Sentences with phrase «decay within»

A: A look at MTV, interacting with video games, reading the daily newspaper with its description of the level of integrity in corporate life, the massive mistrust of government and politicians and the reluctance to pass on moral values to children are all signs of moral decay within American culture.
They present a dense sculptural environment that investigates «the relationships between technological emancipation, entertainment and decay within the context of late capitalism».
The organic element of the fruit composes a sculpture that will decay within days.
The ability of vitamin K - related compounds to inhibit acid production in isolated saliva had no relationship to their vitamin activity, and the most effective of these compounds had practically no vitamin activity at all.48 Researchers unfortunately assumed that because vitamin K did not have a unique role in inhibiting acid formation in saliva within a test tube that it had no nutritional role in preventing tooth decay within living beings.
NOTHING to do with a Hollywood film - making process, technicolour takes us back to the beginning of the universe, when two of the fundamental forces of nature, electromagnetism and the weak force (which governs particle decay within the atomic nucleus), were united in a single force — the electroweak force.
For example, the plasmas used in laboratories and nuclear fusion plants decay within milliseconds of the power being switched off.
Unlike the waste from conventional nuclear power plants, which remains radioactive for tens of thousands of years, the by - products of fusion decay within decades.
In lampreys, for example, certain parts of the brain and the mouth that distinguish the animals from earlier relatives begin a rapid decay within 24 hours.
Neutrinos were predicted in 1930 by Wolfgang Pauli, who said they were emitted during radioactive decay within atomic nuclei.
The experiments, in which protons traveling at nearly the speed of light collide head - on, can not directly detect the Higgs, because the boson would decay within a fraction of a nanosecond into other particles.
A fourth reason for the rapid demise of the Nestorian church, especially in Persia, on the onslaught of Islam was the element of decay within the church itself.
If we do not stop this idiot clamor about private healthcare as being the best in the world and put in place a government supervised universal health care system, the US will crumble and decay within the next 50 years.

