Sentences with phrase «decay so»

These kinds of details are fantastic, but they are only a small part of what makes State of Decay so interesting.
This is most important for older cats with a history of tooth decay so you can quickly address problems as soon as they arise.
I love Urban Decay so much..
Thanks for the tips, my granddaughters love Urban Decay so this helps me a lot.
When Price studied the Inuit he found not only nearly complete immunity to tooth decay so long as they were eating their native diet, but also a remarkable degree of muscular and skeletal perfection rarely seen among other peoples.
If the drugs in question decay so quickly, this would surely not change, given that the red blood cells are surrounded by blood, where decomposition would still occur.
These atoms would be produced in such small quantities and would decay so slowly that they would be extraordinarily hard to detect by their decay products alone.
After about 10,000 years, the star has cooled off, and its field has decayed so much that it no longer triggers starquakes; at that point, the gamma - ray flares die out.
An important property of quarks is called confinement, which states that individual quarks are not seen because they are always confined inside subatomic particles called hadrons (e.g., protons and neutrons); an exception is the top quark, which decays so quickly that it does not hadronize, and can therefore be observed more directly via its decay products.
And as balance decays so does the world, eroding over time and out of space, compressing the player to a smaller and smaller area, pressing in upon the mind.
In reality, that energy source decays so the thing would eventually die out.

