Sentences with phrase «decreasing healing time»

This is a drug - free, surgery - free means of reducing pain and decreasing healing time.
Laser Therapy: Our Class IV Companion Therapy Laser can speed healing and help provide pain relief for a number of conditions from infections to arthritis, as well as decrease healing time after surgery.
We have found that using this new treatment regimen — called ReMend — helps to decrease our healing time by up to 30 %.
The use of a laser to decrease healing times is not limited to surgical or post-surgical cases, with the benefits of shorter healing time offering a significant benefit for pets dealing with acute conditions such as traumatic wounds or «hot spots.»
Most commonly, Laser Therapy can be used for: arthritis, hip dysplasia, spinal cord issues, skin conditions, ear infections, wounds, degenerative joint disease, sprains, gingivitis, insect bites, inflammation of the intestines, burns, and to decrease healing time and increase pain relief after a surgical procedure.

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A synthetic hormone, HGH is thought by some toaccelerate recovery times, speed healing, decrease body fat and, particularlywhen combined with steroids, increase muscle mass and therefore strength.
Your child's health care provider may recommend temporarily decreasing an activity, giving the body time to heal.
Smaller incisions speed healing time and decrease risk of complications, Karp says.
In the next few days after injury, you can greatly improve recovery time by taking nutrients that decrease inflammation and speed healing.
Pineapple contains bromelain which improves joint health, decreases swelling, healing time, bruising and the level of pain after sustaining an injury or after surgery.
Setting time aside to perform a healing ritual like applying castor oil packs to inflamed joints or sites of stagnation, establishes the mind - body connection and decreases stress, which helps improve health, not only on the physical level, but on the mental level as well.
Glutamine can help maintain cell volume and hydration, which speeds up the healing process and decreases recovery times.
It also helps to decrease pain and speeds healing time of acute infections.
Don't let it take over your day anymore, there are many different approaches you can take to decrease your pain and speed up your healing time so you can get your life back faster.
Cold laser therapy increases circulation and oxygen to damaged tissue, providing pain relief, faster healing times and decreased inflammation.
We utilize lasers in our surgical protocols to decrease bleeding and inflammation along with promoting faster healing times.
We also use a leading electrocautery unit to control hemorrhage during surgery, as decreased hemorrhaging leads to quicker healing time and improved surgical outcome for your pet.
Laser therapy is a non-invasive and effective way of using specific wavelengths of light (red and near - infrared) to stimulate therapeutic effects such as more rapid healing time, pain reduction, increased circulation and decreased swelling.
This causes cellular reproduction and growth, resulting in quicker healing times and a decrease in inflammation — which also provides pain relief.
We try to make our incisions as small as possible to minimize anesthetic time, decrease post operative discomfort, and minimize the healing time.
Effects of this treatment include improved healing time, pain reduction, increased circulation and decreased swelling.
We utilize a Carbon Dioxide Laser that decreases surgical pain and reduces healing time.
While all healing takes time, a solid rehabilitation program can decrease the time a surgical patient will take to make his or her recovery and further can ensure that recovery is as complete as possible.
The effects of laser energy on rabbits include improved healing time, pain reduction, increased circulation and decreased swelling.
We use one time laser therapy after surgeries to promote healing of the incision and to decrease pain.
While pets can not talk to us and tell us where they hurt, studies have proven that adequate pain control decreases post-surgery healing time.
The effects of laser energy include improved healing time, pain reduction, increased circulation and decreased swelling.
These effects include improved healing time, pain reduction, increased circulation and decreased swelling.
The doctors and technicians changed Knight's cast weekly and gave his leg cold - laser therapy each time to help decrease inflammation and promote quicker healing.
Well... pain can heal or at least decrease in it's effect with time and work.
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