Sentences with phrase «deep experience working»

Our lawyers have deep experience working closely with leading fund sponsors, including at other leading law firms and in - house positions, and we deliver business - friendly solutions to the legal needs of our clients.
He's a leading securities lawyer in the sector with a long list of accolades and deep experience working with registration, compliance and complex financings full stop.

Not exact matches

Though some Republicans, like Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, were quick to praise Tillerson's international business experience working with foreign governments, Tillerson's nomination was met with deep skepticism from both parties over his embodiment of the most contentious 2016 campaign issues: Trump's closeness with Russia, climate change skepticism, and potential business conflicts of interest.
Vogt digs deep into his candidates» work experience.
These summer experiences offer deep dives into business fundamentals and are especially helpful to liberal arts graduates with little class work or training in business.
Hamilton, he writes, «had learned through experience that doing anything worthwhile with your brain requires a foundation built on thousands of hours of deep work.
In 2012, while pregnant with her second child, she was pursuing consultant work, but found it difficult to get a full - time contract — despite having deep experience in risk analysis and microfinance, and an impressive list of previous employers including Goldman Sachs and Credit Suisse.
«Serving diverse communities has long been a focus area and priority for Wells Fargo, yet we know there's more work to be done, and it starts with gaining a deeper understanding of the experiences of diverse small business owners working with financial institutions,» said Lisa Stevens, head of Small Business for Wells Fargo.
It demands that the coach be able to draw on a deep base of knowledge, experience and training to craft unique solutions for each scenario and work with the client to implement them.
With deep knowledge and experience working with Fortune 100 companies, Nicole helps clients communicate effectively through shifting political and business landscapes.
It will take hard work and deep customer and buyer understanding to turn B2B business engagement into humanized social experiences.
While Jenny works across a range of consumer categories at TSG, she has developed deep experience in the areas of beauty, apparel, and e-commerce.
He's highly experienced and dives deep into your work, culture, and customer desires — leading them to purchase the programs they need to make that leap toward their goals.
Full - time employment was the top priority, but digging deeper revealed much more: 42 percent wanted exposure and experience, 29 percent wanted great references, and 19 percent wanted flexible working schedules.
A team of professionals with deep expertise and extensive experience in specialized areas that will work with your financial advisor to meet your needs.
The board of Lynas was recently strengthened with the appointment of Amanda Lacaze, who has deep experience in working with start - up companies and companies facing financial distress.
Why did you start One Day's Wages rather than working with others in Burma who may have had longer and deeper experience with the Karen people?
What sets this work apart is Tannone's decision to work with Jay's deeper catalog, the verses that go beyond big sing - along hooks made for radio play and cut into the rapper's experiences in overcoming poverty and forming his worldview.
His profound knowledge of ancient Judaism, his deep insight into the subject matter, above all, perhaps, his gift of self - expression - all this combines to make the careful reading of this work an unforgettable experience.
Dewey calls this value «quality,» but by the term he means neither mathematical nor secondary qualities; he uses the term to refer, first, to the wholeness or deeper reality, in some aspect of the world, often as that wholeness is presented in a work of art. 24 If this were called the objective locus of quality, the subjective locus would be the emotional intuition of the objective quality; this subjective quality gives the experience itself the unity which makes it that particular experience.25 It is this empirical discernment of quality which provides the substance of the derivative and propositional resolution of the conflict between the individual and its environment.
Unless one bleaches the debate of its living doctrinal substance — and the Rav explicitly states that requiring men of faith to bracket their deepest experiences constitutes unacceptable censorship — it inevitably raises questions about atonement, justification, faith and works, and so on.
Unless a minister has sufficient training, deep religious experience, good common sense, and a healthy mental attitude toward people and toward his work, he is not likely to make much of a go of his job.
Thus, a way of conceptual work is indicated for philosophy; this way leads back from the late, clear but superficial abstractions to the original, confused but deeper aspects of our concrete experience of reality (cf. PSM).
, or maybe there's something deeper going on that every person who has ever worked experiences at some point.
In summary, the virtues of organized religions include but are by no means limited to the following: they give their adherents something solid against which to rebel; they allow one to see farther by standing on the shoulders of giants; they insist on the primacy of lived experience; they work against illusion and historical insularity; they point to the power of the collective and the merits of deep diversity; and they are capable of the kind of mobilization that can transform the world.
