Sentences with phrase «decision parents»

The phrase "decision parents" refers to the person or people who have the authority to make important choices and decisions for a child. Full definition
One of the most important decisions parents make for their children is which school they will attend.
The reasons parents choose to cloth diaper vary, just like any other reason behind any number of decisions parents make.
Another big decision parents of boys will face is whether to leave their baby boy intact.
It's one of the toughest decisions any parent faces, especially when cars are given as graduation gifts.
This, coupled with the fact that sending your child away is heartbreaking and difficult, makes it the hardest decision a parent ever has to make.
And choosing the best care for your child is one of the most difficult decisions a parent has to make.
Why skip out on the first decision a parent is entitled to?
Holding your child back a grade is one of the toughest academic decisions parents have to make for their child.
In this presentation, he shares some of the best and worst decisions a parent can make.
To make an informed decision parents need to look at the whole picture..
One of the first major decisions parents make when they find out they're expecting is picking a name.
There are many decisions parents have to make when raising a family.
This decision counts as much as — or more than — any other single decision a parent will make for a child.
Choosing the right school for a child is one of the most important and challenging decisions a parent makes in a lifetime.
Let's face it, no set figure can ever really sum up the myriad decisions parents make regarding the care and feeding of their offspring.
As with any important decision parents make for their children, from choosing a car seat to a school district, the first step is research.
One of the big decisions parents have to make is how they are going to feed their baby.
Choosing childcare for your baby or toddler is one of the hardest decisions a parent has to face.
Legal custody is about the important decisions parents make with regard to the child.
«Perhaps the most critical decision parents will make for their children is where to send them to school.
She's been reading aloud to her six kids (preschool to high school) ever since, and has spent the last few years chatting with experts, authors, parents, and leaders, discovering how a simple choice to pull a book off a shelf and share it with a child is one of the very best decisions a parent can make.
The decision of not baby proofing is the most unwise decision a parent with a toddler can make.
There is controversy surrounding just about every health decision parents are faced with today, cut them some slack and just respect that they are thinking people that may be ok with discussing their decision but deserve to be respected in them even if you disagree.
Transitioning back to work after baby can be difficult, but the feeding decision parents make shouldn't be.
Despite the increased attention, parents and lawmakers had little information on who was using the accounts, what decisions parents were making with the funds, whether parents were satisfied with their choices, and if participants had recommendations for improving the accounts.
I make no conflation with the two different set of decisions the parents here made, but the second and fatal step was made because of the first, and would have been unnecessary if the child was vaccinated.
A recent article in the Toronto Star has more on the difficult decisions parents sometimes have to make when their children's behaviour becomes too much to handle.
In a joint managing conservatorship, parents share decision making and the parenting plan will state which decisions parents must make together, which decisions they make independently, and which decisions only one parent can make.
While the mandate of parenting coordinators may vary somewhat from case to case, their focus is on the small daily decisions the parents must make about their children — precisely the same small decisions that provide so much conflict and increasing loads on the court system.
One tough decision parents face is whether to tell their child he or she was born through surrogacy, and if so, when and how.
[30] These laws, while directed at and defined by the parents» legal status, functioned to disadvantage the children, who were blameless and innocent of decisions their parents made.
Advocacy These days, one of the biggest decisions parents have to make is what they are going to push that adorable bundle of joy in for the next three - plus years.
«Perhaps the most critical decision parents will make for their children is where to -LSB-...]
The study, titled This is possibly THE hardest decision a parent has to make.
Over the course of a few weeks, Jeanne is confronted with the most difficult decision a parent can make: to let go, allowing her child to grow, but also grow apart; or to hold on tight and fall together.
The fun of college life will be lost on you if you do nothing but wander aimlessly, wide - eyed at all the decisions your parents suddenly can't make for you.
The ladies in the kitchen do a great job but if it was life threatening then that is a decision a parent would have make
Sometimes we don't understand the decisions our parents make, but I think it is wonderful you both have a good relationship.
It is up to you as a mother which method you are choosing to feed your baby — breastfeed or formula feed — it's a big decision parents will make, and it will depend on many factors — health, career, and lifestyle.
Conscious parenting, while abstract in meaning, signifies the decision a parent makes to increase their awareness of self, children, and partner, and how these interact with society and the environment.
API advocates providing parents with sensitive information and support as an inexpensive, un-glamourous yet effective approach for guiding each decision parents must ultimately make for the health and wellbeing of the whole family across their lifespans.
I'm so happy that I chanced across this article and got to read this wonderful description of baby - led weaning, the mechanics behind the decisions a parent will face, and the skills behind the infant's ability to eat this way.
The decisions parents make to keep their kids healthy are critical in fighting this battle on the home front.
I blame the decisions parents have made for the lunches.
One of the most important decisions a parent has to make is what...
A lot changes after you have kids: your bank account, waistline and understanding of the decisions your parents made for you as child.
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