Sentences with phrase «dedicated film magazine»

The first dedicated film magazine I ever bought was in March 1988, Issue # 68 of the Australian publication Cinema Papers.

Not exact matches

Coming from radically different childhoods and backgrounds (Truffaut came from an unhappy working class home and stints in juvenile detention, Godard from an affluent, educated, supportive family), the directors were close friends and colleagues, sharing many of the same cinematic fathers (Rossellini, Bergman, Renoir), celebrating neglected directors of the past (Truffaut interviewed Hitchcock in a celebrated book, Godard interviewed Fritz Lang in a documentary and cast him in Contempt) and preaching the gospel of a cinema dedicated to presenting the real, the honest and the authentic, first in the pages of film magazines and then on the screen.
Why would anyone want a dedicated e-reader to add to the clutter they carry around, when in 6 months or so there will be single devices you can (1) read books and magazines on, (2) make phone calls on, (3) type and dictate into, (4) number crunch on, (5) watch films on, and (6) play games on?
We've been sharing behind - the - scenes photos of Art in the Twenty - First Century: Season 8 on our Instagram for months now, but this is the first post here on the ART21 Magazine dedicated to uncovering what goes on behind the camera, as we film our documentary series on contemporary art and artists.
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