Sentences with phrase «decades of magical thinking»

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Many people seem to think that protein supplements that are superior to chicken, fish, beef, and pork when it comes to muscle building so lets get this out of the way right now: Protein powder does not have magical muscle building properties Protein shakes do not have magical muscle building properties Muscle gain powders do not have magical muscle building properties [iframe width = «480» height = «303» src = «"frameborder = «0» allowfullscreen] The massive money behind the marketing campaigns has worked for decades to try and convince people that these products are magical but they are not, they are not significantly better than chicken, beef, fish,...
On a trip through Wales more than a decade ago, the border town of Hay - on - Wye — where some 30 used bookstores live cheek by jowl — beckoned irresistibly, while on another U.K. trip, a book - loving friend and I tracked down an old manor house cum used bookstore in the middle of nowhere in, I think, Buckinghamshire, stuffed to its Victorian rafters with well - priced reading treasures (I have forgotten its name and exact location, and a Google search has come to naught, suggesting that this magical place is long gone — or perhaps only appears one day every hundred years like Brigadoon).
If you really and truly think about it, a decade ago these costumes would have been free, unlockable with cheat codes or collecting all of some magical item in a game.
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