Sentences with phrase «deep images of»

These have been seen in deep images of the sky made with the largest optical telescopes.
With its huge corrected field of view and specially designed 256 - megapixel camera, OmegaCAM, the VST can produce deep images of large areas of sky quickly, leaving the much larger telescopes — like ESO's Very Large Telescope (VLT)-- to explore the details of individual objects.
To make these discoveries, the team utilised the deepest images of gravitational lensing made so far in three galaxy clusters, which were taken as part of the Hubble Frontier Fields programme [4].
The deep image of Messier 77 taken with the Hyper Suprime - Cam (HSC) mounted at the Subaru Telescope.
The unprecedented deep image of the galaxy reveals evidence of a hidden minor merger billions of years ago.

Not exact matches

Deep learning is being touted as a way forward for climate science, medicine and genomics; it's already embedded in the way you search for something online, when you Google image search for, say, «cat,» and feline photos come up as a result of AI learning of what «cat» means.
Over images of runners stretching and jogging, a deep, documentary - narrator voice says soberly, «for years running a marathon without telling anyone was thought to be physically impossible.»
Previous deep learning approaches have focused on rectangular regions located around the center of the image, and often rely on expensive post-processing,» the NVIDIA researchers stated in their research paper.
Previous missions selected by New Frontiers include New Horizons, a nuclear - powered probe that flew by Pluto in 2015 and is now going deeper into the Kuiper Belt; OSIRIS - REx, a robot that's flying out to meet asteroid Bennu and bring a sample of it back to Earth; and the Juno mission, which is looping around Jupiter, recording unprecedented data and breathtaking images of the planet.
By that afternoon, however, the promising leads had collapsed, and officials confronted a risky decision: proceed without the help of the public to avoid tipping off the suspects or publicize images of them and risk driving them deeper into hiding or worse.
The food is sold with big closeups of deep - fried batter, when instead the image should be of the decaying 720 - pound corpse of a man who died in his mid 40s of diabetes and obesity complications.
Nvidia, a hardware firm whose graphic processing units (GPUs) have seen booming sales as a result of the rise of deep learning, lists uses on its website that range from Adobe's DeepFont, which identifies the fonts used in an image, to the National Center for Supercomputing Applications, which detects gravitational waves millions of miles away in real time.
The Formula of Concord, which is central to the confessional documents of the Lutheran church, declares that original sin has replaced the image of God in human beings with «a deep, wicked, abominable, bottomless, inscrutable, and inexpressible corruption of his entire nature in all its powers, especially of the highest and foremost powers of the soul in mind, heart, and will.»
On many of the deepest issues of human life» the meaning of sex, the dignity of the family, the creation of human beings» Jews and Christians stand together against the secular image of man.
What Hilaire Belloc actually wrote (originally in The Path to Rome, page 106 of the Doubleday - Image ed., 1956, later found in his collected poems, a copy of which I do not have at hand) was this: But Catholic men that live upon wine Are deep in the water, and frank, and fine; Wherever I travel I find it so, Benedicamus Domino.
I guess its not their fault, perhaps atheists have a deeper understanding of evolution since there ancestors are apes and Christians well, are built in the image of God.
The late Paul Crouch not only knew how to pull off a white suit (a feat that few have ever been able to attempt respectably), as the images below show, his closet also ran deep with some of the most elaborate dress shirts mankind has ever known.
For many practicing lawyers and law professors such images represent the surface of a deeper and unamusing reality, an archaic system of legal thought.
The Bible speaks about marriage and intercourse as an image of the church's relation to God — very intimate, deep and joyful, as well as truthful and faithful.
If we are as willing to go deep as we are to be transparent on the surface, perhaps we can put authenticity and intimacy to good use — and shape our relationships more in the image of Christ.
Our fear of chaos and helplessness may drive us toward a substance image of personhood in which we attempt to insulate ourselves from disruptive influence, but our deeper longings for quality of life lure us toward other images.
The symbols, concepts, images, stories and myths of Christian origin, which remain deeply embedded in the fabric of western culture, will continue to offer the raw material from which people form their understanding of life, develop their capacity for spirituality and experience satisfaction at the deepest levels.
The image of the pit stop might easily work for church services if one could think only of the gassing up and servicing a car gets at the race track and say that the Christian needs to come every Sunday to get gassed up and serviced — but already we are in deep trouble.
This is a realistic image in the sense that people can live that way and, its advocates insist, can live well; for they believe that such and only such a way of life is in tune with the deepest rhythms of the bodily and psychic functioning of human beings.
It's only when we focus the two images into one that we gain spiritual «depth perception» and begin to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of God.»
But the deeper idolatry, of the fashioning of God in the image of the Egyptian, Persian, and Roman imperial rulers, was retained.
I'm guessing, as Willow implies, that you are subconsciously rebelling against an image of a threatening, fearsome, judgmental, vindictive and hurtful god, a false god; because you know somewhere deep inside that God is nothing but Love, and that you were created and born from that Love; no matter how painful the personal world may have been, may still be, into which you were born.
