Sentences with phrase «debrief session»

We supported Secretary Duncan's outreach efforts through writing blogs, facilitating roundtables, and conducting debriefing sessions with principals.
By writing lesson reviews and participating in debriefing sessions, university faculty members simultaneously assess teachers» knowledge and provide professional development.
Reviewers expressed concern about this omission when reading the initial lesson, but the point had to be revisited during debriefing sessions because the original feedback was not utilized.
The specific qualitative data sources include teachers» written lesson plans, university faculty members» reviews of lessons, transcripts and videos of implemented lessons, and recordings and transcripts of debriefing sessions about implemented lessons.
During the week after the September 11 attacks, Dass - Brailsford was on one of the first trains to New York City, where she conducted debriefing sessions with a large financial company that had had offices in the World Trade Center.
And from the literature, we are learning that old styles of early intervention, such as debriefing sessions, are not as effective as once thought — and that more often than not, people are incredibly resilient and can recover on their own and should be given the opportunity to do so.
This work was part of ongoing coaching, where planning, observing and debriefing sessions occurred periodically over an extended period of time.
Student debriefing sessions provide daily opportunities for students to express their reasoning (MP 8) and construct arguments and critique the reasoning of others (MP3).
Not only did the leader meet with each of them privately and call them weekly, but the adults met as a group for an informal debriefing session after the youth went home each week.
During the post-observation group debriefing session, teachers analyze the positive aspects of what they observed and speculate on how the observed teachers got the results they did.
Mentored interns, managed observation schedules of staff interpreters, led debriefing sessions with professional dialogue, practiced self - analysis through video - taping personal work and applying the Demand / Control Theory
These written and verbal observations are then compared against the LSG's implemented lesson and teachers» debriefing session comments.
After this information is shared, the video is played, and debriefing session participants are asked to take notes on perceived strengths and weaknesses of the lesson.
Preservice teachers knew that it would not be practical to challenge the funding structures of the school but learned through debriefing sessions with the host teacher of a project that would give back to students.
Bates Drive Public School used to not have any formal debriefing sessions.
During a follow - up debriefing session, researchers supplied the soldiers with misinformation about the interrogator and the false information led many of the soldiers to wrongly identify the person who had harshly interrogated them.
The consultation includes an individual meeting with the student, a family meeting, a review of student's records, a written report and a family debriefing session
On the day of the Culture Walks, Kickboard will facilitate the first round of Peer Culture Walks and debriefing sessions side - by - side with a campus - based facilitator.
I reasoned that the firsthand perspectives of students and educators who participated in the pilot would help me see what each group needs, so I arranged debriefing sessions in schools.
A coach who is a former HOT school classroom teacher observes the artist at work and helps to guide the planning process and provides feedback during multiple debrief sessions.
A special debrief session will follow when attendees return from the visit.
We adopted a threshold that early - stage teacher education students should readily understand: those incidents that an experienced teacher - supervisor observing a student teacher would comment upon in a short postobservation debrief session.
Through ongoing debriefing sessions with the host teacher, the preservice teachers learned that host students often lacked opportunities many preservice teachers considered fundamental to their K - 12 educational experiences.
From interactions with the host teacher and host students and information gained from debriefing sessions, preservice teachers» prejudgments about low - income minority students often underwent reformation.
Upon their return to university, during their practicum debrief session, numerous students spontaneously shared their success stories about their use of interactive whiteboards, Fun With Construction, and other interactive applications they had discovered on the Internet.
They then go through the same process of individually looking at the test two more times — with an additional debriefing session between the second and third rounds.
To make their experience more meaningful, we conducted a forty - five minute debrief session which we enhanced by showing as the video «President Obama: Our future is on the line» which was released by the Alliance for Climate Education (ACE) with the purpose of instilling «climate hope» to our participants.
Now, the firm systematically gathers specific objectives from partners on the front end and conducts extensive debriefing sessions on the back end, capturing and deploying the info and issuing it to improve what they do and to make resource allocation decisions.
Once the file is complete, a more formal post-matter debrief session should be held with both the law firm and client team in attendance.
Therefore, in addition to the assessment, Colonial Driving School will offer a thorough debriefing session afterwards.
Attending weekly debrief sessions to review experiences and facilitate a feedback loop with team members.
Individual, one - hour debriefing session with participant prior to beginning the group process
One review (Gamble et al., 2002) concludes that a one - off debriefing session is not effective in reducing psychological morbidity in women who have experienced a traumatic childbirth, and may even be harmful.
Transcripts of the implemented, videotaped lessons and transcripts of debriefing sessions are also included.
Reviews and comments during debriefing sessions are not simply for the purpose of summative assessment, but also to identify aspects of teachers» lessons that can be improved upon.
In debriefing sessions I have noted some of the statements made by recently returned volunteers.
Supervised weekly medical simulations with robotic mannequins and led debriefing sessions with all students
As part of virtual field experiences, the curriculum was designed to provide preservice teachers with periodic opportunities to conduct debriefing sessions with the teacher without students present.
Conduct at least one, weekly one - on - one debrief session with TFs, in which they receive concrete feedback
We all met again 3 months after completing our fellowships at the debrief session held in London.
The film also frequently cuts back to Lorraine's debriefing session with her MI6 superior Eric Gray (Toby Jones) and a CIA liaison (John Goodman), seemingly to try and make sense of everything for the audience, but it only serves to confuse things more.
This is followed by a debriefing session, led by the coach.
The goal of a debrief session is to review the team's experience with designing, producing, and executing the ARG.
And at the end of the day, during a debriefing session, we always presented our PFAD with a commemorative school T - shirt.»
At a follow - up faculty meeting the student should facilitate the debriefing session using the data gained from the parent interviews.
Discussion points for the debriefing session include:
Following each school visit, AYPF staff will conduct debrief sessions that will provide participants an opportunity to reflect on the learning and relate it to their own efforts in Mississippi.
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