Sentences with phrase «dedicated transit»

The phrase "dedicated transit" refers to a transportation system or route that is specifically designed and used exclusively for a particular purpose, such as moving people between two places. It means this transit is not shared or used for other purposes. Full definition
Over the last two years, Albany has stolen $ 260 million in dedicated transit funds from the MTA in order to patch up deficits elsewhere in the budget.
6766C) was a reaction to the diversion of $ 260 million in dedicated transit funds over the last three years.
If not for Albany's theft of $ 260 million in dedicated transit tax revenues over the past two years, the sweeping service cuts enacted by the MTA in 2010 might have been avoided.
WNYC's Andrea Bernstein reports on the most troubling sign yet that Governor - elect Andrew Cuomo is not willing to stop Albany's practice of raiding dedicated transit funds to plug gaps in the state budget.
Since 2009, Albany has stolen roughly $ 260 million dollars from dedicated transit funds in an attempt to plug the state government's enormous deficits.
The transit lockbox bill, which would require Albany to disclose the impacts of any raid of dedicated transit funds, passed both the Senate and Assembly unanimously in the final days of the legislative session, reports the Tri-State Transportation Campaign.
When Andrew Cuomo released his executive budget in February, it included a $ 100 million raid on dedicated transit funds.
As part of December's deficit reduction package, Albany lawmakers took dedicated transit tax revenue from MTA operations to fund other parts of the state budget.
We'll find out soon enough whether Cuomo decides to protect transit riders from raids and further service cuts or fare hikes, or whether he'd like to retain the option to use dedicated transit funds as a piggybank.
For two years following a fare increase, the bill would forbid the state Division of the Budget from including dedicated transit funds in the «blanket sweeps» it is currently allowed to perform.
We'll find out whether the new governor will continue Albany's practice of stealing dedicated transit funds to plug budget holes elsewhere, try again to reduce the state's meager contribution to student MetroCards to nothing, or decide instead -LSB-...]
Even without a strong lockbox, the members of the legislature shouldn't be allowed to renege on their stated support for keeping dedicated transit funding dedicated to transit.
And before you can blink, new dedicated transit funding that only passed originally to keep fares from increasing even faster than they are becomes another way to plug other budget gaps... amazing how raising revenue for transit is popular enough to pass over other funding, but not popular enough to keep for transit.
A bill that would protect dedicated transit funds from being stolen by Albany failed to pass the legislature this year, leaving riders upstate and downstate at continued risk of further service cuts at the hands of the state budget process.
So there's no doubt that further incursions on dedicated transit funds -LSB-...]
Last December, Albany swiped $ 143 million in MTA funding — most of which came from dedicated transit taxes — to cover the state's budget gap.
Albany has long used the MTA as a piggy bank, raiding dedicated transit funds on a regular basis to cover gaps in the state budget.
It discourages the diversion of dedicated transit funds, and increases fiscal transparency and accountability.
For the MTA, he explained, that meant taking $ 14.6 million from contributions raised entirely from dedicated transit taxes, as well as smaller cuts to Long Island Bus funding and «MTA Aid Trust Account Reductions.»
Governor Andrew Cuomo and the leadership of the state legislature added insult to injury last night, neutering the transit lockbox bill even after they put hundreds of millions in dedicated transit revenue at risk.
The transit lockbox bill, designed to prevent future raids on dedicated transit funds, has passed the State Assembly, according to the Assembly's website.
It would also add one dedicated transit / HOV lane in each direction, as well as one lane in each direction for slow - moving traffic, such as trucks and merging traffic.
(Dedicated transit taxes are currently collected by the state before the MTA receives the revenue.)
More recently, Albany took $ 16.7 million in dedicated transit tax revenue to make up for a shortfall in federal Medicaid assistance.
In practical terms, the Transit Lockbox is intended to make it politically more difficult to raid dedicated transit funds.
Governor Andrew Cuomo's executive budget is chock - a-block with raids of dedicated transit funds, questionable transfers, and toll cuts doled out as election - year favors.
«Riders deserve real solutions and a dedicated transit funding stream like the millionaires tax the mayor has already proposed.»
See our dedicated Transit Trips section for more details.
When Apple Park opens, we will add 700 new electric vehicle charging ports, over 1000 new campus bicycles, and a dedicated transit center.
«Riders deserve real solutions and a dedicated transit funding stream like the millionaires tax the mayor has already proposed.»
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