Sentences with phrase «deep content knowledge in»

Deep content knowledge in the subject you wish to facilitate and awareness of current research in that subject
She served as President of StandardsWork from 2003 - 2009 and has recently returned to its helm as part of an organizational commitment to advancing the vital role of strong curriculum, the importance of deep content knowledge in students, and the impact that evidence - based instructional practices can provide teachers.

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Keep in mind, content marketers must develop a deep industry knowledge in their category of business.
And a 2014 study of student performance at schools in California and New York, conducted by the American Institutes for Research, found that attending deeper - learning schools had a significant positive impact, on average, on students» content knowledge and standardized - test scores.
Michael A'Hearn, my astronomy adviser, told me he was content to add a tiny bit of knowledge to the world — prophetic words from the future team leader of Deep Impact, the space probe that blasted a hole in comet Tempel 1 35 years later.
Participants will delve into content deeper than that of the weekend course, so that the participant is able to gain knowledge, skills and practical application of the Yogic Technology for complete integration in to their professional practice and personal wellbeing.
Integrated studies is a great way to get students more involved in school; it enhances motivation, problem - solving skills, content knowledge, and deeper understanding of connections across subjects.
If you feel that giving a mock exam would be too much of a giveaway, we suggest you rethink the content of your exam: does it weigh too heavily on surface knowledge rather than the deep thinking that we want students to engage in?
Just as the draft NGSS calls for deeper understanding and application of knowledge, PBL demands the same — in - depth inquiry into the content.
An effort is under way to transform Chinese education from a rigid, fact - based, lecture - and - drill model that includes super-high-stakes testing to a more student - centered model that features inquiry in a quest for deeper understanding, all without sacrificing factual content knowledge.
As schools engage in conversations and planning around Next Generation Learning, it is essential to begin designing opportunities for students to develop transdisciplinarity — but not at the expense of deep content knowledge.
What most of these early blended learning models are missing, however, is application of knowledge — the deep and meaningful learning that students experience when they synthesize content and apply it in novel, exciting ways.
HTF applicants participated in a rigorous multistep application process that included group and individual interviews to identify deep content knowledge, belief in every child, and commitment to education equity and the teaching profession.
A: Solid content knowledge, strong knowledge about pedagogical techniques in mathematics, a deep understanding of the epistemology of mathematics, knowledge about how people learn math, and the ability to listen to and engage the learner.
Despite the claims from some that content knowledge no longer matters in a world where everything is google - able, possessing deep background knowledge remains imperative for students to be able to read across a wide range of subjects and literary genres and be successful learners.
HTH — with its emphasis on integrating academic and technical education through project - based learning — attracts a number of people like Duffy with «deep content knowledge who had very successful academic careers and wanted to work in an urban school at a time of profound teacher shortage,» says founding principal Larry Rosenstock.
In this interactive webinar, the co-founders of the Vermont Writing Collaborative and a 4th grade teacher share classroom - tested methods that advance student achievement by intimately connecting deep content knowledge with explicit writing frameworks.
If you're looking for a deeper understanding of the CCSS and the strongest alignment possible, our experienced standards consultants offer a variety of services, including conducting curriculum audits, assisting with CCSS implementation, analyzing gaps in teacher knowledge and skills, identifying opportunities to embed CCSS content into existing courses, and ensuring instruction and assessment support the standards.
They just didn't help my students grasp key concepts like fraction operations or develop number sense, and they didn't instill in the children a deep understanding of the meaning behind math or how to apply content knowledge to real - world problems.
Yet despite this stark contrast in content, both liberal and conservative advocates continue to insist that civic education in our schools not only impart civic knowledge and civic skills but also shape our deepest values, attitudes, and motivations.
A teacher leader's deep knowledge of the science and mathematics content in the instructional materials helps in assessing the content knowledge of the teachers with whom they work.
The Common Core State Standards expect students to demonstrate deep conceptual understanding through the application of content knowledge and skills in new situations; however, «the specific content standards provide limited guidance as to how, when, or to what degree...
Each module is designed to foster ongoing inquiry that results in deeper understanding of content knowledge and skills.