Once a deeper significance of a word or phrase or image is discerned, texts from the Old Testament resonate with a fullness that could be found only in Christ.
I'm waxing quite Eastern here, I know, But that, I would say, is the nature of God's presence in the fallen world: his image, his bride, the deep joy and longing of creation, called from nothingness to be joined to him.
She became for me the perfect image of the deep indwelling truth of creation, the divine Wisdom or Sophia who resides in the very heart of the world, the stainless image of God, the unfallen.
[youtube =] The «Hubble deep field image» is a point in space whereby a timed image was taken showing that there is hundreds of galaxies in an area of space once thought to be void.
But we need to note that the images and metaphors that were used in the modern revival of concern for pastoral care, with which I am in deep sympathy, have only recently become concerned about shepherding, and for a time were quite different in character.
The shepherd or pastor image of the ministry involves the caring, disciplining and nurturing activities that have undergone changes over the last century from that of doorbell - ringing and counseling models to a deeper and more descriptive image that encompasses the skill, accessibility and speed in helping needed in the variety of circumstances encountered by the minister.
We are trying to maintain the dignity of the individual apart from the deep faith that every man is made in God's image and is therefore precious in God's eyes.
Each of us is an «unfulfilled capacity,» made with and for a purpose — or, as our process conceptuality requires us to put it, «being made...» The Christian would say that we are thus being made toward the image of God, to reflect, and personally (and socially) act for, the divine Love; and the deepest intentionality in us is in the direction of finding genuine fulfillment in fellowship with God.
The rejection of the Anglo - Saxon image of the American goes very deep and there is a great effort to retrieve the experience and history of all the repressed cultures that «Americanization» tried to obliterate.
Just as in conversation the tension between the meaning which the word I use has for me and that which it has for my partner can prove itself fruitful and lead to a deeper personal understanding, so out of the tension between the image of a person and the existing person a genuine understanding can arise.
Niebuhr, taking the doctrine of original sin seriously but not literally, believed that the biblical image of man conveyed a deeper understanding of the human situation than any alternate scheme.
As long as one's size and sense of worth are measured by the strength of one's capacity to influence others (and this influence always takes the form of shaping the other in our image), as long as power is associated with the sense of initiative and aggressiveness, and passivity is indicative of weakness or a corresponding lack of power, then the natural and inevitable inequalities among individuals and groups are the means whereby the estrangements in life become wider and deeper.
Confessional postmodernism, with its emphasis on images and narrative — which are more evocative and efficacious than concepts, touching deeper recesses of our psyches — fleshes out what tends to be rather abstract in the process - relational vision which, on the other hand, provides the former with a cosmological complement.
In Process and Reality Whitehead wrote: «When the Western world accepted Christianity, Caesar conquered; and the received text of Western theology was edited by his lawyers... The brief Galilean vision of humility flickered throughout the ages, uncertainly... [T] he deep idolatry, of the fashioning of God in the image of the Egyptian, Persian, and Roman imperial rulers, was retained.
For when our life expresses the image of God and is in touch with the infinite, life - giving, self - fulfilling love of God, when God is the source and goal of our deepest desire, then and only then do we children of God live out creation's purpose.
The first is that the image that many members now possess of their parish tends to embarrass them, and I believe that a deeper understanding would enable their greater appreciation of their congregation's value and potential faithfulness.
It was apparently, then, a deep ethical motivation that at length found expression in the dogma now familiar but in its cultural environment of astonishing radicalism: «Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image nor any likeness of anything that is in the heavens above or in the earth beneath or in the waters that are under the earth: thou shalt not bow clown thyself to them nor serve them» (Exod.
In this sense God is incarnated in every religious tradition through every image or symbol which effectively expresses its deepest response to God's leading, although the Christian can confess that for him Christ, the incarnation of God, is supremely exemplified in Jesus.
This theme of Christ as creative transformation is emphasized in Christ in a Pluralistic Age, but it is overlaid by another account of Christ, namely, as the particularization of divine aims in images or symbols capable of evoking deep human response.
In the official formulation of Christian doctrine, Whitehead complains, «the deeper idolatry, of the fashioning of God in the image of the Egyptian.
The exclusive fidelity of marriage, at its deepest, is an image of Christ's total self - gift in love.
The informing image of this world view is water, especially as found in the deep, swift streams that flow through Peru's mountain gorges.
The contemplation of nature leads us to believe and hope in God, and to love Him; but from the study of our soul, we derive a truer and deeper knowledge of God than from all the rest of creation, because our soul alone is made according to the image and likeness of God.
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