Sentences with phrase «deep bow»

«I see this as the most damaging event for our brand in the company's 140 - year history,» Tanaka told a news conference after making a ritual deep bow of contrition to a flurry of camera shutters and flashes.
Not only that, Chi Chi was outdriving Palmer and taking deep bows or doffing his hat in mock salute every time the gallery gave him — or Arnie — a cheer.
A hat tip, and a deep bow.
Yet by local custom, the Dalai Lama is typically greeted by Tibetans with a deep bow, or, in a more formal setting, such as at his residence in Dharamsala or in the context of a public ritual, with three or more full prostrations to him.
This is the question confronting the nation in the aftermath of President Obama's deep bow to the Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko last Saturday.
A deep bow or curtsy is in order for our noble and magnificent Autumn Royal Raisins!
RIKEN president and Nobel laureate Ryoji Noyori opened the event with a deep bow.
And, finally, surrendering to higher power with a deep bow toward the floor, we let go of pride.
But when «Daedalus Diggle,» the wizard meant to protect them arrives, they find a «small man in a mauve tophat... sweeping the floor in a deep bow,» and announcing himself in a «squeaky excited voice.»
The picture enlists seven actors to portray Dylan (reminding of the similarly agile Palindromes), the best of whom is Cate Blanchett, plugging in and tuning out as mod Jude and insinuating in a brief dialogue with spaced - out Allen Ginsburg (David Cross) that Dylan has indeed shored up his fragments with a deep bow to the fruitlessness of representation.
Following 2009's Fantastic Mr. Fox, Anderson returns to stop - motion and puppets, but this time with a deep bow to Japan and its iconography.
As he drew near, Victoria noticed him hesitate and then commit himself to a deep bow.
The artist has created an installation concentrating on Hispanic culture and language within the perimeter of the gallery, combining figuration and abstracted symbols with a deep bow to his heritage and city the of Los Angeles.
A deep bow to Jeff Wood for pulling so much information together so well!
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