Sentences with phrase «decay by»

The tails simply can go to rot, because the heads, already rotted, but resistant to total decay by bureaucratic survivor - tactics evolution, know that they will continue to grow new tails.
The excited state may subsequently decay by emitting light of the same wavelength in an arbitrary direction, or the excited molecule may relax some other way.
To be sure, you likely mean C13 / C12 - ratio for preglacial C14 would have been depleted by normal decay by now.
The permafrost is a vast reservoir of ancient carbon, protected from decay by microorganisms simply by its frozen state: it becomes increasingly vulnerable as the world warms, as humans burn fossil fuels and dump ever greater concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
The testing assessed thermal insulation quality by infrared imaging, building envelope and air distribution system air - tightness by fan pressurization and tracer gas, pressure effects inside the house due to interactions of the air distribution system, calculated versus measured building load coefficients by co-heating, and building thermal decay by cool - down.
We are also very proud to present the third episode of I, Decay by New York based artist Ann Hirsch.
Since we are sellers of calls, we capture the exponential decay by selling near - term calls.
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About The Measurements of Decay by K. K. Edin From the 8th to the 15th of May 2018, the ebook will be discounted at 66 % on
Stability curve is shown and description of location of nuclides which will decay by each decay method.
Conversely, many states which had experienced democratization at an earlier stage found their political systems in a state of decay by the end of the 20th century as a result of their increased vulnerability to the global economy.
Beyond Thunderdome sweeps away all the earlier films» reflections on social decay by blaming the current situation on a single moment: a nuclear holocaust.
You've probably killed a few house plants unintentionally, but add some purposeful decay by spray painting plastic greenery jet - black.
Drinking cherry juice can prevent tooth decay by reducing the accumulation of plaque.
Help slow tooth decay by rinsing your mouth after a meal to wash away any remaining sugar.
Have you read Cure Tooth Decay by Rami Nagel?
That's when I discovered the world of holistic dentistry and the book Curing Tooth Decay by Ramiel Nagel.
Sugar also contributes to tooth decay by promoting bacterial growth.
The protocol for healing teeth even in such a state of complete degeneration is described in the book Cure Tooth Decay by Rami Nagel.
Cure Tooth Decay by Ramiel Nagel Oil Pulling Therapy by Dr. Bruce Fife Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Dr. Weston A. Price Deep Nutrition by Dr. Catherine Shanahan
I first started researching this after reading Cure Tooth Decay by Rami Nagel and Dr. Price's Nutrition and Physical Degeneration.
It undergoes Alpha decay by radiating Alpha Rays (α) with decay energy of 4.679 MeV.
Possibilities include environmental toxins linked to crops or to plant decay by - products (e.g., bacterial / fungal toxins), as well as a combination of the former with agricultural practices, atmospheric chemistry, and an idiosyncratic immune reaction in genetically susceptible children (28, 29).
There is nothing to explain the different behaviors of the two atoms, no way to predict when they will decay by looking at their history, and — seemingly — no definitive cause that produces these effects.
According to predictions, a small number of proton - rich nuclei should be able to decay by emitting a pair of protons, a process not yet observed.
5 Fluoride counters tooth decay by preventing the loss of minerals from enamel and promoting reabsorption of calcium and phosphate from saliva into the enamel.
Moradian - Oldak will couple the MMP - 20 discovery with another study published Nov. 2 in the Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Informatics, which concluded an amelogenin - chitosan hydrogel could repair early tooth decay by growing an enamel - like layer that reduces lesions by up to 70 percent.
The spin - 1 states, on the other hand, last for about 0.1 microsecond, and only decay by emission of three gamma rays (for reasons of symmetry).
In the 1840s, his work had helped to launch the timber «pickling» industry, in which railway ties and telegraph poles were protected from decay by dipping them in creosote, made from coal tar.
This selection weighed against the selection of Zach Carter as Corporation Counsel (because he reportedly befriends disgraced public official John L. Sampson, but was a John Gotti, Jr. slayer and Abner Louima defender and knows that «Stop & Frisk» is not racial profiling when done right) may suggest bi-polarity for the mayor - elect, but I trust not paranoia for me as I am at a befuddled disadvantage on what to expect next: but we can ask a de Blasio agreement with Gov. Cuomo that neither of them will be involved in selecting the next Council Chair (because that would not only be unlawful but power prejudice ugly in these times of moral decay by the elected).
The facilities at Tafo, Bunso, Afosu were neglected and left to decay by the Africa / Busia administrations.
The Department of Health (DoH) is in favour of mass fluoridation, pointing to evidence it can reduce tooth decay by 15 per cent among children.
Fluoride helps prevent cavities and decay by coming in direct contact with the tooth enamel (the outside of the tooth) and promoting mineralization.
«About 60 percent of children in the U.S. have tooth decay by the time they're 5 years old,» says Dr. Miller, and it's not uncommon for babies to show signs of early decay.
In order for K - 40 to decay by electron capture, there has to be an electron (for the radioactive nucleus) to capture.
Because he is of special interest to the Garden, Paduano (inferior to legions who have been left to decay by Matchmaker Teddy Brenner) has been pushed far beyond his ability.
We do not solve the problems of urban decay by the application of brown soap or iodine.
Research shows that a good list decays by 22 - 27 % per year, and indications are that number will increase.
This world governed by man is corrupt and decaying by the second.
Though decayed by time, these figures convey an unmistakable sense of male energy.
And a small amount decays by (antimatter) beta emission (positron emission).
Most K - 40 decays by (ordinary) beta emission to Ca - 40.
But you can protect their teeth from decaying by giving water with sugary foods.
The overall entropy of the universe increases during photosynthesis as the sunlight dissipates, even as the plant prevents itself from decaying by maintaining an orderly internal structure.
If these isotopes were created by a gamma - ray burst more than 100 million years ago, they would have completely decayed by now.
A pulse of CO2 injected into the air decays by half in about 25 years as CO2 is taken up by the ocean, biosphere and soil, but nearly one - fifth is still in the atmosphere after 500 years (Fig. 4A).
They found the average anomaly became significantly less meaningful after it was reported in the academic literature: «We estimate the average anomaly's post-publication return decays by about 35 %.
One of the inputs, however, is the assumption that the excess atmosphere concentration decays by ~ 2.4 Gt / year.
A pulse of CO2 injected into the air decays by half in about 25 years as CO2 is taken up by the ocean, biosphere and soil, but nearly one - fifth is still in the atmosphere after 500 years (Fig. 4A).
Scanning electron micrograph of wood being decayed by the white rot fungus Punctularia strigoso - zonata.
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