Sentences with phrase «decades of practicing what»

Anyways, Walter Schloss» developed his investment wisdom through his closeness to Graham and Buffett and decades of practicing what really worked in the stock market.

Not exact matches

However, sustained engagement on issues of equity and inclusion, activities that place participants in the situations that oppressed people experience (what I call «addressing the empathy gap»), and setting goals — much like the one Starbucks envisioned a decade ago regarding pay equity — are some examples of evidence - based best practices.
This search is most clearly reflected in each new denominational hymnal and worship book as it shapes worship practices and wrestles with what it means to be Methodist, Episcopalian, Lutheran or Reformed in the last decade of the 20th century.
What then is the function of the training and manpowers development department of the Nigeria police if in the last five decades the Nigeria police have not upgraded her principles and practice of effective policing?
This practice is among the most powerful nutritional practices I know of (and one that I've used with great success for the better part of a decade)- yet, it is one that I've held close to the chest and been very careful about who I share it with to avoid getting into difficult opinion - fueled discussions and confusing people about what it is we're about at Synchro.
We know there is a lot of conflicting and confusing information out there, and what we've proved after over a decade of clinical practice it that it's about doing the right things in the right order that will create the internal environment you need to get things balanced.
We are personally committed to give you the best of what we know from decades of devoted practice and study.
Examining research in STEM education over the past two decades, the report states that effective STEM instruction capitalizes on students» early interests and experiences, identifies and builds on what they know, and provides them with experiences to engage in the practices of science and sustain their interest.
But what I find most frustrating is that those backing common assessments seem to have unforgivably underestimated how difficult it would be to undo decades of state policy and practice on tests.
More importantly, the lack of strong statements from Rhee and Henderson about the alleged test cheating also casts a dark cloud on what both can claim to be successes in crafting policies and practices that will help D.C. children get high - quality teachers and strong, comprehensive college - preparatory curricula for decades to come.
The School Principal as Leader: Guiding Schools to Better Teaching and Learning This Wallace Perspective is a summary of a decade of research, identifying what effective school principals do and describing five key practices that are characteristic of those leaders.
The practices, described in The School Principal as Leader, are based on more than a decade of Wallace - supported research to identify what successful principals do.
This blog is a weekly window into his journey of trying to practice himself what he has preached to others for over two decades as a researcher and PD provider.
From both decades of research and the craft knowledge of educators who've jumped in and turned around schools, we know these practices generally yield improvement: (1) a focus on what kids need to learn: (2) collaboration on instruction and assessment; (3) examining assessment data; (4) using patterns in data to improve instruction; and (5) building trusting relationships.
Also, I have done several author websites and while some are easy to do and look great (takes me about a day to set up), other authors refuse all practical design advice, eschew a decade of best design and layout practices for maximum userability and sales, ignore what's current and trending and modern.
Because of decades of bad selling practices, annuities have earned their bad reputation as «too good go be true» products that aren't what they were pitched to be by the typically aggressive annuity agent.
As Jennifer had been with her current practice for a decade and wanted to give them a second chance, together she and Nancy worked out a script of what she should say to the veterinarian the next time she brought Clyde in for a nail trim, including asking if they would consider using sedation.
For nearly a decade, Atlanta artist Craig Drennen has structured his practice around what he has called «Shakespeare's worst play,» Timon of Athens, about a wealthy Athenian whose overzealous generosity transforms him into a destitute misanthrope.
What began with obsessive - compulsive word drawings a decade ago grew into a collaged painting practice — one might call it an image hoarder's bricolage — that incorporated everything from advertisements of amplifiers and actual clearance stickers to Budweiser labels and nightclub wristbands.
Despacio's mission is to keep doing what it has been doing for the past decade: consistently exploring new models of artistic and curatorial practice while remaining a driving force in the continued development of Central America's artistic voice.
BOOKSHELF «Howardena Pindell: What Remains to be Seen» documents a forthcoming five - decade survey of Howardena Pindell's practice organized by MCA Chicago in February 2018.
He is Head of Sale for «Tell Me What You Want (What You Really, Really Want),» a new Los Angeles - based contemporary art auction dedicated to innovative artistic practices from the past several decades.
WHW / What, How & for Whom are a critically acclaimed curatorial collective from Zagreb, Croatia, with a decade of international curatorial practice behind them, including the curatorship of the 2009 Istanbul Biennial.
Most artists spend decades even settling on what their practice will be, and are themselves beholden to its shifts and evolutions, with twists and turns both planned and unexpected, a balance of intuition and interrogation.
Normally a painter might exhibit ten or a dozen works giving a sense of what she's been up to recently, or, offered a big survey at a public space, perhaps forty or even a hundred canvases demonstrating the development of her practice over multiple decades or a whole career.
We all know I think that legal and the way legal is practiced, in the way services are delivered to consumers needs to radically change in the next decade and will radically change in the next decade and we want to be at the forefront of that wave of change in helping bring our customers along to what the future of the practice of law looks like.
Indeed, for a number of decades, understanding what documents (paper or else) are within the corporation has been a driver for Records management and Information Governance practices.
What his father failed to realize is exactly how dramatically the practice of bankruptcy law would change over the last decade.
Mr. Bussey's more than two decades practicing in different capacities within the field of criminal law makes him highly effective in what has ultimately become his chosen mission: counseling the accused.
If the recent reorganization of Thomson Reuters is any indication of who will be calling the shots on what the future of legal research and content management is going to look like (and by extension, the practice of law), the next decade is going to be a period of amazing (read: possibly depressing) change.
Four decades later, the sometimes acerbic Meichenbaum remains an outspoken critic of what he considers unproven therapeutic practices and fads, upholding standards of empirical proof for clinical methods within the field.
It's unclear whether these substantial flaws are because of personal agendas (Hagen believes her own brother was falsely accused of sex abuse), because their initial works are about a decade old now and some things have changed (Dineen also hails from Canada which may trail behind the U.S. in psycho - legal trends), because neither of them considered what policies and practices move the big MHP divorce industry bucks, or because — hailing from the MHP community themselves — they have failed to see their own shared cultural biases with a majority of that community and how they themselves have been propagandized into a particular point of view.
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