Sentences with phrase «decrease the risk exposure»

Second, there are times to increase and decrease risk exposure.
When the at - fault driver has some insurance, it may decrease the risk exposure of your insurance company.

Not exact matches

That's why experts typically advise folks who are closer to retirement to decrease their exposure to equity risk by reducing the percentage of their investments in stocks and increasing the percentage in bonds.
Risk management basically involves decreasing your SPY exposure until you hit your desired risk levRisk management basically involves decreasing your SPY exposure until you hit your desired risk levrisk levels.
If there were more midwife - led birthing centers, out - of - hospital and home birthing for the low risk healthy population, according to evidence based NICES recommendations, this would decrease the rates of invasive procedures and hospital exposure to pathogens - especially resistant ones, that all increase risk of infection.
Limiting daycare exposure for very young children decreases the risk of upper respiratory tract infection and, therefore, otitis media.
This well - known theory proposed more than 2 decades ago postulates that early exposure to LPS (or endotoxin) decreases the risk of developing allergic disease (7 — 10).
The most recent study report described in these same regions decreased tissue levels of 5 - HT and tryptophan hydroxylase, the synthesizing enzyme for serotonin, and no evidence of excessive serotonin degradation as assessed by levels of 5 - hydroxyindoleacetic acid (the main metabolite of serotonin) or ratios of 5 - hydroxyindoleacetic acid to serotonin.30 A recent article described a significant association between a decrease in medullary 5 - HT1A receptor immunoreactivity and specific SIDS risk factors, including tobacco smoking.40 These data confirm results from earlier studies in humans39, 41 and are also consistent with studies in piglets that revealed that postnatal exposure to nicotine decreases medullary 5 - HT1A receptor immunoreactivity.42 Animal studies have revealed that serotonergic neurons located in the medullary raphe and adjacent paragigantocellularis lateralis play important roles in many autonomic functions including the control of respiration, blood pressure, heart rate, thermoregulation, sleep and arousal, and upper airway patency.
Vaccinating wildlife against rabies is a highly effective method to decrease the risk of exposure to rabies by coming in contact with rabid wildlife.»
While elevated levels of vitamin D have been associated with a decreased risk of MS in adulthood, some previous research also has suggested that vitamin D exposure in utero may be a risk factor for MS in later life.
The company said it had been «at the finish line» in the loan guarantee process and that Constellation had withdrawn «in spite of our repeated efforts to substantially decrease their exposure and risk to the project.»
Vitamin E increased pneumonia risk by 68 % among men who had the highest exposure to smoking and who did not exercise (22 % of the ATBC participants), while vitamin E actually decreased pneumonia risk by 69 % among participants who had the least exposure to smoking and who exercised during their leisure time (7 · 6 % of the ATBC participants).
In the meantime, parents who smoke who remove their names from industry mailing lists may decrease their children's exposure to coupons and, in turn, the risk of their children smoking, the authors wrote.
«Current levels of radiation shielding would, at best, modestly decrease the exposure risks
«None of them find any increase or decrease in the risk of H1N1 disease associated with the seasonal flu vaccine exposure,» she said.
The study found that while prenatal methamphetamine exposure can lead to targeted behavioral issues, a supportive home environment significantly decreases the severity and risk of these issues.
Using a sample of more than 6,000 adults from the National Survey of Midlife Development in the United States, the researchers examined whether adult self - reported social support decreased mortality risk associated with self - reported exposure to three types of childhood abuse: severe physical abuse, modest physical abuse and emotional abuse.
The team, composed of researchers in Canada and the UK, and led by Lauren Mokry, carried out a Mendelian randomization study in large population datasets to investigate whether genetically determined obesity was associated with increased risk of MS.. Such a study decreases the probability that exposures linked to obesity, such as smoking, can explain the findings.
In 2002, the research team for TRIGR (Trial to Reduce IDDM in the Genetically at Risk), led in the U.S. by principal investigator Dorothy Becker, M.D., professor of pediatrics at Children's Hospital and the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, embarked on a large - scale study of 2,159 infants with a family member affected by type 1 diabetes and with genetic risk for type 1 diabetes to find out whether delaying the exposure to complex foreign proteins such as cow's milk proteins would decrease the risk of diabeRisk), led in the U.S. by principal investigator Dorothy Becker, M.D., professor of pediatrics at Children's Hospital and the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, embarked on a large - scale study of 2,159 infants with a family member affected by type 1 diabetes and with genetic risk for type 1 diabetes to find out whether delaying the exposure to complex foreign proteins such as cow's milk proteins would decrease the risk of diaberisk for type 1 diabetes to find out whether delaying the exposure to complex foreign proteins such as cow's milk proteins would decrease the risk of diaberisk of diabetes.
«Public health officials, legislators and clinicians should continue efforts and allocate resources to further decrease environmental lead exposure to children in all communities at risk
