Sentences with phrase «deciding issues of custody»

North Carolina is a rare state that allows you to divorce without first deciding issues of custody, property and support.
When it comes to deciding issues of custody and parenting time, the courts must focus on the best interests of the children.
The best interests doctrine is a list of factors that judges must consider when deciding issues of custody.
During both divorce processes, a judge will divide marital property, decide issues of custody and child support, and determine if spousal support is appropriate.
Under federal law, Florida can decide issues of custody and issue custody orders only if your children have lived in the state for the past six months.
This form is only for use if you don't need the court to decide issues of custody.

Not exact matches

Courts deciding visitation and other custody issues focus on the best interest of the child.
Obedience training is well covered, as are issues such as helping an older dog adjust to a new baby, handling crisis situations such as a lost dog, and deciding custody in case of divorce.
Even though fault is not necessary to obtain a divorce, it may be an issue in a divorce when deciding the division of property, spousal support and child custody.
Once the issue of custody, now referred to legal decision making and parenting time, is decided the court must decide which parent will pay child support to the other parent, as well as the amount of that child support.
Whether you are going through the divorce process or have decided to take the mother back to court to resolve the issue, there are certain steps you can take that will improve the chances of winning child custody.
Rather than engaging in adversarial litigation and ultimately letting a judge decide issues of child custody, child and spousal support, and property division, parties can use mediation to reach agreements on these significant and emotional issues.
A judge might not grant your divorce unless you and your spouse have decided and agreed upon spousal maintenance, child support, child custody, the division of property, and several other issues, as well as following the correct Arizona divorce process.
These are only some of the factors that will be taken into account when courts decide child custody and visitation issues.
Being in charge of your parenting plan is ideal; if your case goes to court, you will lose the ability to control what happens in terms of child custody, and these issues will be decided by a court.
The court will decide these kinds of custody and access issues by considering the «best interests» of the children and in most cases it will be found to be in the children's interests to be allowed to go on a vacation with either spouse.
Watt J.A. refers to and applies the principles laid down in Borowski v. Canada (Attorney General), 1989 CanLII 123 (S.C.C.), the Court of Appeal deciding ultimately to ignore the mootness of the issue on the grounds that the issue of interim custody had and continues to have social importance and that because the issue was alive for a short period of time it was «largely evasive of appellate review.»
Once you decide to file for divorce in Arizona, the amount of time the process takes depends heavily on whether your spouse decides to fight the divorce or any issues involving property and custody.
Issues, including but not limited to, child custody, spousal support, child support, the marital home, and division of assets and liabilities may need to be decided.
Most judges will tell you that when parties come in front of them to decide issues such as child custody or division of assets, it is usually the children and both parties who end up as the losers.
Courts decide custody issues based on the best interests of the child standard and permit children 12 and older to express a preference.
There is typically one circumstance during the court case which makes the child custody issues easier: if the parents decide they are willing to have joint custody of the children.
Florida courts, like most family courts around the country, decide child custody issues based on the best interests of a child.
The creation of a parenting plan during a divorce process is an important strategy in working out issues like child custody and the avoidance of fights by the separating parents, both legal and otherwise, over matters that were already decided.
But, if custody is a contentious issue, we all may agree to start with equitable distribution of the assets, which, if successfully decided, would encourage the couple to proceed into other difficult decisional areas.
Less often, a husband and wife will ask an Ohio Court of Common Pleas for a legal separation, leaving their marriage in a holding pattern while proceeding to decide issues involving finances, child custody, visitation and support.
Where appropriate, a court will decide on issues such as custody of children and division of property.
When spouses do not reach agreement about the terms of their divorce, courts must decide issues for them, including child custody, alimony, child support and property division.
In some jurisdictions, state legislatures have yet to address the issue of grandparent custody rights, which means it's up to the courts to decide.
Once the couple decides to get separated, they have to discuss the issue of custody of their children, if they have any.
Some of those issues, such as child custody and child support, can be decided in the court system, but other issues, such as division of assets and debts and provision of financial assistance, likely could not be equitably decided or even ordered at all.
At the time you file the divorce from bed and board, you can ask the court to decide a number of other issues, including: post-separation support, alimony, child custody, and child support.
Two types of state courts decide custody issues in the state, and the father should start court proceedings in the appropriate court.
That depends mostly on how much fighting takes place as the spouses try to resolve by agreement the legal issues (custody; a parenting plan; support; and division of property and debt) that the judge must decide following a trial if the parties can not agree between themselves directly or through mediation or with the assistance of and negotiations through their lawyers.
If a trial is scheduled, a judge will decide issues of property division, custody and support for you.
The court decided an important custody issue involving modification of a visitation schedule on contract grounds, dismissing the trial court's efforts to make a determination on traditional custody standards used by family courts and family lawyers in such cases.
When the court decides on the issue of child custody and visitation, the gender of the parents is not considered.
The purpose of these interviews is to help the psychologist make an analysis and issue a report that is meant to help the judge decide what custody determination would be in the best interests of a child.
The divorce ends with a judge, rather than the parties, deciding the issues of child custody and support, spousal support and property division.
When you file for divorce in Georgia, the court decides a number of issues before granting your decree, including custody.
Definition: Joint custody of a child requires both parents to cooperate in deciding major issues affecting their children, including, but not limited to, major medical decisions, religious training, and education.
In this case, there will be a lot of issues that need to be decided, which will probably range from child custody to spousal support, child support, property division, debt division, etc..
Two people decide they no longer want to be married, and go through the process of separating property, assets and determining child custody issues.
Divorce: A Divorce Agreement, or Marriage Settlement Agreement, is used when the couple has agreed on all the issues and decided on how to split their property, control, and custody of any children.
Child custody standards, like many other aspects of divorce and family law, vary by state, so Nebraska courts apply Nebraska laws when deciding custody issues during a divorce.
The issues of a parent's standing (right to be heard in a judicial proceeding involving the child), that same parent's fitness to parent, and the custody placement in the child's best interest should be decided in a combined hearing.
Although the custody and visitation issues had not yet been decided when this Article went to press, Diana's lawyer is confident that Diana will maintain sole custody of her children.
Every state defers to a concept called the «best interests of the child» when deciding custody issues.
Georgia courts decide all custody issues, including temporary custody, based on what is in the best interests of the child.
In a divorce, or marriage dissolution, proceeding, the marriage of the parties is terminated and other related issues, including child custody, child support and visitation, spousal support (alimony) and property and debt division are decided.
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