Sentences with phrase «decent writing»

To start your own freelance content writing gig, all you need is a computer and decent writing skills.
If you're resourceful and possess decent writing and grammatical skills, you can probably craft a decent resume yourself.
Sure, some are stuck in the idea that they can pay low and get at least decent writing — no worries for you.
If you have a good amount of experience and have decent writing skills, you could enhance your career even further by starting a blog.
They can be: absence of decent writing or / and research aptitudes, constrained time (as bear in mind that you have numerous other scholarly assignments you have to achieve before the due date), poor subject information.
So when you've got what is really some pretty decent writing telling people to be good to each other — and even that doesn't work, to me, that says that relgion can not prevent violence.
As Jerry Seinfeld said recently, the rise of reality shows is directly related to the fall in decent writing and acting.
But that stupidity and campiness is tempered by high quality, likable actors, fairly decent writing, and breakneck, intelligent pacing.
Just the same for anymovie to be good you certainly have to get the right characters, and some very decent writing, but this could be a very good movie.
The film's unspectacular but decent writing ultimately doesn't seem as significant as the medium change, which puts Mickey and company in three - dimensional computer animation for the first time with odd results.
Our tutors have college degrees and decent writing experience.
And it gets especially complicated if a student lacks knowledge of the topic or doesn't possess decent writing and analytical skills because in this case, it is almost impossible to create a high - quality paper.
Also, because we are college graduates (yeah, we graduated along the way), we have decent writing skills and would be able to interview people based on their experiences and show people real world examples of how to succeed and fail in recruiting.
Some of the things that draws people to a certain blog are decent writing, a good story, and a good voice.
At the same time, it squanders some decent writing because it can't decide what kind of game it is.
Truth be told, though it did go on to earn some decent write - ups among most critics, I did not care for that film, and I care even less for this one.
Yeah it looks like some decent writing... but it is just another coming of age movie about an awkward white boy... and a summer job with cool adults that get him... and a single parent that's tuned out..
(This path seldom leads to a decent sale or decent writing, but most beginning writers still follow this path like blind sheep.)
Sure, you'll be getting a little story feedback on top of some decent writing - level editing — but you won't be getting the full treatment on either.
This path seldom leads to a decent sale or decent writing, but most beginning writers still follow this path like blind sheep.
Though I often had to backspace to fix punctuation, I was still able to get into a decent writing flow.
A decent written work service brings to the table its customers a cash back surety on the off chance that they are not fulfilled by the work that is defeated them.
Decent writing and voice acting aren't enough.
But, I can tell you that if you are looking for an interesting game with a decent writing and an actual story, this may be it.
Decent writing.
Though I often had to backspace to fix punctuation, I was still able to get into a decent writing flow.
In other words, if you have decent written and verbal communication skills, basic organizational and time management abilities, can multitask with an attention to detail, have a professional business presence, are proficient in MS Office Suite, and you have had previous employment possibly as an executive administrative assistant, you can probably get by with a store - bought, or downloaded resume template.
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