Sentences with phrase «debriefing of»

Conducted source operations, interrogations, and debriefing of US friendly sources.
Reading the Evropaïki Dynamiki (ESP - ISEP) Judgment, one can not but wonder if EU public procurement rules do not still impose an excessive degree of transparency in the debriefing of disappointed bidders.
In its Judgment of 4 October 2012 in case C ‑ 629 / 11 P Evropaïki Dynamiki v Commission (ESP - ISEP), the Court of Justice has issued another interesting decision on what should be considered sufficient debriefing of disappointed bidders in public procurement procedures.
Following a harsh training session that echoes «Full Metal Jacket» in its blend of vulgar directives and harsh physical ordeals, Gary and his cohorts receive a cursory debriefing of their mission into Belgrade: separated into the ostensibly hostile Catholic nationalists and Protestant loyalists, the troops launch an ill - fated operation to neutralize the area and wind up at the center of a chaotic protest.
It's framed within a dour, standing - room - only debriefing of the only survivor of a science team that went to investigate an asteroid - delivered phenomenon that has engulfed a state park.
He frames the story with the clinical debriefing of the clearly rattled Lena (Natalie Portman), a biologist and former soldier.
A review of postnatal debriefing of mothers following traumatic birth.
After each exhibition, the pilots and the crew conduct a debriefing of the team's performance.
Teachers can begin by talking about the day, or a debrief of how the night before was — how was dinner, did you get your homework done?
Your conversation will include a debrief of your lesson demo as well as your past teaching experiences.
When asked to reflect on his involvement in this process, one IR team member stated: «Our group was focused on the exact same components while observing, and our debrief of the data was straight to the point.
As soon as that race finishes, you want to see how the result affects the championship, go through the debrief of the race weekend and immediately prepare for the next race.
If you need a debrief of the stats, here you go.
Apologies for being potentially off - topic, but for those of you with an interest in the legal aspects of climate change and regulatory policy, a number of organizations are offering 8:30 am — 12 noon program on March 1 here in Washington DC entitled «Debrief of the DC Circuit's Oral Arguments on EPA's GHG Rulemakings March 1, 2012» (

