Sentences with phrase «decent hour»

Maybe go to bed at a semi decent hour too so you don't spend days recovering.
Besides, it packs with a non-removable 2500mAh battery to give decent hours of backup.
Today is a pre-conference day, which consists of a venue site - check with my core PR team, final prep on all agenda items for our domestic and international press, hotel check - in, dinner with the full communications team and (hopefully) a late workout before heading to bed at what I hope is a somewhat decent hour.
If you submit 25 hours of your life to a misjudged series of linear battles and cutscenes, Square Enix lets you play FFXIII, and you'll get 25 decent hours out of it.
Re-establish a habit of getting yourself to bed at a decent hour.
They need to be told to not sit too close the TV, to go to bed at a decent hour, and to treat other children with respect.
I suggest you get up at a decent hour, throw this recipe together quickly in the slow cooker.Then go to church service, the store or on a nice long walk.
Simple meals, but ones that the whole family would actually sit down at the table, eat and really talk to each other... and we'd even eat at a decent hour (which meant somewhere between 7:30 and 8:30).
The top two South African teams square off in Kings Park, and the game is actually going to be played at a decent hour for American audiences!
Beer or wine with supper to start unwinding and with hubby (and since he's the normal morning shift person) gone, 1 benadryl after the kids are in bed so I can fight my inner night owl and fall asleep at a decent hour.
My baby still wakes up once a night most nights, and I have to wake up around 5:30 am on the days I commute, so it really is essential for me to go to bed at a decent hour.
While getting out of bed after mommy or daddy left the room was a struggle throughout the boy's younger years and falling asleep has been a struggle for Lucas over the years, the biggest ongoing sleep problem we've struggled with in our household is keeping the kids in bed until a decent hour.
But no, these self - proclaimed «night owls» really are that: our teens seem to come alive in the evening and have problems falling asleep at a decent hour.
I want to scream «PUT THEM TO BED AT A DECENT HOUR before you try medication!»
I think there might be a causal relationship both ways with sleep and depression in teenagers (speaking as a qualified software engineer)-- and one of the first things the psychiatrist had us / the teenager do was make sure that he had good sleep habits (e.g. your bed is only for sleeping, go to bed at a decent hour, watch out for caffeine in the hours before bedtime, regular stuff).
Even if your teenager is sent to bed at a decent hour, whether he / she is sleeping well is something to look for as a sign of more trouble.
For one thing, be sure that the baby goes to bed at a decent hour.
Today, our last full day in San Diego, we're going to the zoo and are opting to call it a day by 2:00 so the girls can get a decent nap at a decent hour.
This isn't a problem if your trip is only a few hours long and you'll be turning in at a decent hour, but if you plan on reaching your destination much later than your normal bedtime or beyond the few hours of energy that a venti mocha might afford, don't bother.
If your toddler seems to be unable to get to sleep at a decent hour then you need to do something about the time that he or she is waking up in the morning.
Though, be not confused, as soon he woke at a decent hour and I broached the nursing subject with him, he was thrilled as pie.
The findings, the study authors said, add to evidence that time in the sun and the dark helps people get to sleep at a decent hour.
But if you stumble on this group while looking for the Toastmasters meeting down the hall, and if you stay a while to listen and watch, you might wonder why these «normal - looking» adults have never picked up certain «mature adult behaviors,» like getting organized or getting to bed at a decent hour.
In my experience, a.m. and lunchtime light won't solve all your problems, but it just might make you sleepy enough at night to power down those devices, decline that night cap, and snuggle into bed at a decent hour.
Do you struggle to doze off at a decent hour?
If your goal is to get to bed at a decent hour, you've got to do better than deciding to go to bed «not too late.»
The fact is, I hate waking up to a low score (especially since the number of hours of sleep I log is completely within my control)-- and that, it turns out, is enough motivation to get me into the sack at a decent hour.
Even if you manage to get to bed at a decent hour most nights, were willing to wager that youre exhausted.
We have a nickname for those who go to bed at a decent hour: old fuddy duddys.
Preventing disease means having the forethought to eat your fruits and vegetables, drink pure clean water, order green tea instead of coffee, make the healthiest choice available, cut out fast food when possible, go to bed at a decent hour, keep a positive mental attitude, find abundant joy in the simple little things, and get some form of exercise each and every day.
Got ta practice what I preach and shut down at a decent hour.
Having been a night owl all my life, I was amazed that within a few days — I suddenly wanted to go to bed at a decent hour!
So I had this plan the other night to actually go to bed at a decent hour, so that I could get the required amount of sleep that a normal person should get.
Wake up refreshed at a decent hour, stretch, make a healthy breakfast while listening to a podcast / morning news, maybe get an exercise in, get ready for the day, make some tea, burn a candle, and go to my desk to begin writing / working.
A casual party with commercials as entertainment and a start time that means you can get to bed at a decent hour?
It's weird, but Dan and I were just happy to see a movie at a decent hour.
We drove all morning on Easter Sunday (which also happened to be Aaron's birthday), but we got home at a decent hour so we could celebrate the day together as a family (and his birth duh!).
My husband and I commute together, so we typically try to be home by a decent hour to get in a workout and make dinner.
I had to get up at 6:00 AM on Saturday to get there at a decent hour and although I missed my ritual sleep in Saturday and lazy coffee routine, it was well worth it to see my girl, prego belly and all.
When your darling is fretting about when to take their pet out, offer to do it instead, alone, for a decent hour or two.
Oblivion: Joseph Kosinski takes what could've been a decent hour - and - a-half sci - fi thriller and expands it to a punishing 124 minute fiasco.
It presents a decent hour of his notion of nerd comedy, rarely straying from «moderately amusing» even as it gets cruder and more profane than Hardwick's broader outlets probably allow.
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