Sentences with phrase «debt expenses while»

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Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those reflected in such forward - looking statements and that should be considered in evaluating our outlook include, but are not limited to, the following: 1) our ability to continue to grow our business and execute our growth strategy, including the timing, execution, and profitability of new and maturing programs; 2) our ability to perform our obligations under our new and maturing commercial, business aircraft, and military development programs, and the related recurring production; 3) our ability to accurately estimate and manage performance, cost, and revenue under our contracts, including our ability to achieve certain cost reductions with respect to the B787 program; 4) margin pressures and the potential for additional forward losses on new and maturing programs; 5) our ability to accommodate, and the cost of accommodating, announced increases in the build rates of certain aircraft; 6) the effect on aircraft demand and build rates of changing customer preferences for business aircraft, including the effect of global economic conditions on the business aircraft market and expanding conflicts or political unrest in the Middle East or Asia; 7) customer cancellations or deferrals as a result of global economic uncertainty or otherwise; 8) the effect of economic conditions in the industries and markets in which we operate in the U.S. and globally and any changes therein, including fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates; 9) the success and timely execution of key milestones such as the receipt of necessary regulatory approvals, including our ability to obtain in a timely fashion any required regulatory or other third party approvals for the consummation of our announced acquisition of Asco, and customer adherence to their announced schedules; 10) our ability to successfully negotiate, or re-negotiate, future pricing under our supply agreements with Boeing and our other customers; 11) our ability to enter into profitable supply arrangements with additional customers; 12) the ability of all parties to satisfy their performance requirements under existing supply contracts with our two major customers, Boeing and Airbus, and other customers, and the risk of nonpayment by such customers; 13) any adverse impact on Boeing's and Airbus» production of aircraft resulting from cancellations, deferrals, or reduced orders by their customers or from labor disputes, domestic or international hostilities, or acts of terrorism; 14) any adverse impact on the demand for air travel or our operations from the outbreak of diseases or epidemic or pandemic outbreaks; 15) our ability to avoid or recover from cyber-based or other security attacks, information technology failures, or other disruptions; 16) returns on pension plan assets and the impact of future discount rate changes on pension obligations; 17) our ability to borrow additional funds or refinance debt, including our ability to obtain the debt to finance the purchase price for our announced acquisition of Asco on favorable terms or at all; 18) competition from commercial aerospace original equipment manufacturers and other aerostructures suppliers; 19) the effect of governmental laws, such as U.S. export control laws and U.S. and foreign anti-bribery laws such as the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and the United Kingdom Bribery Act, and environmental laws and agency regulations, both in the U.S. and abroad; 20) the effect of changes in tax law, such as the effect of The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (the «TCJA») that was enacted on December 22, 2017, and changes to the interpretations of or guidance related thereto, and the Company's ability to accurately calculate and estimate the effect of such changes; 21) any reduction in our credit ratings; 22) our dependence on our suppliers, as well as the cost and availability of raw materials and purchased components; 23) our ability to recruit and retain a critical mass of highly - skilled employees and our relationships with the unions representing many of our employees; 24) spending by the U.S. and other governments on defense; 25) the possibility that our cash flows and our credit facility may not be adequate for our additional capital needs or for payment of interest on, and principal of, our indebtedness; 26) our exposure under our revolving credit facility to higher interest payments should interest rates increase substantially; 27) the effectiveness of any interest rate hedging programs; 28) the effectiveness of our internal control over financial reporting; 29) the outcome or impact of ongoing or future litigation, claims, and regulatory actions; 30) exposure to potential product liability and warranty claims; 31) our ability to effectively assess, manage and integrate acquisitions that we pursue, including our ability to successfully integrate the Asco business and generate synergies and other cost savings; 32) our ability to consummate our announced acquisition of Asco in a timely matter while avoiding any unexpected costs, charges, expenses, adverse changes to business relationships and other business disruptions for ourselves and Asco as a result of the acquisition; 33) our ability to continue selling certain receivables through our supplier financing program; 34) the risks of doing business internationally, including fluctuations in foreign current exchange rates, impositions of tariffs or embargoes, compliance with foreign laws, and domestic and foreign government policies; and 35) our ability to complete the proposed accelerated stock repurchase plan, among other things.
Of those parents, 84 percent are helping with living expenses, while 70 percent are assisting with debt.
Based on the financial results for the first seven months of 2016 - 17, public debt charges could be as much as $ 1 billion lower than forecast in the Update, while direct program expenses could be at least $ 2 billion lower.
Of the $ 2.9 billion year - over-year improvement, budgetary revenues were up by $ 3.4 billion, public debt charges declined by $ 1.1 billion, while program expenses were up by $ 1.6 billion.
Based on the financial results for the first nine months of 2016 - 17, public debt charges could be as much as $ 1 billion lower than forecast in the Update, while direct program expenses could be at least $ 2 billion lower.
While some school administrators may frown on the practice of using borrowed cash for non-school expenses — and taking out student loans for risky investments seems like a great way to graduate with even more debt — per Student Loan Report there aren't any rules against it.
While both debt and equity require some degree of expense to compensate lenders and shareholders for the risk of investment, each also carries an opportunity cost.
Budgetary reveues were up $ 4.1 billion, public debt charges were marginally lower, while program expenses increased by $ 5.4 billion.
While debt service may be a large part of your business» expenses, it's not the only one.
St. Louis financial planner Chad Slagle recommends determining how much coverage to get this way: «Add up all your debt — autos, house, credit cards, outstanding student loans — and calculate how much insurance would pay off that debt and then give you enough interest income to cover your expenses while staying home to take care of your family.»
