Sentences with phrase «deep belly fat»

According to a new study, the results of which were presented at The Endocrine Society's 93rd Annual Meeting in Boston on June 12, even a modest reduction in carbohydrate - rich foods can promote loss of the deep belly fat (intra-abdominal fat) that's been linked to type 2 diabetes, stroke and heart disease.
Even a modest reduction in consumption of these types of carbohydrate - rich foods may promote loss of deep belly fat.

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So what is it about abundant fat deep inside the belly that inclines a person to diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and other ills?
Researchers at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center found that for every 10 - gram increase in daily soluble fiber consumed (from foods like fruits, veggies, and beans), visceral fat (the kind that's found deep in the belly) went down by 3.7 % over five years.
The weight gained is usually in the abdomen, in the deep visceral fat that triggers inflammation, what I call a «wheat belly
That type of fat, especially deep in the belly, muscles, and liver, poses a greater risk of heart disease, diabetes, and stroke, especially in women, according to preliminary research presented at the 2017 Radiological Society of North America annual meeting.
«Breaded» almost always means deep fried in deadly artery clogging, belly fattening hydrogenated oils (trans fats), which have been implicated recently as THE main culprit in heart disease and many other degenerative diseases.
I've lost 4 pounds in 2 weeks and as significantly, I have seemingly lost most of it off my abdomen and not just the fat under the skin (sub-cutaneous fat), but the fat deep in my belly, around my organs (visceral fat).
Visceral adipocytes build up much deeper and are deposited around your internal organs — it's what we refer to as belly fat.
Also, recent studies show that consuming 25 percent of calories from fructose or HFCS (which is about half fructose) leads to more visceral (deep belly) fat or liver fat.
Belly or abdominal fat — known in scientific communities as visceral fat and liver fat — is located deep within the abdominal cavity and fills the spaces between internal organs.
The second is visceral fat and this stubborn belly fat lies deep inside your body, surrounds your internal organs, and has been linked to high levels of inflammation and a higher risk of stoke, cardiovascular disease, and hormonal disruptions.
My nieghbours koooli has a severely swollen back leg, so tight I thought the skin would burst, its been like this for 4 days now but does nt seem to be causing any pain, she's walking okay and can just squat to pee, eating and drinking normally, but now there is really deep purple bruising starting to come out under her leg / belly area, the swelling has gone down very slightly on the outside of her leg but the inside is still very fat, no heat in the leg either.Will this resolve itself he's relunctant to take her to the vet because it does nt seem to cause any pain.Have given her a 3 day course of meloxicam.
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