Sentences with phrase «decades of research»

Three decades of research documents several types of pernicious test prep that have become pervasive in our schools.
Departing from the decades of research that have been done on the factors that contribute to failure, she examines the factors and structure of family life and classroom environment that contribute to academic achievement.
When doctoral candidate Elizabeth Blair set out to research how college women make meaning of their intimate relationships, she anticipated hearing stories about romance, care, and love, especially considering the decades of research that associated these narratives with women.
Smith, P.K. and Brain, P. (2000) «Bullying in schools: lessons from two decades of research», Aggressive Behaviour, Vol.26, pp. 1 — 9.
This report is a summary of two decades of research that covers the School - to - Work program.
Decades of research have identified numerous factors that are likely to influence children's success in school, including the type and quality of early childhood care.
His colleagues Thomas Huxley (Toby Jones) and Joseph Hooker (Benedict Cumberbatch) plead just short of demanding that Darwin finally sit down and write up his findings after decades of research, from his journey on the HMS Beagle to his work at home with plants and animals.
He is the culmination of decades of research — and forty - six earlier Agent clones — endowing him with unprecedented strength, speed, stamina and intelligence.
He is the culmination of decades of research - and forty - six earlier Agent clones — endowing him with unprecedented strength, speed, stamina and intelligence.
The study's authors sifted through decades of research about what makes people romantically compatible.
Experienced, traditional matchmakers train our specialized staff, backed by decades of research, data and experience to support you at every turn.
The company says that decades of research shows that genetics, in particular body scent, strongly affects human sexual attraction.
TL; DR: With two master's degrees in counseling psychology, a doctorate in social psychology and more than two decades of research under her belt, Dr. Jennifer Jill Harman is clearly one of the leading experts in the field of dating and relationships.
A study by researchers at California State University in Chico examined three decades of research and found that beef from pasture - raised cows fits more closely into goals for a diet lower in saturated fat and higher in «good fats» and other beneficial nutrients.
But now, after decades of research, scientists have finally produced the first live, healthy puppies from frozen embryos.
Marijuana laws around the country are becoming more relaxed, but that doesn't mean we should toss out knowledge acquired from decades of research into the consequences of breathing secondhand tobacco smoke.
Decades of research into the science of cancer prevention show that a healthy overall lifestyle is the smartest, safest bet you can make.
But «despite decades of research, the effect had not previously been demonstrated,» he says.
Still, despite decades of research, experts can't agree on whether eliminating dye - containing foods from a child's diet can ease ADHD symptoms like hyperactivity and impulsivity — except in perhaps a few special cases.
According to decades of research, author Dee McCaffrey states that «All foods, after they are digestived and metabolized will leave either acid or alkaline forming minerals in our body» (p 176) and that «maintaining the proper pH in our body is one of the basic necessities for good health.
The disagreement from experts about sodium is most disconcerting, especially after so many decades of research.
And pioneering trans - fats researcher Mary G. Enig, Ph.D., formerly at the University of Maryland, says: «Several decades of research show consumption of trans fatty acids promotes heart disease, cancer, diabetes, immune dysfunction, obesity and reproductive problems.»
Each step is based on Dr. Lee's decades of research into hormones and his commonsense guidance on achieving hormone balance.
Despite more than two decades of research to determine whether elevated EMF exposure, principally to magnetic fields, is related to an increased risk of childhood leukemia, there is still no definitive answer.
After decades of research Juice Crafters made cold pressed juice available to LA's local community at their store in Brentwood, Pacific Palisades and Downtown LA.
The foundation of the program is based on Dr. T. Colin Campbell's lectures, experience and decades of research.
If fact, decades of research show that animal protein is a powerful cancer - causing agent.
Over decades of research and clinical study has proven that hormone replacement therapy to help with the symptoms of aging can be safe, effective and quick when working with reputable clinics, getting a legal prescription and medical supervision from licensed practitioners.
The nutriceuticals offered by Applied Health are the result of the evolution of decades of research.
The elusive lymphatic vessel hid in plain sight, throughout decades of research, because it was very small and tucked behind a major blood vessel.
Our approach at Metabolic Research Center is based on decades of research with focus on supporting a healthy transformation through improved nutrition and eating real meals.
Despite decades of research clearly showing that HRT significantly increases breast cancer, millions of women worldwide are on unopposed estrogen for treatment of menopausal symptoms.
Three decades of research have substantiated medicinal mushrooms as having cancer - fighting and tumor - shrinking properties.
Backed by now decades of research regarding low carb diets and how to make Atkins the most effective.
With decades of research on post-workout supplementation, this article would take me a long time to write.
Despite decades of research indicating the dangers of BPA, governments and major manufacturers failed to take major steps to reduce BPA exposure until 2008.
These findings represent the end game of more than two decades of research, stemming from a critical observation: Half of heart attacks occur in people who do not have high cholesterol.
But after decades of research and following amazing researchers like Nina Teicholz and Gary Taubes, and testing nutritional habits on me and my Gorgeous Girls I know how to make my body work for me.
At first, it might sound a bit strange that those three ingredients can have such amazing health benefits... But after decades of research and millions of dollars, Asprey proved us wrong [3].
Decades of research by Dr. Loren Cordain and others demonstrate that hunter - gatherers typically were virtually free (though not completely) from the chronic diseases and health conditions that are epidemic in Western society.
After decades of research, mainstream medicine still lags behind on what is actually happening inside the brains of people with a migraine headache, admitting that they do not know for certain.
These two topical ingredients are backed by decades of research and clinical trials.
With two decades of research available, there are now glycemic indices available for over 300 foods.
Metabolic Research Center invested in excess of three decades of research and development into our weight loss programs.
Five decades of research have also determined that certain nutrients — like tyrosine, iodine, and selenium — play a unique role in thyroid health.»
Decades of research confirm that eating a high protein diet, especially when the protein comes primarily or exclusively from animal products, leads to an and puts you at risk for developing heart disease, cancer, hypertension, and obesity (7 - 13).
Although decades of research has been funneled into male sexual...
After analyzing decades of research on running injuries, how the foot hits the ground, pronation, and what role shoes play in said injuries, the researchers concluded that «a runner intuitively selects a comfortable product using their own comfort filter that allows them to remain in the preferred movement path.
In this book, Fresco utilizes decades of research to tell the story behind each meal that is eaten.
«Despite several decades of research, it has remained uncertain whether raised levels of triglyceride can cause heart disease,» said lead researcher Nadeem Sarwar, a lecturer in cardiovascular epidemiology at the University of Cambridge in England.
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