While doing so would not eliminate your debts, it would free up some cash to cover other important expenses you may have at that time.
While mortgages, car loans and student loans must be used for a specific purpose, personal loans can be borrowed for debt consolidation, day - to - day living expenses, vacations or credit building, among other things.
It is important to have a starter savings to help combat any unexpected expenses that may occur while you are paying off your debt.
When I started paying of debt I started with $ 1,000 and while I was paying off debt, I would add a percentage to my savings every time I made an extra debt payment until I reached a month of expenses.
While car loans and mortgages are used to finance specific purchases, personal loans can be used for a variety of purposes, including debt consolidation, building credit, or funding everyday expenses.
While you may need less life insurance than someone with a family to support, you'll still have funeral expenses and might leave behind other debts you'd like to see paid off.
13.00 percent of poll participants indicated emergency medial expenses are typically the reasons for using payday loans, while 10.90 percent used the financial product to make a payment on another debt.
While you can apply for a loan to consolidate debt, Earnest advertises itself as providing loans to help people take on new endeavors or projects, such as home renovation, weddings, relocation, new job expenses, vacations or education.
The recent changes, while in theory aimed at easing the student loan burden for the debtors, are also part of the federal government's move to trim expenses in the face of its own spiraling debts.
It is best to cut on your expenses for a little while till your income increases than to consent on many years more of annoying debt.
It seems like it's harder and harder for employees to make ends meet while being required to juggle their living expenses and make the required minimum payments on outstanding debt.
While it's true that at some point you might need to rely on debt — say, for a mortgage, education expenses or an investment property — it should be done with extreme care and planning.
And while you're at it, organize the rest of your financial documents into folders for household expenses, insurance policies, retirement accounts, debts and loans, and so on.
If you're a current student, take steps to begin paying down your student debt while you're enrolled, and try to reduce your college expenses as much as possible.
For when you want to save money in college: 10 Ways to Reduce Your College Expenses Live at Home While in College to Reduce Debt Use Summer / Winter Courses to Save Time (and Money) in College Use Work Study to Pay Down Your Debt While in College
As long as you don't bury yourself in debt, these college expenses can be helpful during the lean economic situation you may face while attending college.
The second is that it gives the student money that they can use to cover college expenses like textbooks and supplies, or which they can apply to paying down their student debt while they are already in college.
Yeah, it was nice having my own space but my parents would have let me stay for free while I was knocking out my student loans and since my expenses were low I could have paid off my debt in 2 - 4 years.
While many people have chosen to purchase their first home during these times of lower interest rates, there has also been a large movement to refinance home loans and pull out equity for home improvements, investments, college expenses, and even high interest debt consolidation.
Carefully planning a budget to operate on a single income when necessary is the key to balance income and expenses while avoiding unnecessary reliance on debt.
Again, this amount will vary as some people will have a lot of other debts while other people may have no other financial expenses.
Under the new law, for example, interest on a home equity loan used to build an addition to an existing home is typically deductible, while interest on the same loan used to pay personal living expenses, such as credit card debts, is not.
You wouldn't be taking on more debt, the interest on your current debt would decrease significantly (if not completely), and you can work out a repayment schedule that fits your budget while still taking care of your everyday expenses.
When you consider the level of student loan and credit card debt some adults have when leaving college, living together may also be prompted out of financial necessity to pool resources and be able to afford living expenses while paying down debt.
College students struggle to pay their college and living expenses while not going too deeply in student loan debt.
Also knowing what expenses you can easily cut and what services you can do without (it may be wise to just cut them now and build up your emergency fund, pay off debt, or save for retirement), can save you from having to make those tough decisions while under stress!
In the unfortunate event that you pass away while your family is relying on your income, your family can use the funds from your life insurance policy to cover a mortgage, college tuition and other debts or expenses.
The debt settlement company will probably let them keep expenses they probably don't need like cable TV, eating out, maybe even the jet skis and BMW etc, etc (assuming the customer disclosed everything) while the debt settlement sales person encourages them to enroll in debt settlement as long as their is some justification and some degree of hardship.
Regardless of the specific method, however, the overarching goal of all consolidation efforts is to pay off debt quickly while minimizing interest expenses.
«More of my current income will go to my children's college expenses because I couldn't save for it while paying my own student loan debt
Let's assumes that you accumulated total debts of $ 34,000 from eight different loan servicers in order to pay for your tuition fees and other expenses while at college.
More than any other generation, they are still paying student loan debt for their own college and graduate education while also paying for their children's student loans and college expenses.
For example, you could not claim a personal bad debt expense for your neighbor not paying you for taking care of his pets while he was on vacation.
While health insurance may seem like an unnecessary expense when freelancing, especially if your young and healthy, out - of - pocket medical expenses can lead to significant debt.
As an alternative to bankruptcy, or debt settlement, DMPs work to get you out of debt in the fastest time possible, while still taking into consideration your living expenses and needs.
This sharply reduces the expense of carrying credit card debt while building an emergency fund, making the decision to save significantly easier.
Do you each have the means to contribute money towards wedding expenses while still making headway on your student loans or other debts?
«The couple focuses on paying off their debts quickly, but they understate some expenses such as a need for life insurance while their kids are dependent, clothing for themselves and their brood, drugs and even recreation.
If you have debts you can not timely make interest payments on while reducing the principal amount of the debt within a five year period, and / or you can not continue to make payments on all normal and reasonable living expenses, you may be bankrupt.
Ultimately, while the Fecek court granted the debtor a partial reprieve from crushing student loan debt, the court simultaneously left the debtor with enough debt that the debtor would still need to adjust her expenses and lifestyle in order to make the payments.
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