Sentences with phrase «dedicated hour»

I feel that it's essential for me to dedicate hours of time to my writing.
For the last 30 days I've dedicated hours daily towards working out and focusing on living a healthier lifestyle since I have finished college.
As announced by Mark - Viverito, the park's public pool would now offer dedicated hours just for seniors throughout the summer.
You can expect to spend many dedicated hours completing externships and studying, as well as demonstrating your skills to your instructors.
Time - poor private investors can't dedicate hours to fund research, so often turn to investment professionals for help.
You can expect to spend dedicated hours studying and completing externships.
The other group dedicated an hour a week to studying Kundalini yoga with breathing exercises, meditation and various poses.
I don't have a food dehydrator nor do I have the time to dedicate hours sprouting grains to create fabulous meals at home.
to prepare homemade, healthy, and delicious meals for themselves and for their families, without dedicating hours to the stove.
Findings by CFE Research and the University of Manchester also shows that on average, primary schools dedicate an hour and 24 minutes to the teaching of science each week.
This is a tedious, yet necessary process in which many teachers dedicate hours to conducting.
Martin dedicated hours of his summer collaborating with our local's leadership to make the case happen.
Conservatives like Glenn Beck dedicated hours of airtime to his anti-Common Core campaign, telling his listeners that the standards were «a national program» and «a takeover of education.»
We have assembled a team of over 30 professionals and all of us have dedicated hours upon hours to making Project Resurgence the best game it can be.
Good resume pros dedicate hours each week on researching the job market.
For professional and customized advice, you should seek the services of a counselor who can dedicate the hours necessary to become more intimately familiar with your specific situation.
The course is conducted twice a year and runs for a period of 30 days, it covers technical training, teaching methodology, anatomy and physiology, yoga philosophy, lifestyle, ethics and dedicated hours of practise.
It's the kind of game you can unknowingly pour hours into as you work to complete «just one more» task, but if you can't dedicate hours to it, then the short activities and frequent save spots mean you can drift in and out just as easily.
september 2013: Members of the Comprehensive Plan town and village committees worked many dedicated hours to fine tune the plan.
I try to find time every day to really think through an issue completely — dedicating an hour or more of uninterrupted time.»
Depending on scheduling, the trial means some staff operate on a six - hour day, which includes a 30 - minute lunch, while others work seven hours with a dedicated hour - long lunch.
Unlike The Late Show, My Next Guest Needs No Introduction will dedicate each hour - long episode to one guest, as opposed to several, including a musical guest or comedian performing a short routine.
Some dedicate an hour every single day.
We meet weekly for a dedicated hour of corporate prayer, and it is truly a beautiful sight.
Take some time every day — the same time every day — and dedicate an hour or two to just working toward your dream job.
Paganism demands we dedicate an hour to the gods to appease them or improve your very existence.
Connect with Buyers during Exclusive Trade Hours We have dedicated hours for qualified wholesale buyers every day of the show, and many buyers make their purchasing decisions based on the products they see at the Fiery Foods Show.
Well last night was a lot more interesting for Everton fans that expected following a surprise appearance by Roberto Martinez on Sky Sports» Monday Night Football (MNF) and the decision by Talksport to dedicate an hour to Everton's «problems», hosted by Collymore and «Saggers».
This package includes around 23 dedicated hours a month.
This package includes about 17 dedicated hours a month.
We've dedicated hours to finding baby socks that don't slip off constantly and tried dozens of diaper creams to see which are quickest at kicking that pesky rash in the bum.
I dedicated hours researching anything and everything about expressing milk, from the best breast pumps to setting up a pumping schedule to fit it all in.
One that I take seriously, that as a family we dedicate hours to me working on in (relative) solitude, and that I am so incredibly grateful for.
Thank you to everyone who has dedicated hours and funding to Kiwanis over the years, your commitment is to be applauded,» said Legislator Dixon.
Dedicating hours to the care and feeding of volunteers and over 100 events per year, Paul has not only attended just about every sky - watching event he has presented, but has also created long - lasting relationships with event hosts at schools, libraries, camps, and communities.
You might dedicate hours, days, months and even years to your Ashtanga practice and still be stuck in the same series, doing the same set of asanas, until you are ready to advance to the next level.
I spent the better part of my 20's doing long cardio workouts, dedicating hours to the treadmill, getting my heart rate up up up, thinking it was the direct way to the fit physique I wanted.
For me, I dedicate an hour to blogging everyday and even more time on the weekends.
Dedicate those hours you have to spend in the car to learning something new.
You should be dedicating every hour of development time on improving your product and growing your market share, not reinventing the wheel each time a new scam or fraud technique comes along.
This is the first Monster Hunter game where I'm dedicating hours to completing everything the package has to offer (I dabbled in Monster Hunter Tri for a little bit when it launched) but playing alone doesn't bring the same experience that is clearly meant to be had.
That said, few academics will profess to be experts on energy management issues, or have the time to dedicate hours to understanding the complexities of the energy market, which is where external agencies such as Wiltshire - based Energy Management LLP can step in to help.
Doing a little bit of platform building each day and having a dedicated hour just for writing time helped to keep me focused.
It's a good idea to dedicate an hour or so every day, just to this.
I'm a huge fan of dedicating an hour or two to crunch numbers and possibly save thousands of dollars over the length of your mortgage (and consequently, probably thousands more in interest).
We dedicate hours of research into the rules and regulations they abide by, analyse the software and interface of their platforms.
I dedicated an hour par day while I was an actuary to understanding all manner of investments for ten years before I had my first job in investing at age 38.
Because you can delete it and quickly reinstall it as opposed to dedicating hours to re-download a digital title.
Back then, we could just dedicate hours to gaming (and didn't have to journalise it, either — so there's even more time) and keep going until we quit.
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