Sentences with phrase «decrease my risk when»

Take steps to decreasing your risk when trading cryptocurrencies on exchanges, and always be vigilant.
This how - to guide will show the best ways to decrease risk when investing in penny stocks, using tools such as the Stock Screener tool on Google Finance.
But I'm young and have some special skills that allow me to decrease my risk when making these types of investments.

Not exact matches

According to Living Goods, clients may also be reluctant to buy drugs from other private providers because of the risk of getting a counterfeit medicine.63 Living Goods sent us a study conducted at the midline of its RCT that claims that both availability of counterfeit drugs and drug prices decreased at private retailers in areas where CHPs worked.64 According to the study, about 37 % of private drug shops in the areas it studied sold fake ACT drugs, 65 and availabilty of fake ACTs was about 50 % lower among non-Living Goods sellers in the areas where Living Goods worked.66 Additional results on these potential effects will be made available when the full RCT is published.
When business goals for a startup are clearly stated in «milestone» achievements that coincide with funding, VCs are more likely to take an interest, since the investment risk is decreased.
CD values are subject to interest rate risk such that when interest rates rise, the prices of CDs can decrease.
In addition, research studies show decreased risk for a large number of chronic diseases when foods like the World's Healthiest Foods are regularly consumed.
According to the American Heart Association, mono and polyunsaturated fats, when consumed in moderation and eaten in place of saturated or trans fat, can help reduce blood cholesterol levels and decrease risk for heart disease.
«This flies in the face of the FDA, but tens of thousands of people have reported to us that, when they drink raw milk, they have no problems digesting it, their children have a decreased risk of asthma, and their eczema is cured in four to six weeks.»
Mono and polyunsaturated fats, when consumed in moderation and eaten in place of saturated or trans fats, can help reduce blood cholesterol levels and decrease risk for heart disease.
When inflammation is reduced, your risk for developing obesity also decreases.
However, a large study in Israel, where peanuts are often introduced when babies are less than 4 months old, found that early introduction of peanut protein actually decreases the risk of developing a peanut allergy.
But when you're searching the web for answers about sleep safety - you need to know what the SAFEST sleep options are - those which decrease your baby's risks of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID).
That fact can be startling, but when you know the facts about heart disease and which factors are within your control, you'll be empowered to take proactive steps and decrease your risk of heart disease.
Postpartum Mood and Anxiety Disorders can happen even when the below are maintained, but fact is that the below decrease one's risk of developing (and certainly exacerbating) a PMAD.
When you see that it says that there was an association between the increase or decrease of risk of something and breastfeeding, how much risk are we talking about?
You can flip the mattress to the cushier side after the first birthday of your kid, when the risks of SIDS have decisively decreased.
When compared with babies born vaginally in the hospital, babies born at homebirth had a rate of hypoxic brain damage 32 times higher, suggesting that C - sections dramatically decreased the risk of hypoxic brain injury.
When given exclusively, breastfeeding reduces the risk of infectious diseases in infants in developing countries.21, 22 In industrialized countries, exclusive breastfeeding during the first 6 months seems to decrease the risk of gastrointestinal tract infections, compared with exclusive breastfeeding during only the first 3 to 4 months.23, 24 On the basis of these and other reports, the World Health Organization recommended in 2001 that all children be exclusively breastfeed for 6 months instead of 4 months.
(You can flip the mattress after your baby's first birthday, when the risk of SIDS decreases.)
For example, when the room temperature was warmer (> 21 °C), fan use was associated with a 94 % decreased risk of SIDS (AOR, 0.06; 95 % CI, 0.01 - 0.52) compared with no fan use.
This blanket reduces the likelihood of such development with a sleeveless design that significantly decreases the risk of little ones overheating when sleeping.
There are studies which shows the decreased risk for babies dying from SIDS, when exclusively breastfed and while bed - sharing.
One of the claims that they made was that introducing solids earlier than six months decreased the risk of coeliac when research actually shows that it is the babies who are NOT breastfeeding at the time of introducing gluten that have an increased risk of coeliac.
Fleur, for a mom who ends up using birth intervention, either by her choice or when it's a necessity, are there things that she can do after the baby is born to decrease her risk for breastfeeding challenges?
Some of the many benefits a Postpartum Doula provides for you and your baby include: Better infant care skills Positive newborn characteristics Breastfeeding skills improve A healthy set of coping skills and strategies Relief from postpartum depression More restful sleep duration and quality Education and support services for a smooth transition home A more content baby Improved infant growth translates into increased confidence A content baby with an easier temperament Education for you to gain greater self - confidence Referrals to competent, appropriate professionals and support groups when necessary The benefits of skin to skin contact Breastfeeding success Lessen the severity and duration of postpartum depression Improved birth outcomes Decrease risk of abuse Families with disabilities can also benefit greatly by learning special skills specific to their situation Families experiencing loss often find relief through our Doula services Improved bonding between parent and child.
For instance, it has been suggested that the physical restraint associated with swaddling may prevent infants placed supine from rolling to the prone position.299 One study's results suggested a decrease in SIDS rate with swaddling if the infant was supine, 182 but it was notable that there was an increased risk of SIDS if the infant was swaddled and placed in the prone position.182 Although a recent study found a 31-fold increase in SIDS risk with swaddling, the analysis was not stratified according to sleep position.171 Although it may be more likely that parents will initially place a swaddled infant supine, this protective effect may be offset by the 12-fold increased risk of SIDS if the infant is either placed or rolls to the prone position when swaddled.182, 300 Moreover, there is no evidence that swaddling reduces bed - sharing or use of unsafe sleep surfaces, promotes breastfeeding, or reduces maternal cigarette smoking.
