Sentences with phrase «debates the challenges of»

Wednesday 7 May Sam Lackey, Curator at The Hepworth Wakefield, debates the challenges of curating in the post-medium age.
Sam Lackey, Curator at The Hepworth Wakefield, debates the challenges of curating in the post-medium age.

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On CNBC's «Fast Money,» as part of their madness challenge, the traders debate some of the best tech plays right now.
On CNBC's «Fast Money,» as part of their Madness challenge, the traders debate Intuit vs. Western Union.
Many of the challenges that urban regions face spill over the boundaries of municipal governments — none more so than in the current Ontario debate over public transit.
We would strongly recommend that you support the IMF conclusion in its recent report on» the importance of increasing transparency and communication about these challenges (demographic) and their long - run implications, (and) to increase public awareness and contribute to a debate about possible solutions» [9].
After three days of interacting with these experts, hours of exploring challenges at a deeper level than you'll find in today's financial media, and debating with fellow attendees from around the world, you'll be more prepared than ever to safeguard the future of your family and your wealth.
In Miami's Liberty City neighborhood, where the debate over guns is old and fraught, protesting the shooting death of a student proved far more challenging than his classmates expected.
As the debate has taken on a decidedly Asia focus, with some recent studies and popular media coverage pointing to investors from Asia as one of the drivers of Vancouver's soaring housing prices, the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada (APF Canada) has written a background document aggregating the available facts, outlining similar challenges in other jurisdictions, and raising the question: Is public policy required?
Yesterday, I took part in a panel discussion in Davos titled «Hack the Attack» where we debated some of the key challenges that face the public and private sector in working together to prepare for cyberattacks.
It means restoring honest, rigorous policy debate, advocating for more formal representation of women and minority groups, and challenging the retreat of government from investing in our communities.
JDC West is a three - day competition that challenges students in the areas of academics, athletics, debate and social events.
PWM's Perspectives debate brought together some of Europe's leading wealth managers to discuss how private banking institutions are rising to the digital challenge
High - quality debates can be fostered by methods such as challenging the key assumptions behind management's proposals, exploring various biases that board members bring to the table, and conducting annual evaluations of individual directors to assess the degree to which they contribute.
Trump, however, has challenged that schedule, saying in a 2015 presidential primary debate that he wanted «smaller doses over a longer period of time.»
I invite and welcome argument, dialog, debate... in the challenge of ideas.
The lion's share of the debate focused on the Middle East, with the President defending his record and Governor Mitt Romney challenging it.
To lead us in these conversations we have recently invited some of the best up - and - coming thinkers and practitioners to help us dig deep into loving debates that challenge common assumptions and affirm uncommon insight.
To them, persecution means that someone fails to take into account religious dogma when enacting policies, or that they simply have the gal to challenge the basis of your relgious dogma through intellectual debate.
That extreme version isn't my scene either, but I do like the act of debate and I do enjoy being challenged even when that means people call me names.
Our story on a small cadre of authors challenging the existence of Jesus Christ drew almost 5,000 comments on Easter Sunday, with some upset that we did the story, others objecting to its publication on Easter, and plenty of others defending the article and the run date and debating the merits and implications of the debate.
This is a forum for, at least in part, debate and challenge of our views and beliefs.
He challenged ISIS leader Abu Bakr al - Baghdadi to a debate that pits Islam's theology of life against ISIS» cult of death.
If I may be allowed a rejoinder, as per the usual debating protocol, I would begin by commenting that the authority of the Church's Magisterium can hardly be challenged by an article in L'Osservatore Romano.
By citing this verse, Barfi challenged all extremists to a debate that would expose their bankrupt cult of death for the forgery it is.
While the accusation may spell the death of argument, one can revive the debate by challenging the contention that all forms of discrimination are morally wrong.
For the sake of theological debate, let us challenge ourselves with this statement: The opposite of love is fear.
The point is not to debate or challenge, but to ask the sort of questions that will help us understand one another better.
Remember that the point of our interview series is not to debate or challenge, but to ask the sort of questions that will help us understand one another better.
(CNN)- There's been a lot of debate about the Republican Party's need to rebrand after the 2012 presidential defeat, but could evangelicals face the same challenge?
BOTH of these challenges speak to the very core of the debate, and you thus far have completely ignored them.
To put beyond debate the most intellectually challenging work of Thomas Aquinas did no favors for his heritage.
Ken Ham challenged Bill Nye to a debate, even while Ken Ham continues to run from me and my proposal that he «come out» and «come clean» regarding his positions relating to my argument that so many of his followers rail against but which quite properly is able to demonstrate why it is, in part, that young - earth creation - science promoters have failed in their scientific pretensions and legal challenges.
The debate over how to attract young voters is symptomatic of the challenges faced by American conservatives.
I thought the article was interesting and thought provoking — a challenge to evangelical Christians to embrace Jesus» words independently from the hypocritical political group - think of the religious right and raise their beliefs out of the political debate.
What is being challenged by the continuing debate is the nature and efficacy of Biblical authority itself.
In the case of the current debate among evangelicals over woman's place in the church and marriage, however, the challenge of conflicting viewpoints has brought what otherwise might have remained implicit methods of interpretation to light.
In a Guardian article on November 3rd the prominent Islamic scholar Tariq Ramadan wrote concerning the «debate between faith and reason, and over the virtues of rationalism»: «The Pope's remarks at Regensburg have opened up new areas of inquiry that must be explored and exploited in a positive way, with a view to building bridges and, working hand in hand, to seeking a common response to the social, cultural and economic challenges of our day.»
Please remember the point of our interview series is not to debate or challenge, but to ask the sort of questions that will help us understand one another better.
Some pretty hot topics can come up which are debated with pages and pages of comments, arguments, and challenges.
[On a related note, I just want to say that in the wake of this crazy Chick - fil - A debate, I've actually engaged in some relatively constructive, redemptive conversations, and I've been encouraged to see Christians challenging one another to raise the level of discourse.
Remember that the point is not to debate or challenge, but to ask the sort of questions that will help us understand one another better.
In this case, the Chief Politician of the land has implicitly challenged the churches to a public debate over the application of Christian principles to the war he has launched.
Thus, for a key example, the authors of the Constitution appear in debates and analyses only as authorities, perhaps supporting or perhaps challenging, but in any case other than the American people.
The American Values Network, a group of political activists and pastors, sparked a debate when it recently released a video challenging some conservative and Republican leaders» professed admiration for Rand, an atheist who saw selfishness as a virtue and celebrated unfettered capitalism.
Well, it was hard, with continual grading of genuinely challenging assignments, and the curriculum was divided, as I recall, between old - time diagram - the - sentences grammar, an in - class debate tournament, the novel To Kill A Mockingbird, and poetry analysis, introduced through — you guessed it — rock song analysis!
The Church must begin the work of challenging and transforming the culture, taking a bold approach to challenging the faulty anthropologies that plague the «debate» over sexuality and marriage in the UK.
Over the last four years, we've dealt with our fair share of challenging issues, and played a role in some of the country's most contentious debates.
The churches at this point have a great responsibility not to advocate over-all idealistic solutions but to emphasize the distinctively Christian message that is relevant to these issues, to help their members to see the world without the characteristic American ideological blinders, to challenge many of the prevailing assumptions about the cold war and nuclear armaments, and to encourage the debate on public questions about which most people prefer to be silent.
In the chavruta style of learning, the young men sit together in groups of two and debate and challenge one another to a deeper understanding of the Scriptures.
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