Sentences with phrase «deep core line»

The deep core line moves you and strengthens you evenly along the chain of muscles as a whole instead of locating one area of the body to do the job.
I have seen them become much, much stronger and aware when they have the knowledge and ability to connect to their deep core line.
If they already come with a back injury in «my opinion» they should have a 121 where other alternatives and appropriate poses are given with an intension to eventually move towards, if possible, using the deep core line.
Inspired by an extensive study of martial arts, Nardini drew from the parallels that have long existed between yoga and Zen, with emphasis on the «deep core line» of the inner body.

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If you look deeper and really seek to understand his core values, you will find a strong Christian belief system that is in line with yours.
The bottom line is, we need to train the abs to become better stabilizers and ideally, we need a combination of both; exercises that train our abs as prime movers (crunch variations) and deep abdominal training (draw in) for stronger stabilizing abdominal muscles for a balanced core.
Get your feet up on an elevated surface and come into a strong plank: wrists in line with your shoulders and hug your belly button up to your spine to engage your deep stabilizing core muscles.
In fact, anatomically, if you track through the deepest core body, recruiting feet down, bent knees, inner thighs up and back to deepen and widen the sitting bones, then articulating the psoas action of moving front sacrum and spine in and up as we gently roll to stack the pelvis and then add in more QL or deep lumbar support from the back is easeful, effective — and actually can mitigate SI issues and back body line tension that can come from overuse of the erectors and hamstrings in yoga — or from coming to a standing position from the back body, which is made more for movement than support anyway.
After so many teasers from screenshots to gifs and short clips, we finally get a proper trailer for Deep Rock Galactic in its pre-alpha state, showcases the core features and what we'll do in the game from mining, opening up new passages, fighting a variety of creatures, and zip - lining which is underrated and under used -LSB-...]
In an evolving story based on mankind's inherent need to explore, protect and survive; players search deeper into Europa's ice crusted core and transcend the line between man and machine.
The series have never been as dynamic as its brother Final Fantasy, treasuring tradition by keeping core staples in all its games: deep character progression, open world maps, linear story - telling, and an aesthetic through - line that never waivers.
CD: I am not following the painting series closely; it is more like the animation begins with some core idea that interests me, and I dig deeper along those lines.
But few talks went without a slide showing the wiggly line of a deep ice core.
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