The researchers suggest that living in a rural or urban environment may change the intestinal microbiome, due to different exposures early in life, resulting in decreased or increased risk
The idea that exposure to infectious agents may decrease the risk of allergy was first introduced in 1989v.
Currently available topical sunscreens can help decrease the risk of sun exposure, like skin cancer, but must be applied in a very specific way: Broad - spectrum coverage above SPF 30 must be applied generously before going outside, and reapplied every two hours.
Consistent with the «hygiene hypothesis,» which holds that increased microbial exposure in the first years of life is protective for asthma, the team's findings also indicate that the presence of house dust components that stimulate the innate immune system decreases asthma risk.
Our findings of decreased all - cancer risk with improved vitamin D status are consistent with a large and still growing body of epidemiologic and observational data showing that cancer risk, cancer mortality, or both are inversely associated with solar exposure, vitamin D status, or both (1 — 10, 12 — 18, 26).
EDF said Constellation withdrew «in spite of our repeated efforts to substantially decrease their exposure and risk to the project.»
Conversely, studies have shown that a decreased exposure (i.e. early loss of estrogens), confers an increased risk of POAG.
Exposure to light during the night has been implicated in depression, increased cancer risk and decreased hormone function.
The Kogevinas study found a 20 percent increased risk for all cancers with occupational dioxin exposure, but those who were most highly exposed (20 or more years of work experience) had an 8 percent decreased risk of all cancers.13
You can decrease your risk of cancer by more than half simply by optimizing your vitamin D levels with sun exposure or a safe tanning bed.
In terms of preventing acid reflux heartburn, I've talked about how high - fat meals cause dramatically more acid exposure in the esophagus in the hours after a meal, but why does high fiber intake decrease the risk?
A number of studies have also demonstrated that omega - 3s can decrease the redness and burning associated with UV exposure as well as decrease the risk of certain types of skin cancer.
Moving waste through your digestive tract more quickly may also decrease your exposure to toxins, lowering your risk for colon cancer, but evidence for this is still conflicting.
A number of associations between regular sun exposure and decreased melanoma risk can be found in the medical literature.
This easy - to - digest guide reveals everything you MUST know about the sources of unhealthy pollutants in your home — pollutants that may be stressing your liver, throwing your hormones out of balance, aggravating asthma and allergies, and increasing your risk of disease — and how to make simple but significant changes to decrease your exposure.
Safe economic opportunities for women decrease the risk of exposure to gender - based violence (WRC 2011) while women's incomes raise their status in the household (WEAVE 2011).
By mitigating the risk for homeowners, this will also decrease the FHA's exposure to volatility in the housing market.»
The model calculates the realized portfolio volatility (annualized daily volatility) based on daily total returns, and then either increases or decreases the equity exposure of the portfolio to maintain the target risk level.
As a result of this decreased net market exposure, Montaka carries significantly less market risk compared to many of its typical equity fund peers.
Specifically, adding a modest exposure to commodity futures when the Fed is raising policy rates (i.e., a restrictive policy stance) significantly increases portfolio returns and significantly decreases portfolio risk.
After Brexit and in the lead - up to the US election, due to changes in risk dynamics in the markets, our exposure to the US began to decrease in favour of exposure to emerging markets and more globally diversified ETFs.
They aren't looking to expand into new customers, and instead are trying to figure out to decrease their credit default exposure risk by lowering credit limits on their risky card holders.
The relationship between season - of - life and asset allocation used to be straightforward: as investors aged and became more risk - averse, they decreased their stock exposure and increased their bond holdings.
Ariel uses these techniques in an attempt to decrease the strategy's exposure to changing security prices or foreign currency risk, or to reduce unintended tracking error versus its respective benchmarks, or to address other factors that affect security values.
And it can't hope to capture if a stock might increase / decrease risk in your portfolio (depending on the exposure / correlation it offers).
To further decrease your dog or cat's risk, limit their exposure to other animals that are displaying signs of eye disease and may have infectious conjunctivitis.
Young children or pregnant women should have no contact with I - 131 treated cats for 2 - weeks after treatment to decrease their risk of radiation exposure.
REDUCING YOUR PET»S EXPOSURE TO MOSQUITOES - This means making your pet's environment less hospitable to mosquitoes, which in turn decreases the risk of your pet being infected with heartworm in the first place.
Once the data were statistically analyzed to correct for other risk factors like smoking, the results indicated that increased exposure to fine particulate matter caused by air pollution is linked to health problems like chronic bronchitis and decreased lung function, as well as premature death.
The risk exposure of this industry and decrease in profitability has made very tough for insurance companies to operate but as third party insurance cover is set to rise, these companies may find it little easier to operate.
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