Sentences with phrase «deep bite of»

Thanks to the space - saving dash - mounted shift lever, there is a fairly deep bit of stowage under the center temperature and sound system stack, to the left of a 12V power outlet that is perfect for a cell phone and adapter.

Not exact matches

Another one of MVMT's more colorful offerings, this model of The 40 stays clean while letting the silver ticks pop a bit off its deep blue face.
One month he's giving 50 of his friends a new novel he adores, the next he's suggesting everyone get out the tissues and check out a heartbreaker of a memoir, then a bit later he's back on his blog enthusing about a deep dive into eviction in America.
«It's a bit of a danger to spend too long in deep introspection.
The post is filled with technical details for those looking for a deeper dive into the science, but for the layperson this is probably the most interesting bit: Using a cool gadget that floods a room with a specific color of light, Westland's research group «found a small effect of colored light on heart rate and blood pressure: Red light does seem to raise heart rate, while blue light lowers it.»
In deeper snow, though, the Pirellis were a bit of a disappointment.
The fascinating piece goes on to enumerate the five types of emotional vampires you should look out for, as well as offering a bit of advice on how to protect yourself from each subspecies (setting appropriate boundaries and deep breathing seem to be preferred to garlic and holy water).
If I'd like a bit deeper analytics, I can hop over to the analytics portion of the dashboard (one of my favorite Buffer for Business features), find the updates that were hits the first time around, and easily drag and drop to reshare — with a twist — to my Twitter timeline.
And though he tried to avoid diving too deep into the subject (writing in parentheses, «I'm not going to write about immigration in this letter — we have always supported proper immigration — it is a vital part of the strength of America»), Dimon eventually returned to the issue with a biting critique of Trump's pledges and executive orders intended to limit immigration.
While at first glance this does seem like another «on demand» company, looking a bit deeper, it's not, and I think they are a great example of reimagining vs redesigning.
A Bechtel - led team is installing 39 miles of tunnels, viaducts, deep - underground stations, and soaring terminals, all in the heart of a city that has never seen a bit of commuter track.
In addition to being easier to use, chatbots that employ these two key features can display a bit of personality to help captivate and engage users on a deeper and more personal level.
While it might be a stretch to call Melania Trump a genius, she certainly is in good company when it comes to speakers at political events digging a bit too deep into the well of previous great orations when crafting their own speeches.
To motivate your employees to work hard and finish tasks on time, it's often necessary to think a bit deeper than merely offering them a paycheck or a bonus at the end of the month.
Even if you want someone to simply put you out of your misery and do your return before your head explodes, you will want to go a little bit deeper.
They'll savor every bite of this deep dish crust topped with Kraft Cheese Blend, pizza sauce and pepperoni made with pork, chicken and beef.
An overview of our new methodology can be found here, but today, we want to dig a bit deeper into one of the primary issues that we're aiming to correct: sample bias.
, but today, we want to dig a bit deeper into one of the primary issues that we're aiming to correct: sample bias.
But in a low - margin business like canned goods, a little extra cost can take a deep bite out of profits.
Over the next few days we'll dig in a bit deeper to look at some of the underlying employment demographics, which in many ways give a greater understanding of employment conditions.
Mere mention of this possibility creates deep rifts in the debate, with views strongly held and a fair bit of heat generated in the process.
However, I do find that the deeper textured handle on the Merkur 34C is a bit easier to hold on to and provides more control, making it less likely that it will slip out of your soapy hands.
You're entire article supposes deep moral soul searching and lifetime of religious reflection went into a 10 minute comedy bit.
I think a deeper purpose of this billboard to let nonbelievers understand that they are not alone during the Christmas season when before many may have been a bit depressed.
If i was Hawkins, i would be a bit more toughtful, and look deep into his own huiman condition and accept he «s a living miracle granted by virtue of God, or, in scientific terms, Anti Matter, so, as to try and figure out why is he still alive, and what is his real mission on earth.
You really need to think a bit deeper than the superficiality of a Pascal's wager argument.
Look a bit closer and it might be easy to write him off as a damaged lot, some deep male nightmare of rage and exclusion, unformed and raw, blinking in the light, Grendel licking his chops.»
Have been mulling this over quite a bit of late — realizing how deep such feelings continue to run in me, despite my conscious and sincere beliefs in God's grace, goodness, forgiveness, and redemptive power...
