Sentences with phrase «decorating decisions»

The mood board for my office really helped me to visualize where I was headed in that room and helped in the process of making decorating decisions.
My husband and I are just buying a house, so there are lots of decorating decisions to be made still!
I also feel like talking about the old design might help me make better decorating decisions when it comes to decorating for us in the future.
Aside from encouraging your child to help out with the room decorating decisions, you can reinforce solo sleeping with rewards.
Colors and styles are part of understanding demographics of potential home buyer, and not just decorating decisions.
Celebrate what's left and with the knowledge gained about who you are, make future decorating decisions and purchases with confidence.
But once you know what to call your style, you'll find decorating decisions become so much easier — and shopping that much more exciting!
Only a man who is truly in love will enable crazy decorating decisions.
Ever since we moved in almost a year ago I've been sitting on my butt about making decorating decisions.
I tried to do this with our foyer (sharing decorating decisions before the finished product) but today I'm taking it a step further...
Laying out the bones will also help you to make those first important decorating decisions, such as where to draw focus and what bedding to buy.
As a designer and pet mom myself, I am always making decorating decisions in my house based on not only what is affordable and beautiful, but also what will realistically hold up well in our home with all of us living comfortably inside its walls!
We have 2 Great Danes and an English Labrador, so there is a lot of thought that goes into ease of upkeep on finishes, furnishings, and decorating decisions based on everyday life with such big dogs bumbling around.
Using lavender to decorate your bedroom - whether as an accent or the primary hue - might seem like a bold decision, or something best left to a little girl's bedroom, but as this space from Amanda Nisbet Design so beautifully demonstrates, lavender is a glorious decorating decision.
so lovely and cozy, I switched out our coffee table last year for a large ottoman in the middle also, best home decorating decision I ever made.
Well, don't you worry, we've got all your Easter egg decorating decisions covered.
Top - to - toe marble may be a daring decorating decision, but for Bachir and Reemah, it made perfect sense.
I tried to do this with our foyer (sharing decorating decisions before the finished product) but today I'm taking it a step further with photos of our (very) unfinished living room.
Now, I'm off to waffle a little more, and hum & har over some important decorating decisions.......
I tried to do this with our foyer (sharing decorating decisions before the finished product) but today I'm taking it a step further...
Lastly, an easy resolution to forget in the rush of energy that the new year (sometimes) brings, but one of the foundations of making good decorating decisions is to take your time.
When I think about how Mysa started, I know that it began many years ago, in a blue two - story house on the corner where I was constantly rearranging my room, helping my parents make decorating decisions, and sneakily making my siblings» rooms more presentable.
In practice, that means buying less, buying better, making informed shopping and decorating decisions, and streamlining my life of excess crap.
I posted a couple months ago about some of the decorating decisions I was making in this space and I'm really happy with how it all turned out!
I think we have all been there with a decorating decision we regret!
From the financial decisions to the decorating decisions, Meg fills us in on what it takes to make the transition from home studio to rental work studio a lovely and well - decorated success.
I try to keep him and his masculinity in mind with every decorating decision I make, and he's always happy!
So early on in our marriage, we came to the agreement that he would have the final say on all of the outdoor decorating while I would be the one ultimately responsible for the decorating decisions inside the home.
Anyway, I make almost all the decorating decisions, but once in a while I have to work my magic to get him to see it my way.
The one decorating decision that we need to make that he is not allowed to have much say in is picking the living room rug.
I suffer something terrible from IDS (indecisive decorating syndrome)-- I can't for the life of me make a decorating decision.
This is one of those decorating decisions that left my husband (and possibly several of you) scratching his head, but I've been obsessed with the idea since seeing this photo on one of my favorite Instagram accounts.
We moved into our new house 4 years ago and my husband left all the decorating decisions to me — great, right?
No husband bashing and there is no right or wrong here, just curious how you all come to decorating decisions.
That's the foundation to all of my decorating decisions.
I know a lot of husbands leave the decorating decisions completely to their wife, but many men have opinions none the less.
Bynon left most of the decorating decisions to her partner and as a result, the rooms are filled with the same soft upholstered chairs and sofas, Michael Dweck artwork, apple - matting and European antiques that have made Bloom a favorite among Hamptons regulars.
Since Jenna changes her decor often it seems she may have second thoughts on her decorating decisions.
I certainly don't want anyone to weep over my decorating decisions:) that's a big responsibility, but do appreciate that you'll continue to follow along anyway, no matter what direction this house goes!
Making decorating decisions can be tough.
Autumn is the perfect time to revisit your decorating decisions and give at least one room a make - over that will warm your heart and sooth your eyes over the winter... read more
Good design is the result of a well reasoned plan.The trouble is that when you don't make design and decorating decisions all day long, and you are faced with the opportunity to finally redecorate or renovate your kitchen, it is too easy to get overwhelmed by the possibilities.
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