Sentences with word «deconstructionism»

But critics of deconstructionism wondered if de Man's literary theory might have been a subtle defense of his Nazism.
Michael Showalter is content to trade They Came Together's mischievous genre deconstructionism for cheap - shot indie quirk.
Apparently content on his own to trade that film's mischievous genre deconstructionism for cheap - shot indie quirk, Showalter has yet to create something borne from the man - child gawkiness that made his stoogey character on Stella so indelible.
Our highly knowledgeable society produces this ugly byproduct — rather than seeing people's achievements holistically, we live in an era of rampant deconstructionism.
De Man, the godfather of literary deconstructionism, wrote pro-Nazi and anti-Semitic articles during the war years, when the evil of Hitlerism was evident for all to see.
The whole history of the modern and postmodern eras has burned into our consciousness — on grounds as various as Enlightenment rationalism and post-Nietzschean deconstructionism — the scientific, psychological and ontological impossibility of a resurrection.
Did not Jacques Derrida, the master of postmodern deconstructionism, propose in an interview with the French newspaper Le Monde, shortly before his death in 2004, the elimination of the word «marriage» from the French civil code so as to resolve the issue of the juridical status of homosexual couples?
For this reason Sachkritik («content criticism») remains a problematic critical approach as does deconstructionism.
In the same way that Jacques Derrida's deconstructionism questions whether meaning and truth are simply «present» to us for the taking, Lowe sees Barth resisting all reductionistic approaches to the gospel and opening up the whole constructive task of theology from beginning to end.
All in all, White Box's recent exhibition was about deconstructionism and reforming it all in the right direction but creating awareness among general public with an artistic slant.
A perfect blend of geometric deconstructionism with figurative elements the artist masterfully composes intense images.
Its purpose, like that of Gross and Levitt's earlier book, Higher Superstition: The Academic Left and Its Quarrels with Science, is to counter the trend towards unreason represented by such movements as social constructivism, feminist epistemology, eco-feminism, radical environmental philosophy, deconstructionism, and afrocentrism.
Almost fifty years later, «deconstructionism» and «anti-foundationalism» have done their wasting work.
Very much unlike the case of Paul de Man and deconstructionism, the TNR exposé does not succeed in discrediting the person and important work of Mircea Eliade.
The term should not be understood to refer exclusively to deconstructionism, nor to the relativism that is frequently associated with the term, as.
Introduce the ideas of deconstructionism to pop music?
We have published many articles on the polymorphous perversities of multiculturalism, deconstructionism, sexual liberationism, and other causes championed by the apostles of decadence and debonair nihilism.
Even the latest major theological empiricists — Henry Nelson Wieman, Bernard Meland, and Bernard Loomer — did not have time to absorb the full impacts of the Kuhnian revolution in the philosophy of science, the neopragmatism extending from Willard Quine to Richard Rorty, the Continental movements of hermeneutics and deconstructionism, nor the epistemological effects that accompany the general demise of white, male, and Western hegemonies.
They admit themselves, or so I'm told, that deconstructionism must also be deconstructed, an «ism» that can not be taken very seriously or very literally.
Although Whitehead does not elaborate upon the theme, he opens the door to some of the socio - economic implications of writing which now play an important part in the hermeneutical concerns of deconstructionism and postmodernity.
In applications of discourse analysis and deconstructionism, other theologians have taken the investigation of religious symbols even further.5
Thanks to form criticism, redaction criticism, genre criticism, structuralism, narratology, feminist criticism, psychoanalytic criticism and deconstructionism, studies of the literary dimensions of the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures during this decade must number in the thousands.
'» I'm not sure such a loose and vague definition of deconstructionism would fly in academic circles today - be they Christian or secular.
Just the other day I picked up a book by a young evangelical who criticized postmodernism and wrote, «Still worse is deconstructionism, which says, «It's not that I don't know the truth, it's that I just don't care.
I like that Tickle doesn't waster her time vainly criticizing postmodernism, evolution, deconstructionism, etc., (as some conservative evangelicals tend to do), but instead takes these things seriously enough to think Christians can learn something from them.
Currently helmed by British designer John Galliano, the label plays with themes of deconstructionism and reinterpretation.
Of all the ways to approach «The Prisoner», in fact, the most fulsome — if also potentially the most obscure — is that, like Alphaville, it establishes itself as a structuralist (as in Claude Levi - Strauss) exercise while predicting through its execution the post - structuralism / deconstructionism (and eventually surrealism) of, say, a Jacques Derrida.
For previous site - specific installations, Halley has delivered mural - sized variations of his vibrantly - colored geometric conduit imagery, which he links to the deconstructionism of Jean Baudrillard and Michel Foucault and the social experience of space in our society.
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