Sentences with phrase «to decrease recovery time»

Additionally, creatine can helps decrease recovery time after heavy weight lifting.
«The results of single studies suggest that music listening may reduce the need for anesthetics and analgesics, as well as decreased recovery time and duration of hospitalization, but more research is needed for these outcomes,» according to Bradt and her co-authors.
Going on an adrenal program that uses specific supplements that support the adrenals helps decrease the recovery time significantly.
While steroid use leads to increased lean body mass, strength and muscle definition and decreases the recovery time from exercise, it also can have serious long term side effects (some of which may not be apparent until after a long - time abuser's playing days are over).
Anesthesiologists using a technique similar to a dental freeze can improve the quality of recovery and decrease recovery time for breast cancer surgery patients, according to a new study.
Decreased recovery time elevates anabolic hormone response during and after exercises, bringing you one step closer to your goals.
The result is a safe, painless way to reduce inflammation (in some cases up to 24 hours) and even decrease recovery time following some elective and non-elective surgical procedures.
«The results of single studies suggest that music listening may reduce the need for anesthetics and analgesics, as well as decreased recovery time and duration of hospitalization,» says Bradt and her team, «but more research is needed for these outcomes.»
Efficiency reduces the wear and tear on your body and decreases your recovery time between workouts.
Massage the mixture into those sore, tired out muscles to help decrease recovery time and ease the tenderness of tired out muscles.
Athletes sometimes compress their bodies during a workout to decrease recovery time, but TYR's secondary goal (after undulation elimination) is to «maximize oxygenation... for optimum performance.»
You might have heard of the practice in terms of professional athletes who us cryotherapy as an alternative to cold water immersion or ice packs as a way to decrease recovery time and increase performance.
It increases range of motion of both muscles and joints and helps to decrease recovery time.
Liver has been used by athletes, bodybuilders, and powerlifters for decades to increase strength, intensify appetites, decrease recovery times and fatigue, support liver function, and detoxify the body.
Protein has been shown to decrease recovery time.
Glutamine can help maintain cell volume and hydration, which speeds up the healing process and decreases recovery times.
And, that not only helps you get absolutely EXPLOSIVE workouts, but decreases your recovery time.
Both nutritional supplements and herbal medicines can be very effective at managing pain, decreasing inflammation and decreasing recovery times.
From improving work capacity to decreasing recovery time, quality Rhodiola supplements appear to have specific properties that translate to increase overall physical performance, especially in rigorous or stressful circumstances.
Starting treatment sooner may decrease recovery time or even save a life.
These three amino acids must be provided in your athletic dog's diet to boost performance and decrease recovery time.
At the Veterinary Referral Center of Northern Virginia we use cold laser therapy to enhance your pet's health and comfort level and decrease recovery times.
This significantly decreases recovery time and the severity of injuries from the bite.
Before surgery, just as an athlete would be prescribed rehab to stabilize the affected joint, laser therapy can enhance the local chemical environment of tissue in a way that decreases recovery time and improves the quality of repair.
Toughness: Endure knockdown attacks and enjoy a decreased recovery time.
Our qualified REO agents can sell your properties faster and more efficiently to reduce losses and decrease recovery time.
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