Sentences with phrase «deep differences»

There were deep differences among participants, however, in the way this distinction was understood.
You may not even realize now how deep your differences go (remember — differences are not a bad thing!).
In retrospect, says Makse, the much higher intensity of tweeting from pro-Trump Twitter users versus pro-Clinton users (see chart, above) «was a red flag» for deep differences between them.
Or, better said, I want to be a part of finding a way to live together with deep differences in a pluralistic society.
Deep differences in the traditions are apparent here.
On these and many other issues related to authority and ecclesiology, the way forward is not to smudge over deep differences that remain between the two traditions but to acknowledge them openly and to continue to struggle over them together in prayer and in fresh engagement with the Scriptures.
But each one presents an opportunity for each of us to wrestle with how best to live alongside one another, despite deep differences.
Further complicating matters, the two men had begun to harbor deep differences about the company's direction.
He is the author of the new book Confident Pluralism: Surviving and Thriving Through Deep Difference (University of Chicago Press).
Here we observe a group of people with deep differences finding unexpected areas of agreement, and surprising friendships developing amid those remaining differences.»
But this apparent equality hides deep differences.
But the annual celebrating of New York City's feats ignores deeper differences, say educators and education policy experts, who contend that those upstate cities exist in an entirely different world.
This won't work where there are actual deep differences — those end up in an exchange of published journal articles or letters or followup research, as it's always been.
On these and many other issues related to authority and ecclesiology, the way forward is not to smudge over deep differences that remain between the two traditions but rather to acknowledge them openly and to continue to struggle over them together in prayer and in fresh engagement with the Scriptures.
It's worth reprising a mention of Randy Olson's post the other day on Eminem and Elton John finding common ground — literally singing a common song — despite deep differences.
In large part thanks to years of heavy casualties and dishonest official statements about Vietnam and deep differences over civil rights and poverty here at home.
But we have to balance charity toward Muslims with sober acknowledgment of the deep differences between us.
They are the people who take pluralism seriously, knowing that pluralism does not mean indifference to the truths that make the deepest difference.
But I care enough about Bob to talk with him honestly about our deepest differences — including my assessment that on both halves of the Snow couplet, public Mormon theology and traditional Christian orthodoxy are still far apart.
But our friendship in Christ makes (or should make) it easier to see that these deep differences are about how to achieve common goals, not about what those goals are.
As Daly observes, the deep differences among women reflect our terrible, powerful uniqueness.
Yet there is also a deep difference, and it is to this difference that I am calling attention.
I have not dealt with what may be the deepest difference between the Buddha and Jesus, their understanding and relation to deity.
And it's how we treat our neighbor with whom we have deep differences of belief, action or lifestyle.
And as particular controversies arise (about abortion, or the «right to die,» or same - sex marriage), these deeper differences are likely to make even a surface convergence on a «yes» answer seem quite thin.
That being said, however, for at least the short - term future most American children will be attending public schools dominated by the myths of neutrality toward the differences that make the deepest difference.
Acknowledging the deep differences among friends / sisters is one of the most difficult stages of the Journey and it is essential for those who are Sparking in free and independent friendship rather than merely melting into mass mergers.
And he is not wrong in saying so, though the reason gets at a deeper difference between the traditions than their beliefs about the Virgin Mary.
As Diane Eck writes for the Pluralism Project at Harvard University, «pluralism is not simply relativism, but makes room for real and different religious commitments... Pluralism is the process of creating a society through critical and self - critical encounter with one another, acknowledging, rather than hiding, our deepest differences
It is often suggested that, because we are a pluralistic society, we must play down our differences, pretending that our deepest differences make no difference.
It does not mirror the false pluralism of a culture that pretends that the deepest differences make no difference, but, within the bond of civility, engages the differences that make the most difference.
Neither party is all one way or the other but, more now than before this election, each approximately represents the deepest differences that divide our society.
Genuine pluralism is living with our differences, especially our deepest differences, within the bond of civility.
Like Adam and Eve, the saints in heaven have a natural desire for God, but the grammar of the faith requires us to say that there is, nevertheless, a deep difference between Edenic desire and heavenly desire.
Standfast has pointed out that we indeed have deep differences with mainstream Christianity.
There is a deep difference between Catholics in various nations on forms of government.
The reality is that a Church such as the Anglican Communion is such a mixture of histories, and of theological difference, that inevitably there will be deep differences and from time to time these will lead to grave crises, such as the one faced in recent years.
«There is a deep difference between cheap schooling and deep education,» he says.
At issue is an urgent question that runs through modern experience: How will we live with our deepest differences in an increasingly pluralistic society?»
Previous Interpretation (2002) Schools must use education to bridge the divides caused by the deepest differences between groups of people.
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