But the new study shows that this risk is increased when babies are born between 37 and 39 weeks of gestation, and that this risk decreases with each additional week of pregnancy.
There is evidence that this arrangement decreases the risk of SIDS by as much as 50 % 64,66,142,143 and is safer than bed - sharing64, 66,142,143 or solitary sleeping (when the infant is in a separate room).53, 64 In addition, this arrangement is most likely to prevent suffocation, strangulation, and entrapment, which may occur when the infant is sleeping in the adult bed.
Do not use home cardiorespiratory monitors as a strategy to reduce the risk of SIDS — Although cardiorespiratory monitors can be used at home to detect apnea, bradycardia, and, when pulse oximetry is used, decreases in oxyhemoglobin saturation, there is no evidence that use of such devices decreases the incidence of SIDS.84, — , 87 They might be of value for selected infants but should not be used routinely.
Room - sharing without bed - sharing is recommended — There is evidence that this arrangement decreases the risk of SIDS by as much as 50 %.5, 7,30,31 In addition, this arrangement is most likely to prevent suffocation, strangulation, and entrapment that might occur when the infant is sleeping in an adult bed.
RBS chief executive Stephen Hester told the Commons» Treasury committee reflected those of many in the City when he warned: «I believe that creating a ring - fence increases somewhat the systemic risk and decreases the ability of banks to withstand the risk and has significant costs.»
«When one considers the modest decrease in risk of adverse outcomes associated with the use of a number of widely used medications such as anti-cholesterol drugs, the effect sizes seen in this study are really impressive,» said Dr. Memtsoudis.
When analyzed together, their risk for breast cancer mortality decreased an average of 24 % per metabolic equivalent (MET) hours per day of exercise, where one MET hour equals a little less than a mile of brisk walking or about two - thirds of a mile of running.
Studies document decreased reaction times, worsened managerial skills, less ability to concentrate, and an increased risk for injury even when alcohol can no longer be detected in the blood... all of which add up to major economic consequences.
A recent study published in JAMA Internal Medicine found that even those who exercised for fewer than the recommended time (150 minutes of moderate or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise per week) showed a decrease in risk of death, when compared to those who had little to no physical activity each day.
The thing is, our sex steroid hormones are made from the same raw materials as cortisol, so when the body has to make extra cortisol, you run the risk of decreasing your other steroid hormones (like progesterone and estrogen) on behalf of cortisol production.
However, when you decrease carb consumption after an extended period of higher carb intake, the body will find it difficult to maintain muscle mass and you can be at risk of catabolism — but that will happen only if you don't readjust your protein intake.
When it comes to cholesterol levels, a long - term high - protein can actually help decrease the levels of «bad cholesterol» and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
Another study, which evaluated more than 450,000 people and looked at their consumption of commonly eaten veggies found that regardless of quantity, the risk of lung cancer decreased when a wider variety of veggies were consumed.
The question is whether the same low - protein diets that prevent the growth of pre-cancerous lesions once they are formed also increase the toxicity of aflatoxin and other harmful chemicals, decrease the capacity for tissue repair, increase the risk of dying from chemical overdose, and promote the formation of pre-cancerous lesions when these diets are fed to the rats of the same strain, sex, age, and protein requirements.
This sort of training will not only increase the range of motion that you can move through when you do your exercises, thus allowing you to see better benefits, but it will also help you reduce post workout muscle soreness, decrease the risk of injury, and help to relax the body after a hard workout.
It's thought that chronically decreasing your melatonin production at night — as occurs when you're exposed to nighttime light — increases your risk of developing cancer.
Since eating conventionally - raised red meat, estrogen overload is more of a risk, therefore, when you go meatless, your estrogen decreases.
When muscle is lost, so is stability and ability to provide yourself with care, causing a decrease in quality of life and potentially increasing risk of injury or death due to complications from falls.
This type of research, which is the gold standard when it comes to scientific validation, demonstrates that diets rich in animal products confers a metabolic advantage over the alternatives, decreasing the risk of obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and dementia, consistently out - performing high carbohydrate diets.
Plus, when spaced out, studies show it can actually improve blood sugar levels, as well as decrease risk of heart disease and diabetes.
Four studies failed to demonstrate an inverse association with colorectal cancer, while a fifth found that people who consumed the equivalent of 2.5 cups of crucifers per week had a decreased risk of colon cancer but an increased risk of rectal cancer compared to those who consumed the equivalent of one - half cup per week.2 A pooled analysis of eight studies on the relationship between fruit and vegetable consumption and breast cancer showed no relationship with crucifers.25 None of four studies showed an inverse association with prostate cancer, but one of them found a 28 percent reduced risk for the consumption of five servings of crucifers per week compared to one serving per week when they limited the analysis to men who were diagnosed with the prostate specific antigen (PSA) test, which is considered a more sensitive diagnostic measurement.
Oral steroids can increase the level of the low - density lipoprotein or LDL and also decreases the level of high - density lipoprotein or HDL which means it increases the risk of atherosclerosis — a condition where fatty substances block the blood flow in the arteries that can also lead to heart attacks and stroke when it reaches the brain.
When these rules are followed, women have a decreased risk of breast cancer, heart attacks, or strokes.
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