For while there are bits and pieces of new information here, the essential truths about the man — his deep (and deeply Bavarian) faith, his extraordinary intelligence, his human decency — were already on display in Seewald's three previous interview - collaborations with Ratzinger.
Thank you for reading, for commenting, for our funny and deep and weird conversations on Twitter and Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram, for your emails and letters, for your support and critiques, for showing up to the events in churches and community centres where I stumbled over my words and hugged you a bit too tightly and likely cried, for buying my little yellow book, for your prayers for me and my family, for staying with me, really, for all of it.
And then there was that moment that rose up, I call them my Invitation Moments, the moments when you can sense an invitation from each other to go just a bit deeper, a bit more real, a bit more honest, and you can decide to stay where you are (and that's fine) or you can take the risk of secrets - in - the - open, the risk of mask - removal.
The small balls of lead, bits of glass, and stone produce large, deep bruises which are broken open by subsequent blows.
Becoming a parent has not only caused me to think a bit deeper about the meaning of this term but to also consider other areas where I am a steward.
Mass media outlets like television treat viewers to sound and vision bites, not deep reasonings; instead of enhancing understanding, Adams says, the medium encourages the over-dramatizing of rival claims.
It gave me a bit of a deeper understanding into the «dark night» that I am occasionally and involuntarily led into, when I have nothing to cling to except for God's promises.
The audio links above (God's covenant of grace) deals precisely with the scriptures in question, followed by «Noah's flood» which goes a bit deeper to reveal the spiritual truth within the Genesis text.
So if someone gets deep into Buddist meditation, which I have not tried, but I have been guessing is a little bit like my knitting of repeat lace patterns (knit, yarn over, purl, two together, repeat... Over and over), if someone really gets into the yoga, and I have worried about, and they get into a deep tranquility... But they derive an innocent benefit from it, I am going with, it is a gift from God.
Yet in a previous comment you stated: «So if someone gets deep into Buddist meditation, which I have not tried, but I have been guessing is a little bit like my knitting of repeat lace patterns (knit, yarn over, purl, two together, repeat... Over and over), if someone really gets into the yoga, and I have worried about, and they get into a deep tranquility... But they derive an innocent benefit from it, I am going with, it is a gift from God.»
Jennifer Moorcroft, a lay Carmelite, brings a deep understanding of the Carmelite tradition, combined with sensitivity and insight into human nature to introduce the reader to the «bit players».
I feel a bit hypocritical admonishing my readers toward kindness and understanding when I too have been avoiding such conversations like the plague, but I do think healthy, constructive dialog is possible, and that it's best tackled around a shared table, over steaming plates of mashed potatoes and green beans, amidst the laughter and grace that emerges organically from deep, trusted relationships.
«The children's books... were a sort of sluicing of the system which... represented a conversion every bit as deep as the conversion to a belief in the supernatural and the divinity of Jesus Christ which occurred in 1929 - 1931.»
A bit later they had proof of his ignorance when he told them to cast their nets in the deep during broad daylight.
What's more, we should avoid latching onto the sound bites and catchphrases of each campaign, but look deeper into the men and women running for office.
Offering hope to people, getting them to consider deeper, more important truths, working through tragedies, seeking healing and providing a bit of respite from the rest of the world is a pretty enjoyable job, and it's helped Williams answer in the affirmative.
With the help of a friend I looked into this a bit deeper.
I would personally be relieved to find the deepest issue a pastor had was a bit of drinking now and then.
My wife and I cared for my aged mother in our home — whose Alzheimer's was then biting deep — for the last five months of her life.
For those who feel a bit overwhelmed by reading two deep theology posts, Richard has distilled much of the theological content in a compare and contrast format in a post on his blog entitled «Same Sex Marriage in the Image of God?»
The constraints of the TV format can reduce deep issues to sound bites, and «reality show» - style viewer voting often serves to confirm existing prejudices, which are largely secularist at the moment.
Were we to read in a compartmentalized way, taking bits and pieces from here and there that amuse or ennoble us, ignoring the deeper implications of such a piecemeal commitment to a unified whole, we could happily sail along with boy and tiger.
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