Sentences with phrase «debilitating than a physical one»

In fact, many would argue that a mental ailment is often more debilitating than a physical one.

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But sooner than we might think, the term «quality of life» will be cropping up in popular medical / ethical articles about people who are not dying but who have either been born with severe physical birth defects or have sustained severely debilitating injuries, such as quadraplegia.
Cognitive symptoms, including cognitive fatigue, are a common but under recognized complication of MS. Individuals with MS often report experiencing cognitive fatigue, (fatigue resulting from mental work rather than from physical labor) as one of their most debilitating symptoms.
Your adrenals are the physical interface between idea and execution and nowhere is this more true than for service - committed professionals and business owners who are at high risk for debilitating burnout!
Separation anxiety and your dog's clinginess are far from cute or endearing; they are extremely debilitating, traumatic and stressful for your dog and will end your social life faster than a nun at Prom (no offence to nuns) and can cause emotional, physical and pathological damage to your pup, all of which can shorten your fur baby's lifespan.
Coupled with this research is the landmark Adverse Childhood Experiences Study (ACE)(Felitti, et al., 1998) which reviewed the health of more than 17,000 mid-life adults and confirmed that early exposure to negative childhood experiences of abuse, neglect and witnessing violence leads to lifelong, debilitating mental and physical health problems, and ultimately, early mortality.
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