Sentences with phrase «decreased mortality»

In New Zealand, recent strengthening of the Māori health workforce has led to a number of successes: interventions led by, focused on, and targeted to Māori; consistent investment in Māori health over a prolonged period; and an emphasis on the development of dual cultural and clinical competencies.14 In the United States, successful Native American health service development in the early 1990s appears to have been shaped by federal government administration, the separation of the Indian Health Service from other Native American affairs, and provision of an integrated health service.15 In both countries, recent reductions in overall death rates for indigenous people have been noted; in the US this relates to injury prevention, whereas in NZ it relates to fewer deaths due to circulatory conditions.16 Although it is not known whether improved health services for indigenous peoples in the US and NZ have a causal relationship with decreased mortality, the two appear to «travel together» well.
This single finding, so simplistic in hindsight, was responsible for changes in practice and policy that markedly decreased mortality rates in custodial care settings.
The effects of declining sea ice on marine mammals are likely to be reflected in the shifting of marine mammal populations (or smaller units) to higher latitudes by either direct movement and / or indirect shifts associated with increased mortality and decreased reproduction at lower latitudes, coincident with decreased mortality and increased reproduction at higher latitudes (Tynan and DeMaster 1997).
The American Heart Association identified in a report that dog ownership «was strongly associated with decreased mortality» in individuals with established cardiovascular disease.
Two studies reported that pet ownership was related to decreased mortality.
While all dogs had decreased mortality, the percentage decrease was highest in young dogs, with the effect diminishing over time.
«A «deficiency» of polyunsaturated fatty acids leads to altered rates of cellular regeneration and differentiation, a larger brain at birth, improved function of the immune system, decreased inflammation, decreased mortality from endotoxin poisoining, lower susceptibility to lipid peroxidation, increased basal metabolic rate and respiration, increased thyroid function, later puberty and decreases other signs of estrogen dominance.
The results are in — those who follow a meat - free diet have a decreased mortality rate by a staggering 20 percent!
A 2012 study in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology linked the ability to sit and rise from the floor — the basic movement of a burpee — to decreased mortality rates.
The researchers note that achieving the SDGs would also lead to reduced mortality, which would tend to increase population, but that in the longer term, decreased mortality rates also contributes to lower birth rates.
The device for premature infants decreased mortality rates at the neonatal ward by 46 percent, according to the foundation.
Using a sample of more than 6,000 adults from the National Survey of Midlife Development in the United States, the researchers examined whether adult self - reported social support decreased mortality risk associated with self - reported exposure to three types of childhood abuse: severe physical abuse, modest physical abuse and emotional abuse.
«The similarities in the injuries between the two groups led to the conclusion that testing positive for THC in the system is associated with a decreased mortality in adult patients who have sustained traumatic brain injuries.»
Over the past 200,000 years, replacement - level fertility rates have ranged from 2.1 to 3.0 children per couple, he said, noting that global population remained remarkably stable until the beginning of the 19th century, when decreased mortality in newborns resulted in fertility rates exceeding replacement levels.
The drug was safe and well - tolerated and also showed a trend to decreased mortality, though this did not achieve clinical significance.»
But sometimes it's a good exercise to have them state clearly in their own words that they oppose improving the conditions of home birth and feel that experience is better than decreased mortality.
It grew for internal reasons, which Stark proposes were also a fruit of faith; respect for women and unborn life led to increased fertility, care of the sick to decreased mortality.
Volunteering is linked to health benefits like lower blood pressure and decreased mortality rates.
Developmental care has been shown to reduce long - term cognitive and behavioral problems and decrease mortality rates.
«Giving steroids can decrease lung complications or brain complication and decrease mortality
«Recent research suggests that, fortunately, screening can increase early detection and decrease mortality from this disease.»
Additional studies are needed to determine what specific changes in care have had the most impact on decreasing the mortality rates of patients with severe sepsis.
Mayo is now studying whether the sniffer decreases mortality in the hospital's intensive care unit.
While obesity increases the risk of many types of cancer, it has been suggested that higher BMI decreases mortality risk in cancer patients, a phenomenon called the «obesity paradox.»
«They decrease their mortality.
It's already widely known that regular physical activity can decrease the mortality rate and increase longevity, and now it's been discovered that the reasons for that may lie in the preservation of the telomeres.
I don't think the evidence is strong that statins decrease mortality, and I personally wouldn't recommend them for most people because they will cause mitochondrial damage over time.
An expanded, energetic view of the demographic transition is that increasing energy use yields increasing development, thus decreasing mortality, and eventually decreasing fertility.
The decreasing mortality risk is also the reason why the insurer is able to guarantee a fixed, level premium for the life of the insured.
This might be important, because, as Barbara Starfield showed, employing more primary care physicians decreases mortality, whereas employing more specialists is associated with increased mortality.