Not exact matches

New memories decay at a cellular level within the brain.
Here some elements of the Benedict Option become essential: educating our children, rebuilding our parishes, and patiently building little bulwarks of truly humanist culture within our decaying civilization.
But without well - governed sovereign nations — strong national communities — the global system will decay into far worse disorder, and the rule of law will weaken within countries.
Not even in the examples you cited: «quantum phenomena... Radioactive decay, formation of particle pairs in a vacuum, etc.» can be described as «having the quality of being within themselves.»
The more profound issue signaled by the crisis in authority has to do with a decay in the communion of saints and a decline in the powers of soul enjoyed by those within that communion to whom authority is entrusted.
Yet even today, when the Faith of Christ is decayed among the nations, and when Christianity seems to belie the promises of Christ, and to be passing into the dead world of human religions, one more among many, even today, whatever individual values we hold sacred, whatever sanctity we claim for the personality of man, whatever freedoms, above the rut of biological materialism, we try to salvage from the ruins of a culture, all these are the droplets which remain within that chalice of the Christian Faith dashed down by the nation.
I'm not going to wake up today They've pulled my plug the picture fades And as my body decays mold begins to fill my grave The smell of death permeates the silk within my coffin lays Go to hell
Moreover, machines not correctly built for these environments see major disrepair and decay of the machinery within 6 months.
What did matter was that the game was played before a crowd of 17,670 — an astonishing number for a U.S. soccer game — which enjoyed itself enormously and came within 400 of filling to capacity ancient, decaying Spartan Stadium, home of the San Jose State Spartans.
«It makes no sense to me to continue to operate a decaying nuclear reactor within 25 miles of New York City where nearly 10 million people live,» Sanders said.
Until the laws stop selectively enforcing policy against flagrant abusers of trust, ethics, unfair civic and labor practices, and integrity from within city and state government, there will certainly be a rampant element of corruption, low morale that dishonors a tainted leadership façade, and societal decay from the top downward.
We'll find seventeen million pounds from within the planned dentistry budget, in order to do that - that's six hundred and eighty thousand children and then, from that, we will also be a position to be able to look at where tooth decay is in those children and we want to change the contract so that dentists have a greater incentive for preventative work, including contracts to look after children, whether or not their parents are having NHS dentistry.
Some isotopes that existed when the Solar System formed are radioactive and have decay rates that caused them to become extinct within tens to hundreds of million years.
But if you isolate a single neutron away from any protons, within a few minutes it will decay into other particles; that decay is caused by the weak force.
«The distributions of natural uranium and its decay products both within and among these bone specimens show remarkably reliable behavior, allowing us to derive an age that is well within the wheelhouse of the dating system,» explained Paces, a co-author of the paper.
The gamma rays knocked neutrons from one out of every 10 billion gold nuclei, making these nuclei so unstable that they decayed to platinum within several days.
Below that threshold, the spacecrafts» orbits decay relatively quickly, allowing them to harmlessly re-enter and burn up in the atmosphere within weeks or months.
In beta decay, a neutron within an atom's nucleus converts into a proton, releasing an electron and an antineutrino.
If sterile neutrinos had masses trillions of times greater than their normal left - handed cousins, they would have decayed into these lighter neutrinos within the first second after the big bang.
Since 129 - Xenon is produced by radioactive decay of 129 - Iodine, these xenon isotopes put a time stamp on the formation age of the ancient parcel of mantle to within the first 100 million years of Earth's history.
But if they are within 100,000 times or so the mass of normal neutrinos — or a few thousand electron volts — most should still exist, with some occasionally decaying into lighter neutrinos and X-ray photons.
It's almost always as badly fragmented as a shattered wine goblet because «DNA decay begins within days of death,» said UCSC's Shapiro.
Biofilms composed of Streptococcus mutans — a common cause of tooth decay — were much easier to remove when grown on a newly developed dental material (right image), which has an antimicrobial agent within it, compared to a control material.
The activated hydrogen peroxide produced free radicals that were able to simultaneously degrade the biofilm matrix and kill the bacteria within, significantly reducing plaque and preventing the tooth decay, or cavities, in an animal model.
Vultures are highly efficient consumers of carrion, sometimes locating and consuming carcasses within an hour, before other forms of decay can set in.
The contents of ceramic vessels decay over time, leaving a film of residue containing proteins from any organic matter stored within.
To catch the elusive prey, Wilkinson and colleagues studied the decay of «lambda - b» particles created by protons colliding within LHCb.
But these puddles of decay aren't static; the researchers documented two distinct shifts in the soil microbial community within them.
When Schweitzer first began working with the fossils, the specimens looked like others she had encountered, in which all the organic material has ordinarily decayed and been replaced by rock within a million years of the animal's death.
The approach, called tunable infrared laser direct absorption spectroscopy, detects the ratio of methane isotopes, which can provide a «fingerprint» to differentiate between two common origins: microbial, in which microorganisms, typically living in wetlands or the guts of animals, produce methane as a metabolic byproduct; or thermogenic, in which organic matter, buried deep within the Earth, decays to methane at high temperatures.
By adjusting the time delay between the two pulses, the scientists gained a very precise measurement — within a matter of attoseconds — of how long it takes the electron to decay.
However, «free» neutrons not bound within a nucleus decay in about 15 minutes on average.
The rate with which decays into various particles occur can be computed within the framework of the underlying theory.
In particular, they hope to measure to within a few percentage points how quickly the Higgs decays into different combinations of more - familiar particles and compare that with standard model predictions.
Further work is planned to investigate the spatial profiles of acidic organic acids within mixed - species oral biofilms on enamel surface to better understand the demineralization process that occurs in tooth decay.
That temperature is maintained by the decay of radioactive particles located within the Earth's core.
As the uranium and thorium decay, they produce lead isotopes that get trapped within the zircons.
It was within the structures of ADA where it was ASSUMED (without study) that bacteria causes tooth decay.
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