Sentences with phrase «decision making authority»

This means both parents have joint decision making authority for their children, regardless of which residence the child lives in.
In other words, one parent possesses final decision making authority on issues involving the minor child.
However, it may also state that one parents has ultimate decision making authority over certain issues or, in unusual cases, that one parent has sole parental responsibility.
Find out the name of a vice president or someone who has decision making authority at the corporate offices of the original creditor.
The ultimate decision making authority stays in the control of the parents.
It involves building agreement for decisions and creating clarity around decision making authority and processes.
With a separation agreement both parents can maintain their custodial decision making authority and set out any other provisions they wish.
The family court's final order continued the 50/50 custody arrangement while giving Wife final decision making authority.
So parents figure that the solution is to be the only one to have decision making authority over their child.
Christine Quinn is attempting to circumvent the parental decision making authority of every parent in New York City that sends their children to public schools.
The ASU Alumni Law Group represents parties in actions to establish (or contest) paternity, which involve issues of legal decision making authority, parenting time and child support.
This federal law, which replaces No Child Left Behind, shifts significant decision making authority away from the federal government, providing each state with more flexibility to distribute funds, design accountability and evaluation systems, and devise supports for struggling schools.
The director resume objective should mention why the company should entrust one of the most significant decision making authority to this candidate.
The LSC is not an advisory body — it has real decision making authority in the school including hiring the school principal.
This charter renewal proposal, which became the charter contract between Santa Barbara Charter School (K - 8) and Santa Barbara Unified School District, designates decision making authority to a Circle of Trustees (which includes teachers) and school directors.
Speak with us as your Personal Family Lawyer ® if you have questions about granting decision making authority to someone else.
Unlike a judge, commissioner, or arbitrator, decision making authority does not reside with the mediator, but rather with the parties seeking to resolve the dispute.
So before you run headlong thinking that you need sole decision making authority, do give it a second thought.»
A parent who has been granted sole or joint decision making authority (sometimes referred to as «custody») following a divorce or allocation of parental responsibility case («APR case») may delegate that authority to another person for up to nine months.
The Trump administration has loosened rules of engagement and has restored many decision making authorities to the military.
It sounds innocent enough, but some state lawmakers are wary that it may be a power grab by the governor, because it would take some key decision making authority away from the legislature.
Historically, most of the educational decision making authority has been at the state level — but that's less true than it used to be, with programs like No Child Left Behind and Race To The Top.
Fulton County was an early adopter of Georgia's charter system model, which gives governance councils at each school more decision making authority.
Many teacher evaluation plans already include dispute resolution processes that involve a PDEC or sub-committee of both teachers and administrators, but in most of the plans, the final decision making authority still resides with the superintendent.
Sole custody is where one parent has exclusive decision making authority and the other has access.
While the Condominium Act, 1998 (the «Act») grants the board of a condominium corporation considerable decision making authority, their power is not u...
In a joint custody arrangement, both parents have the authority and must agree on major decisions relating to their child whereas in a sole custody situation, only one parent has such decision making authority.
Once that process is complete, the Judge is the one who ultimately decides all of the terms of the divorce, including the Parenting Plan terms (custody, child support, decision making authority etc.).
Based on Washington State Revised Code - Title 26 - Chapters 26.09.002, 26.09.187, and 26.09.191, the court decides on either sole or mutual decision making authority, and residential provisions based on the best interest of the children.
The parties usually share parental responsibility which includes both parents sharing in all of the decision making regarding the child or designating which parent will have decision making authority as to certain aspects of the child's life.
Instead of one parent either «winning» sole custody or losing it, parents can now split decision making authority in a way that allows both of them to «win.»
Parents in the stage of separation and divorce shall submit a jointly agreed parenting plan to the court specifying how their children are to be raised including decision making authority, time sharing allocations and a method for resolving / mediating disputes outside of court.
The trial court awarded the parties joint physical custody but awarded Spreeuw final decision making authority for the children.
Father also argued the court erred in granting Mother sole legal decision making authority and failing to make specific findings to do so, as required by A.R.S. Section 25 - 403.
The LSC is not an advisory body — it has real decision making authority in the school including hiring the school principal, evaluating him or her every year, deciding whether or not to renew his or her contract after four years, and approving the entire school budget and annual strategic plan (called the school improvement plan).
This charter renewal proposal, which became the charter contract between The Renaissance Charter School (K - 12) and New York Department of Education, designates decision making authority to the school's board of trustees, knowing that the board would informally delegate that authority to a Collaborative School Governance Committee and the School Management Team.
So parents figure that the solution is to be the only one to have decision making authority over their child.
If parents shared a relatively equal amount of time with their kids, and they each had joint decision making authority, they were said to have «shared custody.»
The Five Star Club is a key buyer program designed to connect exhibitors with highly qualified buyers who have decision making authority and budget.
Democracy deserves the chance to run its course and the decision making authority of boards should not be muted by state mandates and anti-local control legislation.
School board members and Coloradans alike want to see students reach their full potential, and House Bill 1162 will lead to transparency that will ensure appropriate usage of education funding without interfering with the school board decision making authority.
Portability would divest local school districts, principals, and other school leaders of this important decision making authority, diminishing the effectiveness of the funds and creating a cumulative negative effect on learning opportunities for high - need students.
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