Yet we must admit that through their work we have learned to take very seriously the total biblical story, reading with deeper insight the truths which are there stated not in propositions but in the events of history and in the response made to those events in the experience of men and women immersed in the ordinary affairs of daily life.
Tetra Pak's expertise is rooted in deep experience with our own factories as well as our work on a diverse range of global projects.
Monahan who has worked for two of the UK's largest supermarkets, Sainsbury's and Tesco, as well as one of the largest global distributors, Constellation Brands, will be talking about how brands that provide consumers with deep experiences of their product, and manage to generate an emotional experience of ownership, win at the point of purchase.
«VATS Liquor, a proven and successful brand builder in the alcohol beverage industry, is the right strategic partner for us to work with to build our Robert Mondavi brand portfolio in China due to its vast industry experience, established market relationships and deep knowledge of the Chinese consumer.
There wasn't much of a long - term plan or organizing principle; just a deep sense that life needed to be experienced, yoked to an unshakable belief that it would all work out.
And because of the experience elsewhere on the coaching staff and the experience littering the two - deep, it might work.
It's all nice that young players and put in the deep end to gain knowledge and experience but it's another thing to do it in pre-season where first team players are supposed to work on their tactics and integration.
Sure, every women should have a birth experience that works for her, and at the same time, we need to be able to get back to the deep truths of what it means to go through the birthing process.
Most recently, after experiencing pregnancy and motherhood firsthand, Nancy has found a deep passion for working with fellow fit moms who also do - it - all.
They have experience working with youth, a knowledge of and connection with natural history and farming, and a deep commitment to sharing that connection with children.
Our son Gregory had an unusual blend of talents, working for years in educational non-profits with graduate degrees in the liberal arts, as well as having deep experience in information technology on Wall Street and elsewhere.
Waldorf teacher education at Sunbridge Institute includes a deep exploration of child and human development; development of a teacher's contemplative capacities; exploration of pedagogical approaches and skills; studies in the arts; courses that develop abilities for working in a group of colleagues; and practical learning or mentored teaching in the classroom with experienced teachers.
As an established school with a more than 40 - year history, we offer a deep curriculum, and have the unique experience of having a working biodynamic farm on the same campus as the school.
Gareth's working class and deep local roots, record of public service and government experience, and shoe - leather approach to campaigning make him the most electable candidate.
A strong labor advocate with deep experience championing union rights, Jessica worked with Build Up NYC to fight for construction, hotel, and maintenance workers in New York City.
Flanked by Assemblymember Millman and Congresswoman Nydia Velázquez, Simon stressed her deep roots in the district and decade of experience as district leader, her progressive credentials and her work on community issues both big and small — from public transportation to traffic calming in Downtown Brooklyn, access to affordable housing and education, and saving Long Island College Hospital, to name a few.
Her decades of experience in the system gave her a deep understanding of how our schools work.
My work as a community activist on issues such as affordable housing, my background as a member of the Democratic State Committee, and my experience working for Democratic elected officials such as Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney, since my days in college, leave me with a deep appreciation and respect for the role working men and women play in making this the Empire State.
We usually tend to account this to learning more about the field and overlook the fact of gaining more deep work experience the further we get into our PhD.
How did your experience working on Deep Blue help influence your work on AI going forward?
The two institutions will consult on each other's projects, with NJIT contributing engineering expertise and upper extremity robotic research to Kessler Foundation and Kessler Foundation providing NJIT with its deep knowledge of existing commercial devices and experience working with diverse populations with disabilities.
Through prior work with MalariaGEN, the CGGH had developed a deep understanding of the ethical issues at play, and sought to develop a resource based on this experience that could be easily shared.
But the work is well worth the chance to receive and experience a deeper, more conscious relationship.
They recognized that traumatic, biographical experiences left deep impressions on the soul and that the addictive medications, which dull the symptoms, serve simply to avoid the real work of dealing with the effects of the trauma.
Before medical school, Dr. Hayes spent several years working in Mexico, an experience that initiated a deep appreciation for the importance of providing culturally competent healthcare.
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