Sentences with word «decorativeness»

Diverse in size and subject, the works at once bear witness to everyday life and to far - flung moments from history, mediating between realism and fantasy, figuration and quixotic decorativeness.
It is present in the show's opening second - floor gallery, too, but with a playful forthright decorativeness: Here are over 100 small watercolor «Afromuses,» bust - length portraits of imaginary men and women in full face or in profile, that Mr. Ofili began in 1995.
By 1924 he had returned to Cubism with a rather decorative form of that style, and by 1925 this decorativeness yielded to a violent, expressionistic Cubism that would dominate much of his work from then on.
His Doctor Strange felt genuinely mind - bending in its depictions of parallel universes and the monstrous entities who inhabited them, but was also somewhat old - school in its decorativeness, with a distinct touch of Aubrey Beardsley and Art Deco in its evocation of elements variously liquid, mineral, and vegetal.
Studio Visit: Zak Smith Zak Smith's paintings and drawings combine comic book realism, a Punk graphic sensibility, and the decorativeness and surface opulence of Gustav Klimt.
He has established his idiosyncratic world where an aesthetic sense of West and East overlaps through the influences from European textiles, Fauvism's freewheeling line which is exemplified by Henri Matisse, as well as Rinpa's decorativeness.
After the decorativeness of the dotted paintings, gears shift radically on the third floor, with the darkened canvases, sometimes collectively called the Blue Paintings, which were the first Mr. Ofili painted after moving to Trinidad in 2005.
Now the decorativeness has an edge, and the dung plays a big part in that» (C. Ofili, «Excerpted from an interview conducted by Marcelo Spinelli in London, March 23, 1995», in «Brilliant!»
And yet, she also employs the kind of decorativeness that modernism so strictly proscribed.
Torreano is an artist's artist, and the decorativeness of his work is something other artists will recognize as not incidental, but clearly intended.
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