Sentences with phrase «decay as»

Indeed, because there is no energy input to the system, the temperature will decay as a function of the reflected and radiated energy.
This is why it is common to refer to «lifetime», or «decay time» in an exponential decay as either the time it takes to go from 100 % to 37 % (t = a), or sometimes the time to halve the initial value (t ~ = 0.7 a)-- which is also called «half - life».
warrenlb, nothing at that site supports your denial of the S - B basis of climate alarm, supports your neglect of the significance of rapid collisional vs. slow radiative decay of CO2 * in the troposphere, or supports your dismissal of CO2 * radiative decay as the source of stratospheric cooling.
Since the early 1990s, Scottish artist Ken Currie has been known for his closely observed and often unsettling portrayal of the body, depicting the damage inflicted by war and conflict, illness and decay as a response to what he felt was the sickness of contemporary society.
Taking inspiration from the abstract forms and layered beauty unexpectedly found in shredded advertisement posters around New York, Ivcevich photographs many of these examples of urban decay as the basis for a body of work he calls, «Shreds.»
Gardening is cyclical; in a garden we witness new growth, but also its decline and decay as the seasons change.
In the NY Sun, Stephen Maine reports that Dieter Roth's work possesses some of the neo-Dada characteristics of Pop art, but is «as enmeshed with dissolution and decay as his American contemporaries were smitten with antiseptic consumerism.
If dreams of immaculate immortality are linked to the perfectly bright and shiny surface, we Brooklyn avant - outsiders are more intimately familiar with the deep, dark, skuzzier side of this coin, the B.Q.E. part that accepts death and decay as inevitable.
For better and for worse, one was simply «on the street» in public space, bathing in the comforts, or terrors, of the human sea and his work is the marbled evidence of this beauty mixing with decay as only his eyes could capture it.
As it stays lit all over to show its ghost, it is undergoing its own decay as long as it is displayed.
Her spontaneous totems are as much about moral decay as they are monuments to optimism.
Some performance art uses materials that rot and decay as a statement; picture framing is not that kind of art.
The entire ethos behind State of Decay as a series is to create a comprehensive simulation of a zombie survival tale, forcing a player to adhere to some narrative the team has dreamt up goes against Foge's core beliefs of what it is the team is actually building.
Breach & Clear: Deadline drops players into urban decay as an infection is quickly engulfing the city.
Left untreated, dental disease can lead to painful tooth decay as well as systemic illness due to chronic infection.
These cavities are not caused by bacterial decay as human cavities are.
Also, the option writer has «time decay» working in his favor — meaning that the day the option is sold, its time premium starts to decay as the option moves toward expiration.
Of course, the ideal is to avoid the «slow bleed» of option time decay as much as possible, by taking a highly defensive investment stance only in situations associated with significantly negative market outcomes.
It has always been the sign of «options noobs» to buy cheap out - of - the - money calls that have a large amount of time left, only to see their option values decay as time passes, while the market simply doesn't «shake up» enough to affect premiums to their advantage in any way.
Centuries go by, and vampire technology and society reaches its peak, a sign that it's doomed to fall... and fall it does, with the great vampire families crumbling into decay as the humans rise back into power.
He spat every few feet but could not expel the taste of decay as he ran the gauntlet of junkies and working girls out early or up all night and every bit as sick as he was.
This set of four lessons goes over the exponential formula used in Physics for radioactive decay as well as teaching the basic rules of logs and why natural logs are used.
Opening with an audio collage of 911 calls and news reports about Chicago's spike in violence, Death Wish lays out an oversimplified snapshot of urban decay as a foundation for the brutality unleashed by one man after inner - city violence spills over into an affluent suburb.
It was visually spectacular, creating a palpable atmosphere of dread and decay as former Los Angeles police officer Rick Deckard (Harrison Ford), known as a «blade runner» for his expertise in tracking down and «retiring» (i.e. killing) runaway humanoid androids, must return and kill more more replicants.
Like the strangely simpatico films of fellow Southern humanist David Gordon Green, Moan fetishizes sweat and decay as it surveys a very dirty South seemingly devoid of computers, iPods, cell phones, and other ubiquitous fixtures of contemporary life.
And while you spin plates preventing decay as if you're playing «The Sims MMA», you'll face plenty of irritants.
... So, I use the urban decay for eyes, sometimes the Sephora one and for the face the Urban decay as spray!
Weston Price traveled the globe visiting indigenous villages and one thing he noticed was that where a modern diet was consumed there was tooth decay as well as other health problems.
Stephen Barrett of, the self - appointed arbiter of correctness in the fields of medicine and nutrition, describes Weston Price as «a dentist who maintained that sugar causes not only tooth decay but physical, mental, moral, and social decay as well.»
This includes MSG, the artificial sweetener known as aspartame, hydrogenated oils which contain trans fats, and high fructose corn syrup, a cheap sweetener which can lead to tooth decay as well as metabolism disorders.
If you are like me, you were raised with the notion (likely told by your dentist) that sugar and bad genes cause tooth decay and that if you were getting tooth decay as a child, you needed to cut back on sugar.
For this example, let's use radioactive decay as our topic.
All surface and ground water entering New York City's drinking water distribution system is currently treated with fluoride (pdf) to help prevent tooth decay as well as chlorine to kill deleterious microbes as designated by the New York State Sanitary Code and the SDWA.
Radioactive carbon atoms decay as the water ages.
Your child's baby teeth are at risk for decay as soon as they first appear — which is typically around age 6 months.
A child's baby teeth, which typically start to appear about six months after birth, are at risk for tooth decay as soon as they emerge.
Infants who are exclusively breastfed, however, are not immune to decay as a number of other factors may influence the infant sk of caries.
(Food particles mixing with milk have been implicated in causing decay as opposed to milk alone) See a breastfeeding friendly dentist twice a year to monitor for cavities.
He had to come back to the grave enter his dead body (a body which can not decay as the body was sinless) and rise from the Dead as He was the Son of God.
Change can signify decay as well as organic development.
They are also what they are, and they move, change, grow, flourish, or decay as they do by reason of their relation to other things.
Of course, the ideal is to avoid the «slow bleed» of option time decay as much as possible, by taking a highly defensive investment stance only in situations associated with significantly negative market outcomes.
The difficulty is that the Fed can't act on these concerns because the economic situation has started to decay as well.
Without pretending to be scientific about it, the world may be imagined to be a vast collection of existences — things and substances of various compositions and kinds — each of which is what it is, and moves, changes, grows, or decays as it does by reason of its relation to other things: things existing in various ways by, and in some cases, at the expense of, or on, other things.
It may be supposed that the occasion for these laments was not so much a question of discipline having decayed as it was a heightened sense of the importance of discipline.
This «gain» in current prevents signals from decaying as they travel, and that's a key reason why transistors are crucial for the complex circuits of electronics.
I was thrilled to find that my thumbstick dexterity had decayed as far as it had, and immediately put myself on a training program of more Aaero to try and bring it back up to snuff.
The nutrient - poor boreal forest decays as the permafrost thaws and is replaced by the rich grasslands that were maintained by mammoths during the Pleistocene.
Beers law: transmission of a beam of radiation decays exponentially over optical thickness (A flux distributed over solid angle decays as a sum of exponentials; if there is scattering it can get complicated).
No surprise that Toronto didn't make it (Today's headline in the Star: City decays as debt climbs) but a bit of a surprise that Calgary did.
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