Not exact matches

After you write a few notes, keep track of the time and make sure you allow about one minute at the end to debrief.
A culture of debriefing is what passes your lessons learned into the future.
The program ends with all of the mentees reconvening in New York City for a dinner and debriefing.
Non-profit Vital Voices helps runs the orientation and debriefing piece of the programming and stays connected to alumnae when they return to their home countries.
My father loved to talk about the Blue Angels as a model of excellence, and as a college coach I modeled my team's post-game debriefs after the Blue Angels».
In this election edition of the Dogwood podcast, Kai Nagata debriefs Christy Clark's great flip - flop on U.S. thermal coal with Arie Ross.
In their debriefing on a services meeting held as part of the ministerial, WTO staff described it as «dreadful.»
I remember meetings as far back as 2008, for example involving senior United States or European government officials looking to be debriefed on the Chinese economy, in which the foreign (and some Chinese) analysts present spoke jauntily about the great success of China's growth policies and the brilliant future ahead, while many of the Chinese economists present were much more cautious and even gloomy as they discussed the sheer intractability of China's economic distortions.
Keep your opinions (and ego) out of the debrief and you'll learn faster.
«One of the most valuable experiences in participating in the Edison Awards is knowing that if your design falls short of winning you will have an opportunity to be debriefed by the Edison team to learn how the jurors viewed your application, both its strengths & weaknesses.
The group then divides into two subgroups, led by the minister and her co-facilitator, for experiential and feeling - level sharing, including debriefing on such between - session assignments as: «Talk to three people about death, being aware of how they respond» or «Imagine that you have only a limited time to live and try to say how this awareness influences your feelings about your lifestyle and present relationship.»
In larger groups, debrief in circles of five to seven.
I know there are organizations (like the one for ministers that quit believing) that go through a «de-conversion» process (I don't like calling it de-conversion because of the conversion attribute) or a debriefing counsel but I have never seen any docu * mentation on just what the process is.
We're talking about discipline (or the lack of it), church today, new friend debriefings, the book I'm writing, the school he's trying to finish (still) and how frustrating it is to work and work and still feel like you're just barely making ends meet because I do a lot of things really well but unfortunately, none of them make us much money.
Best Debriefs: Peter Enns with «Inerrancy and the Recent Non-Apocalyptic Discussion at the Annual ETS Meeting in Baltimore» and Michael Bird with «Reflections on ETS and the Conference Theme of Inerrancy»
Earlier this year I was in charge of «debriefing» a small group of evangelical college students who had spent their spring break working with various agencies serving the homeless in inner - city Washington.
Our service project and mission trip debriefings often include variations on the theme of how we should push away our disgruntled or disappointed thoughts because (thank God!)
In debriefing sessions I have noted some of the statements made by recently returned volunteers.
Debriefing revealed that many of the participants had become aware of race - related feelings — shock, fear, expectation of rejection, vulnerability, confusion, inferiority as a Black, relief at being White again, and guilt about these responses.5 This group was relatively free of conscious prejudices and was dedicated to racial justice.
The deeply personal learnings which resulted came from confrontations with the victims of social exploitation and from the debriefing in small rap sessions.
In using this approach, it is essential to debrief the feelings stirred up in the participants thoroughly and then to ask them to suggest and try (in role playing) alternative ways of communicating that will avoid the mutual - frustrating P - C interaction.
As is Chef Keller's custom, late in the evening of last year's party, he held a debriefing with his culinary team, reflecting on best ideas and areas for opportunity for this year's event.
«But rest assured these things and the safety of everyone is paramount and we will be making sure that immediately in the debrief any learnings we can do are going to be implemented and we can work through it.
Earnhardt and Letarte began to sit in on Johnson's postpractice debriefings with his crew chief, Chad Knaus — in which Johnson and Knaus would painstakingly review notes on the car's balance, the preferred line around the track and the locations of the best passing zones.
Make debriefing following any transfer and any clinical emergency an absolute requirement of your birth staff.
We encourage all home birth practices, many of which we are blessed to have as readers on our blog, to implement a debriefing strategy with your attendants.
Rather, debriefing was viewed as an avenue for lawsuit rather than prevention of such.
When debriefing is avoided, this is either because the attendant fails to recognize the significance of the event, is not committed to the client or clinical excellence, or more often because they are isolating themselves.
I think there's a lot that could be done in the way of debriefing after birth to help women process their experiences and come to terms with the reality of what occurred.
I think the sign off from CRA above says it all... Just like when you read a voter ballot on propositions, I go straight to the source of who is behind the voice, and CRA consistently has used this «trace» argument time and again, just like the chem companies do with the lead in lipstick (I just attended the Teens Turning Green national summit, and found the debriefing almost verbatim to the CRA «counterpoint» above... it's only a «little» lead, not enough to... blahdeblah, times «x» amounts of applications per day times «x» amounts of other products with «trace» amounts, ad infinitum...)
Perhaps a debrief for every birth would be helpful — it could be part of the postnatal midwife visits — I would have liked to have seen my UK labour notes (got given a copy for free in NZ).
Postnatal appointments often include a debrief about how things went for you and address any of the concerns you may have caring for your newborn.
It is however likely that the BNI may have already debriefed the three South Africans as part of its deposition package, which it will use in case the case proceeds to all the way to the Supreme Court.
Hi folks, last week I hooked up with Karen Jagoda and Digital Politics Radio for a campaign debrief, and we covered a ton of fruitful ground in just a twenty - minute chat.
In our RT Debrief this morning, Lee Miringoff, director of the Marist Institute for Public Opinion, a research center and home of the Marist Poll, joins us.
The CP added that the monarch was hale and hearty as at the time of his rescue, saying that he met personally with the monarch and debriefed him on his state of health.
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