Sentences with phrase «decadent holiday food»

All the recent cookies, pies and decadent holiday food have been amazing, but my body is missing its fuel.

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Feasting on decadent foods for the holidays makes refreshing your fridge with healthy foods a welcome task!
Coming off of the holidays I am so OVER eating all of the decadent foods and fattening fare.
As if there's not enough food during the Thanksgiving holiday, I'm gonna add this super decadent Pumpkin Hummingbird Cake with Maple Buttercream to the menu.
It's all about the food anyway... am I right?!?! And holiday meals are usually a bit over-the-top when it comes to rich, decadent foods.
Yes, Paula is usually more known for decadent yumminess more than healthier options, and no, this isn't a health food, but it does have several redeeming qualities over many other holiday baked goods.
Celebrity dentist, Dr. Lee Gause, joins us to discuss what steps we can take to help ensure our mouths remain healthy and fresh despite all of the decadent food and drinks we tend to consume during the holiday season.
' T is the season for holiday parties fueled by alcohol and decadent foods - both major causes for an upset stomach later in the evening.
Do you embrace or cringe at the upcoming holidays and all the decadent food that comes along with it?
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