Not exact matches

«The mortality rate decreases radically when abortion is legalized, because women seek abortions in a safe, medical environment,» said Barroso.
On the flip side, each point increase in the SRT score was associated with a 21 percent decrease in mortality.
(So if you score a 7 today and in a month score an 8, your mortality rate dramatically decreases.)
The global health community and a coalition of public - private initiatives has successfully begun taming the scourge, with a 21 % decrease in its global incidence and 29 % drop in mortality rate between 2010 and 2015; still, there were 212 million malaria cases worldwide and nearly 430,000 deaths from the disease in 2015, according to the latest World Health Organization (WHO) figures.
Living Goods has also noted a couple of ways in which the setting it is working in has changed since the start of the project: bednet coverage is 2 - 3 times higher and the market price of malaria treatment has been reduced.146 Under - 5 mortality in Uganda, according to the World Bank, decreased from 83 per 1,000 live birth in 2009 to 69 in 2012.147
Improving our understanding of why mortality has been decreasing in Uganda and whether it is reasonable to assume that this decline will continue.
However, the calculated initial drawdown rate is based on the Extended Mortality variable withdrawal strategy which can decrease if market conditions are unfavourable, as demonstrated in the example at the end of chapter 4.
With the decrease in infant and childhood mortality and the extension of life expectancy by modern medical technology; perhaps the unitive function of genital sexuality will begin to be valued as much as or more than the procreative function.
And science has shown that the babies do need medicine, and that infant mortality has decreased dramatically with the advancement of science.
Similarly, a study using data from 219 countries found that, for every additional year of education for women, the child mortality rate decreased by 9.5 percent.
infant mortality in the United States decreased to its present level of 20 per 1000 live births.
VAD can damage the immune system and decrease the body's ability to resist or fight infections, therefore increasing the risk of mortality from common diseases especially among young children.
Dietary sugar intake was associated with increased body fatness but decreased cardiovascular mortality in Chinese elderly: an 11 - year prospective study of Mr and Ms OS of Hong Kong.
In the U.S., infant mortality rates are more than double for African Americans compared to Whites; breastfeeding decreases the disparity
Promoting, protecting and supporting breastfeeding is a key strategy to decrease infant and maternal mortality.
If we wish to impact and decrease infant mortality in our state, then the ability to provide human milk for all babies in need is crucial,» said Harley Ginsberg, MD, Section Head of Neonatology and Medical Director of Neonatal Intensive Care at Ochsner Baptist.
Communities around the world are taking the lead of Finland, where the Baby Box has been issued to all families on the birth of a baby for over 75 years, a practice that led to a dramatic decrease in infant mortality, and is now embedded in a societal support for parents and children that extends well beyond the newborn period.
In the last two decades, child mortality has decreased by about 40 %, but still almost 7 million children under five die each year, mainly from preventable diseases.
Despite the fact that the United States spends more money on health care than any other country — and more on maternity care than any other type of hospital care — maternal mortality rates are actually increasing for U.S. women rather than decreasing.
The increase in c - sections since 1970 has come with no decrease in morbidity or mortality.
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