TACs leave teachers with new skill sets and pathways to student achievement; artists with new insights into curriculum development and instruction; and students with a deeper knowledge and ability in the arts and other core content.
They have full command of an array of teaching skills that they deploy in the service of deep content knowledge that they must also hold.
The study, published in the American Educational Research Journal, tested 181 middle - school teachers and almost 10,000 students and found that the most effective teachers were the ones who had both sound content knowledge and a deep understanding of how their students thought.
After analyzing the data and writing each case we found that four components stood out as consistently prominent across all the schools: a broad and deep curriculum designed for all students with little tracking or ability grouping (meaning that most students get the same high quality learning experiences in all classes); a teaching staff with advanced content knowledge; a mission - focused administrative structure with a flattened hierarchy that invited collaboration with and among teachers and students; and supports for underrepresented students, such as advisories with personalized college planning, tutoring or summer research programs on college campuses.
At the heart of the continuum is National Board Certification, a process designed for teachers to demonstrate, through standards - based evidence, the positive impact they have on student learning as a result of their deep and abiding understanding of students, content knowledge, pedagogical practice, ongoing reflection and participation in learning communities.
This creates opportunities for deeper or more authentic learning than traditional «skill and drill» instruction, because community - based learning draws on students» prior knowledge and experiences, engages them in problem - or project - based instruction, and helps them see the connections between academic content and real - world contexts.
Xavier has long emphasized deep content knowledge and practice in their teacher preparation programs, requiring extensive field experience and student teaching from their education students.
Use collaborative, cross-curricular projects to develop learners» deep understanding of content areas, connections to applications beyond school, and skills to apply knowledge in meaningful ways.
Service Learning gives students a deeper understanding and appreciation of curriculum content by demonstrating how this knowledge is useful in their lives and for their community.
Our review tools are developed by expert educators from across the country with deep content knowledge and expertise in conducting materials reviews.
Teachers who excel must apply deep content knowledge and specialized pedagogical expertise to maximize student learning by developing curricula, planning lessons, analyzing formative data, adjusting plans in response to outcomes from previous lessons, and using different methods of delivering and structuring lessons.
CCSS provides the structure for our students to engage with a rigorous curriculum that is anchored in deep knowledge of content.
Deeper Learning isn't simply a checklist; it is a set of interrelated competencies that students need in order to develop a true understanding of algebra content and processes that they can use to apply their knowledge to new and unfamiliar challenges in the classroom, in life, and at work.
By playing this additional content, players will have a deeper knowledge of DedSec, a key and powerful faction in the Watch Dogs universe.
It turns out that I am not the only one to want a more fundamental explanation as seen in this post by FrostyCat: Holding tutorial content accountable to novice aptitude on the GMC where it is described that instead of learning why you would use a function or snippet of GML it is instead just a quick «copy and paste this code» with no deeper explanations given; you can not reapply that knowledge in other situations if it is not explained why you are using it in the first place.
In a press release announcing the news, Gagosian Gallery said, «While the content of his epic figurative paintings is unmistakably of his own time and cultural context, his formal virtuosity and complex layering of narrative reveal a deep and astute working knowledge of the inventions and traditions of painting from the Renaissance to the present day.»
«While the content of his epic figurative paintings is unmistakably of his own time and cultural context», the gallery said in a statement, the «formal virtuosity and complex layering of narrative» in the work of the Beijing - based artist «reveal a deep and astute working knowledge of the inventions and traditions of painting from the Renaissance to the present day.»
The OMA urban studies for Palermo will be presented in the spring of 2017 and the curators, called creative mediators, who are developing artistic content based on a deep knowledge of the site, will present their plans for Manifesta 12 in mid-summer 2017.
Skills • Familiar with alt tagging for accessibility and SEO keyword integration • Superior grammar, writing, proofreading, and editing skills • Proficient in digital tools, including track changes in Microsoft Office, G Suite by Google, content management systems, digital authoring tools, workflow applications • Strong knowledge of Chicago Manual of Style, AP Style, and The Yahoo! Style Guide • Deep familiarity with adapting to in - house style guides and making style decisions for inclusion in style guide • Excellent oral and written communication skills
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