Sentences with phrase «deep conceptual understanding»

«Teachers who are producing gains on the state tests are generally also promoting deeper conceptual understanding among their students,» the researchers found.
Is it possible for students to demonstrate deeper conceptual understanding and get the same or better scores on an AP test?
Students are provided opportunities to gain deeper conceptual understanding, apply what they are learning and develop the analytical writing and problem - solving skills required for college and careers.
Our mathematics curriculum and instructional materials foster deep conceptual understanding required for successful future learning in high school and beyond.
Children explore and investigate with hands - on resources to build deep conceptual understanding and number sense.
Progress in Mathematics provides rigorous content focused on building deep conceptual understanding of key math skills and concepts at each grade level.
The lessons are tied to important content knowledge and skills, and the lesson activities help students develop deep conceptual understanding and connections among concepts rather than surface level understanding and knowledge of disconnected facts.
In fact, by implementing the Common Core and other high academic standards, schools begin to focus more on deep conceptual understanding, problem solving, and critical thinking, then we may in fact be achieving some worthwhile ends.
DreamBox has a challenging, standards - aligned curriculum, available in English and Spanish, that is evidence based to promote student growth and deeper conceptual understanding by encouraging different pathways to solving problems.
From 2017, the top grade will be much harder to achieve and will require deep conceptual understanding of a broad range of mathematical topics, as well as strong reasoning and problem - solving skills.
Morgan theorizes that, just as children need to practice reading a lot and become fluent readers before they can analyze texts, math students need to become fluent with basic operations before they can talk about multiple methods for solving problems or arrive at deep conceptual understandings.
The MET report considered this exact issue and concluded that «Teachers with high value - added on state tests tend to promote deeper conceptual understanding as well.»
The Common Core State Standards expect students to demonstrate deep conceptual understanding through the application of content knowledge and skills in new situations; however, «the specific content standards provide limited guidance as to how, when, or to what degree...
For many high school students, especially those whose prior math classes emphasized computation over deeper conceptual understanding, the challenge of solving an unfamiliar multistep problem can be overwhelming.
Also, new tests seem to have applied some lessons from the previous generation — they are more comprehensive in their coverage and do a better job at assessing deeper conceptual understanding than previous renditions.
This task, like all of Yummymath's, include well thought out worksheets with questions that allow for deep conceptual understanding.
Is it possible for the students taking the PBL course to demonstrate deeper conceptual understanding of the subject matter as measured by an assessment of deeper learning when compared with students experiencing the traditionally taught course?
Our Alabama College and Career Ready Standards relate primarily to what students will learn and because the standards emphasize reasoning and problem - solving skills as well as developing deep conceptual understanding the implications for instruction are transformative.
Age - appropriate graphics and gaming protocols driven by adaptive learning motivate kids to persist and progress to build deep conceptual understanding.
JE: Now you've hypothesised, if you like, that technology could be distracting students and teachers from those intensive relationships needed to develop deep conceptual understanding, those higher - order thinking skills as well.
Teaching, like medicine, is a complex craft that requires a deep conceptual understanding of what you're doing.
This approach misses the key concept of «why», the deeper conceptual understanding of how we navigate our way through our world.
Deep conceptual understanding is fundamental to the teaching and learning of mathematics at Westgarth Primary School.
If you're using personal response systems, or clickers, a new study provides a note of caution: While they seem to boost students» ability to retain factual knowledge, that may come at the cost of deeper conceptual understanding.
Students who participate in science experiments, instead of just observing them, have a deeper conceptual understanding of science.
But the curriculum we wrote, available to anyone for free at EngageNY or Eureka Math, sought to help students gain a deep conceptual understanding of math, while also emphasizing strong computational skills.
Even for people who struggle to learn key concepts the use of eLearning scenarios (case studies where learners solve problems in a context they understand) embedded with pictures helps, as this puts more emphasis on a deeper conceptual understanding not just surface rote learning.
Recent findings point to the importance of building on prior knowledge, constructing learning environments that promote cognitive development, reflection, and deep conceptual understanding.
These types of knowledge have to do with teachers not only knowing their content but also being able to promote students» deep conceptual understanding and connections to other subject areas by making predictions, stating hypotheses and reflecting on their own learning.
Data from student test scores should be used by schools to move students to mastery and a deep conceptual understanding of key concepts as well as to inform instruction, target remediation, and to focus review efforts.
District leaders also started researching digital programs that promoted a deeper conceptual understanding of math.
The standards call on teachers to work toward a deeper conceptual understanding and to foster mathematical reasoning.
Comprehensive research - affirmed analysis tools and strategies will help you and your collaborative team develop and assess student demonstrations of deep conceptual understanding and procedural fluency.
How the content standards, practice standards, and designated modeling standards connect across domains, categories, grade bands, and traditional course boundaries to help students develop both deep conceptual understanding and functional, real - world application skills.
At CEI we support the promise of the Common Core, particularly in terms of a common curricula, deep conceptual understanding, and its yardstick for measuring progress.
More specifically, teachers need help in making the transition from using technology - based manipulatives for illustrating mathematical concepts (TCK) to utilizing these tools as means for exploration and discovery leading to students» deep conceptual understanding of mathematics (TPCK).
Pique students» interest while building creative and logical thinking skills that lead to deeper conceptual understanding of physical science and physics.
«Maker - centered learning supports a deeper conceptual understanding, so we really appreciate the power of maker - centered learning and hands - on learning when it comes to understanding mathematical ideas, or a scientific idea, or understanding civics and how the world around us works.»
A major goal is to develop strong problem solvers who have a deep conceptual understanding of the purpose and analysis of equations and their representations on a coordinate plane.
Learning is manifested by a deeper conceptual understanding; by the transfer, the application, and especially the creation of knowledge (Grennon Brooks & Brooks, 1999); and the concomitant development of higher order thinking abilities.
Comprehensive research - affirmed analysis tools and strategies will help collaborative teams develop and assess student demonstrations of deep conceptual understanding and procedural fluency.
Teachers who prompt students through thoughtful questioning help their students develop analytical skills and deeper conceptual understanding.
«We were looking for a digital program that promoted a deeper conceptual understanding of math,» explains Noland.
We were looking for a digital program that promoted a deeper conceptual understanding of math.
The course balances procedural fluency (algorithms and basic skills), deep conceptual understanding, strategic competence (problem solving), and adaptive reasoning (application and extension).
«In your first week you are handed the elementary school curriculum and you are told that for the next few years you are going to be taught not only the content of that but a deep conceptual understanding of the skills underlying that curriculum.

Phrases with «deep conceptual understanding»

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