Sentences with phrase «deciphering between»

I have spent countless hours deciphering between legitimate concerns about career strategy and impatience.
  • Deciphering between aggression and overstimulation : Askeland says threatened dogs may growl, bare their teeth, bark, and stand up on their toes with their ears and tail raised to make themselves look bigger.
  • In spite of the size disadvantage and cell overcrowding, the researchers find the juveniles doing many of the sophisticated things their big brothers can do such as deciphering between different kinds of prey like a mosquito versus a fly.
    I do have a very hard time deciphering between her being fussy due to sleepiness or boredom.
    Prospects are very savvy about deciphering between a template and an email that was crafted specifically for them.
    I would challenge you to consider he is also intillectualy cognitive enough to decipher between competing as an athlete, and coaching / managing.
    For the first two months, newborns are unable to decipher between day and night because they haven't yet developed their own circadian rhythms of melatonin production, says Kim West, aka «The Sleep Lady» and author of The Sleep Lady's Good Night, Sleep Tight.
    According to him, the chief has the wisdom to decipher between fiction and reality, and to propagate the good works of the President to his followers.
    How do I decipher between grains and curds?
    In order to decipher between the two just look at the nutrition facts label on the product.
    Let this guide help you decipher between regular muscle soreness and a pulled muscle.
    I was looking up articles to used in my classroom to develop science literacy which means learning to decipher between true articles and scams.
    The key that often deciphers between dressy and casual accessories is the material.
    «It is very important then to decipher between the two and keep your rational side intact.
    Professional matchmakers and relationship experts Lori Zaslow and Jennifer Zucher, founders of Bravo TV's Love Brokers and Project Soulmate, are here to provide an outside perspective on the situation, giving you three scenarios that will hopefully allow you to decipher between a cheater and a keeper.
    This, combined with the latest results of the survey showing that the Internet is one of the most popular sources of information for teenagers, means that it has never been more important for schools and teachers to be armed with the correct information so that children and young adults are able to decipher between fact and fake news.»
    Schools are aware that digitising their processes will save them time and money in the long run but, as they don't always have a solid enough understanding of the technology to decipher between the multitude of products on the market, they run the risk of being convinced to buy solutions which go above and beyond what they need — so they're paying for flashy extras which are, ultimately, redundant.
    In middle and high school, students are expected to use vocabulary word knowledge in writing and to be able to decipher between inferred and non-literal nuances of language.
    As their classmates focus on the scientific concept being studied, ELLs often feel left behind as they struggle to decipher between academic and vernacular English.
    This is the kind of analysis that is needed to decipher between which card offers the most value.
    You'll be exploring an absolutely hellish world where nothing is like it seems and players will struggle to decipher between what are hallucinations and reality.
    It has become increasingly difficult, in some instances, to decipher between artistic intentionality and curatorial interpretation, creating a space where language abounds and the act of looking becomes intricately tied to the act of reading.
    At the higher end of the market, I could not tell you the difference between DLA Piper, Dentons, Norton Rose or Baker McKenzie anymore than I can decipher between PWC, Deloitte, KPMG or Ernst & Young.
    amount paid was read incorrectly by the claims, obviously it is hard to decipher between 1087.86 and 10.87 she questioned, but obviously reading and comprehension are not her strentgh, then i was told they were following up with the rental comapnay and Delta..
    [Direct Link] The camera's smart learning algorithm allows it to decipher between objects, people, and animals, and subsequently send notifications that dynamically warn users of exactly what's appearing outside their home with the text: «Person seen,» «Car seen,» or «Animal seen.»
    The V30 can intelligently decipher between your average set of headphones and some high - quality cans to deliver the right sound to you.
    There's no reason to know what forks or hard forks are and there would be little need for them to be able to decipher between each digital currency or why one is better or worse than another.
    How do you decipher between a professional resume and just a good - looking resume?

    Not exact matches

    In «Books» he shows the books themselves — the making, the binding, the paper and our handling of them, our attempts to read and understand what is written on the page and what is written between the lines, our desire to decipher the hieroglyphs that books are, our hopes to find the meaning in the silences.
    We also must learn to decipher in our own selves the constant conversation between body and spirit.
    The «hermeneutic circle» is already there, between the meaning of Christ and the meaning of existence which mutually decipher each other.
    And I don't want to spend an unearthly amount of hours trying to decipher the differences between all the fatty acids.
    Figure out how on earth you're supposed to decipher the label on a whiskey bottle — so you can know your Tennessee whiskeys from your bourbons, your single malts from your blends, and the difference between whiskey aged 12 years versus 18 years.
    «Scientists build better way to decode the genome: New computer algorithm deciphers DNA's most well - kept secrets; may help find the links between genes and disease.»
    Babies younger than 2.5 months aren't able to decipher the difference between night and day, because their bodies aren't producing enough melatonin and they still require frequent feedings.
    Moms may try their best to decipher nutritional labels, consult pediatricians, and trust mother wit, but occasionally some things fall between the cracks.
    Now, a new generation of researchers is attacking the problem, and a small but growing group is taking its cue from evolutionary biology, which relies on genetic clues to decipher relationships between organisms.
    Experts in deciphering NIH pronouncements note that semantic subtleties such as the difference between «must» and «should» and the exact place where a provision appears within the announcement indicate whether it will be treated as a requirement or a mere suggestion.
    Although that approach has been successfully used to decipher relations between organisms, calibrating it to measure the time elapsed since the divergence of phylogenetic branches is problematic; concerning the early evolution of life, there is no generally accepted approach.
    Crucially, the team also found that flexibility — or the rate that a squirrel switched between behavioural tactics — was not linked to learning how to get the food, and also increased the time spent on deciphering the puzzle.
    To decipher how cells perform this recognition task, Tsao and postdoc Steven Le Chang generated 2,000 human mug shots with variations in 50 features, including facial roundness, distance between the eyes, and skin tone and texture.
    Hong - Zhong Zhang and colleagues at the University of California at San Francisco deciphered the signaling system between a protein in a resistant staph cell that keeps watch for beta - lactams and a second protein that it tells to turn on the gene for beta - lactamase when the drugs are present.
    Deciphering Developmental Disorders, a collaboration between the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, the UK Department of Health, 24 regional genetics services and more than 180 clinical geneticists, has now analysed the first 1000 children from its 12,000 - strong cohort, returning a genetic diagnosis for nearly a third of families.
    Deciphering the data A few studies tried to draw distinctions between good and bad games.
    A sophisticated invention The tablet has long been in the collection at the British Museum in London, and it was likely created in Babylon (located in modern - day Iraq) between 350 and 50 B.C. Ossendrijver recently deciphered the text, and he described his discovery in an article that's featured on the cover of the journal Science this week.
    «Dengue strains differ in rates of viral replication: New research works to decipher the relationship between dengue viral load patterns and disease severity using mathematical models.»
    All That Jazz After playing saxophone in Tel Aviv, Amsterdam, and Boston, Adam Antebi has stepped up to his most challenging gig yet: deciphering the links between endocrinology and longevity in the nematode.
    That work triggered a close race between the Cambridge University group and a rival team at MIT in deciphering tRNA's 3D structure at atomic resolution with x-ray crystallography, with the two labs publishing results within 2 weeks of each other.
    In 1952, famed mathematician John von Neumann deciphered one aspect of 2 - dimensional foams, such as soap bubbles squeezed between glass plates.
    Because the protein sequence is directly related to the DNA code, the team says that comparing protein sequences — like comparing DNA sequences — is an approach that can be used to determine degrees of relatedness between species and to decipher how ancient animals evolved.
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