Not exact matches

Enough so that the analysts led by Davis Maris cut their valuation range for Valeant from $ 30 to $ 31 down to $ 27 to $ 31, saying the compensation increases will likely worsen the company's already decaying public image and sputtering sales.
Remember, decay weakens your EdgeRank, so you want to make sure you're sending posts at the exact moment your followers will see it.
In 1955, Scientific American asked the question, somewhat sneeringly, about why so many people were «violently against» the process of fluoridating municipal water — a process that, according to the mandarins of science, was clearly shown to prevent tooth decay and do no harm.
And we call that factor decay; so we had good exposure and that exposure decayed over those two months.
I have long been a strong advocate of debt - financed public investment in the context of low interest rates and a decaying US infrastructure, so I was glad to see Mr Trump emphasise it.
Talk about a disgusting smell lingering along the aisles, so pungent it makes people sick — presumably from the decaying rats — fuels the fire.
So basically evolution is nothing more than a manifest of futile attempt to survive in an environment that is decaying.
So if you're right and I'm wrong, when we die, we just get buried somewhere and decay.
In the decaying empire of Rome there arose a fellowship so powerful that, for a while, Christians had all things in common.
Just so much decaying organic material.
Since there is so much evidence of the moral decay that follows a loss of theistic conviction and so little evidence of the maintenance of civilization apart from this conviction, the burden of proof is on the person who answers Meiklejohn's question in the affirmative.
Yet, to repeat another point made earlier, if these constraints themselves become too rigid, as they often do in the unfolding of a religious tradition, then the communication flow becomes so burdened with redundancy that it loses any truly informational (in this case, revelatory) character and decays into the transmission of mere banality.
Yet it can not be our only task, for the problem of organizing the technical civilization of the western world upon a new basis of economic and international justice, so that the anarchy and decay that have characterized our life in the past three decades will be arrested and our technical capacities will be made fruitful rather than suicidal, is one which must engage our best resources.
As at the time of the decay of the Roman Empire the success of Christianity in winning that Empire and becoming largely identified with it proved almost its undoing, so the passing of the culture which the Church had helped to nurture and with which it had unavoidably become closely interwoven proved a menace to the Church and its faith.
The life that has stimulated so much hope in the human heart turns to decay and death.
They have offered a vision that solves the problem of boredom; that solves the problem of our life in community with others and overcomes the pathologies of so - called civilized life, which finds us at each other's throats as often as not; that solves the problem of our body and our personhood, positing a body that is the one we have always known but finally glorified and without its frailties and decay; and that solves the problem of satisfying those infinite desires that nothing now on earth can fulfill.
It has gradually penetrated into different cultures, so shaping and coloring them, that even when the ecclesiastical organizations begin to decay, its influence leaves behind a more permanent deposit.
If in the ruins of Rome, St. Augustine dreamed of a civilisation that should be the City of God on earth, and penned, even while weighted with despair and expectation of the end of the world, the noble outline of the Christian order which inspired so much of mediaeval thought, how much more reason have we today, with so much greater resources, to expect for our civilisation a resurrection out of our decay.
So many of our assumptions and beliefs and relationships are based on something old and rotten, decaying our spirits from the inside out.
So much in Christianity had me seeing these kinds of things only in the light of demons and evil and satan, that when I started reading and understanding more (when I was in junior high school) and comprehending the concept of the birth - life - death - rebirth cycles, and how there needs to be death and decay for their to be birth and growth... it really made a huge impression on how I saw the world.
It is by avoiding the rapid decay into an inert system of equilibrium that a thunderstorm appears so extraordinary.
So then nuclear power doesn't exist by your logic because it operates under the same laws of nuclear physics as radiometric decay.
While this system has broken down, it has decayed not simply because the animal spirits of Wall Street did not temper their zeal with a respect for greater community, but because American citizens embraced the pact that was offered them: an endless supply of baubles from citizens in chains so long as they refused to speak out in the pulpit against the notion that greed is good, that profit maximization is the chief end of man.
A dinosaur bone can not be accurately dated to so many millions of years, specifically because of the radioactive decay of the Carbon's isotope.
We baptize them so that they may become members of the Church, members of the Body of Christ, that they may pass over death, overcome the garments of skin, decay and mortality.
In the light of this present possession, involving endless hope, affliction was not so much endured as rejoiced in by the early Christians, and of this spiritual triumph Paul's words are representative: «Wherefore we faint not; but though our outward man is decaying, yet our inward man is renewed day by day.
Even in the Easter affirmation of the Resurrection of Jesus, so important for Christianity, we can now point to no firm historical evidence to show that there occurred there a miracle which involved suspension or reversal of natural laws — in this case, the normal processes of decay into which the physical body enters after the point of death.
Paul also indicates that, just as the individual Christian will experience the resurrection of the body, so the whole creation will be purged of evil and decay and injustice, and will experience total transformation (Rom.
Raised in Portugal, in the fertile lands of Alemquer, I die a refugee, dead from the foreign air and its foul decay, food for the hungry fish in a brutish sea, that crashes against these wild Abyssinian sands, so unlike Alemquer, and so far away
So, they argue, when the body decays these spiritual emergents, which came from the body and are dependent on it, must disappear.
Paul says that since we have the Spirit, we can now live for God (Romans 8:9), but we must make the choice to do so, for even though the Spirit of life is in us, the body of sin is still there as well, seeking to lead us back into death, decay, and destruction (Romans 8:10 - 15).
Its name — what passes not away; So, in their beautiful array, Things form and never know decay.
Attractive as Metz's proposal of how to counter this decay of faith is, it can not be adopted by process theology without extensive modifications, modifications so great that its particular values may be lost.
As the Church grew into form, so did the power of the Pope develop; and wherever the Pope has been renounced, decay and division have been the consequence.
So if one insists that the original creation was so perfect there was no death, nor even any signs of decay, one might retort with, «No decay my rear end!&raquSo if one insists that the original creation was so perfect there was no death, nor even any signs of decay, one might retort with, «No decay my rear end!&raquso perfect there was no death, nor even any signs of decay, one might retort with, «No decay my rear end!»
Of the 12,000 or so gun deaths in the US each year, over half are suicides and only about 5 % are done with long arms (most are handguns in the centers of urban decay).
So even if there are few tangible harms that point to our moral decay, any move away from their vision of society is evidence of declining virtue.»
It may be supposed that the occasion for these laments was not so much a question of discipline having decayed as it was a heightened sense of the importance of discipline.
I was reading «Cure Tooth Decay» by Ramiel Nagel last night and stumbled across a high protein, enamel remineralizing eggnog that looked so delicious I had to try it!
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