and explain to me why my posts, as opposed to say those of cwon, or Jim Owen, or Bruce, are more «thread - jacking» in nature based on a criterion other than, simply, a difference in orientation toward the debate.
The question became part of a long - running debate over what mainly drove ocean circulation: was it differences in density, whether due to cold or salt, or was it the steady push of winds?
Fortunately, this lonely set of voices «demanding» non-sensical debate over the realities of climate change are being more than drowned out by a very wide and diverse group of people standing up to make a difference in a positive way.
I get your point, and it might ring true for many people, but if $ 100 makes such a difference in your life, I doubt you should be out there debating over the merits of modern technology on a tech site.
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