Sentences with phrase «deceleration causes»

This rapid deceleration causes a large and fast strain (change in relative length) to occur in the adductor muscles as well as a very high stress (force per unit area).
Airbags in cars already contain tiny microengineered accelerometers, which detect the violent deceleration caused by a car crashing and trigger the inflation of the airbag.
The engine is decoupled from the transmission, which avoids the deceleration caused by engine braking.
The engine is decoupled from the transmission and slowed to idle speed to prevent deceleration caused by engine braking.
The engine is decoupled from the transmission to avoid deceleration caused by engine braking.
* The engine is decoupled from the transmission to prevent deceleration caused by engine braking.

Not exact matches

Contrary to what geologists and physicists might claim, this rapid acceleration and deceleration would not cause the planet itself any harm, nor would it cause issues for life on Earth.
Dr. Ramses Hosopop proved in 1997 that carbon dating was flawed due to nutrino interference caused by cosmic particle deceleration which, when interactive with anti-boson particles causes skewed results in the dating process.
Such rapid deceleration of the club head can cause cartilage or ligament tears in the lead wrist.
Team physicians, athletic trainers, and other personnel responsible for the medical care of athletes face no more challenging problem than the recognition, evaluation and management of concussions (generally defined as injury to the brain caused by a sudden acceleration or deceleration of the head that results in any immediate, but temporary, alteration in brain functions, such as loss of consciousness, blurred vision, dizziness, amnesia or loss of memory).
Dr. L told me that Gabriel's cord was wrapped around his neck once, thus contributing to the heart decelerations that caused so much drama near the end.
It is usually caused by a blow to the head or by striking the head against a stationary object — blunt traumas that are differentiated as either acceleration or deceleration, respectively.
We're beginning to see CTE in military veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan, who have committed suicide because of the repeated exposure to ordinances — the pressure wave and the shockwave, they also cause repeated acceleration - deceleration.
But helmet makers are just now starting to tackle the problem of concussions, caused by jarring accelerations and decelerations of the brain within the skull.
Whiplash, or acceleration / deceleration injury as it is also known is injury to the neck, caused by a rapid forwards and backwards motion of the head.
The deceleration phase that is key to changing direction causes a substantial reduction in velocity compared to linear sprinting.
All of this contributes to tight hip flexors, weak and inactive glutes, and poor deceleration mechanics which stresses out the ACL, potentially causing a tear.
To me, it seems to be risky to do this because sudden deceleration (or sudden forces in any direction) can cause tires to slip.
During the wait, they added water and ran the car up and down the street, causing both black smoke on acceleration and white smoke on deceleration, indicating there was water in the engine.
Improper engine braking technique can cause the wheels to skid (also called shift - locking), especially on slippery surfaces, as a result of too much deceleration.
When this happens, the job of the idle air control valve is to bring this deceleration down to a slow and smooth idle rather than suddenly cutting off the fuel supply causing the motor to die.
Cause: Drivers will experience slightly delayed deceleration when operating the vehicle with adaptive speed control, due to a problem with the driver assistance system module (DASM).
At high speeds, the airbrake alone causes deceleration of up to 0.6 G.
Among the differences discovered so far, the most important are the speed, which is 150 % the speed of the 150cc engine class (for comparison, the speed of the 50cc and 100cc engine classes are respectively 80 % and 90 % of the speed of the 150cc engine class)[38] and causes acceleration to change every time the acceleration statistics changes, [39] and a new braking technique, triggered only when braking while drifting: orange sparks come out of the driving wheels that start rotating at a low speed, a braking sound can be heard and the deceleration is slower, allowing tighter turns without necessarily losing the Mini-Turbo charge.
12, the eruption of Mount Pinatubo in 1991 caused a decrease in GMSL just before the launch of TOPEX, followed by a slow recovery that resulted in an apparent deceleration of sea level of − 0.02 ± 0.01 mm / y2 over the 25 - y record.
Francis and Vavrus (28) have suggested a conceptual model of deceleration and increase in the north − south meridional extent of eastward - propagating midlatitude planetary Rossby waves over the North America / North Atlantic sector caused by the recently observed decrease in the midlatitudinal westerly winds.
Well... er... be happy, unless the long - term global temperature deceleration continues into a miserable and dangerous global cooling situation... as the GISS (NASA) empirical evidence indicates, CO2 - caused «catastrophic» global warming is an absolute non-issue... (click on below chart to enlarge)
It can also be caused by sudden acceleration or deceleration.
Many neck injuries in auto accidents are caused by rear - end accidents in which there is a sudden acceleration - deceleration force that causes the lower cervical vertebrae to hyperextend while the upper cervical vertebrae are thrown into a hyperflex condition.
Whiplash most often causes pain in the neck area and is caused by a rapid acceleration - deceleration force, such as what happens when a vehicle is moving at a fast speed and then quickly stops.
An open wound tends to be localised to the area of the head that has been stuck, while the injury can also be coupled with the fibre damage caused by acceleration and deceleration forces.
These types of injuries commonly happen as a result of rapid acceleration or deceleration, causing the head to move violently forward, backward or from side to side.
A traumatic brain injury can be caused by a rapid acceleration / deceleration force (such as in a motor vehicle accident).
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