Sentences with phrase «deep inhales through»

Take three deep cleansing breaths to release any residual energy, with deep inhales through the nose and exhaling through your mouth.
Take a deep inhale through the nose, all the way to the root of the spine and exhale out the nose, out the crown of the head.
Take a deep inhale through your left nostril.

Not exact matches

Move the chest through you shoulders and breathe for eight deep inhales and exhales.
Make sure your breaths are long, slow, and deep as you inhale and exhale through the left nostril.
Take long, deep inhales and exhales through your nose (don't breathe through your mouth), lightly constricting the back of your throat so that your breath makes a whispering sound — kind of like a sexy Darth Vader.
Focus on taking long, deep, cleansing inhales through the nose and out through the nose (ujjayi breath is what we call it in yoga) and send that that breath between the spaces in your rib cage, into the muscles of your back body, and feel that extension that begins to open through the chest.
While normally pranayama is more or less silent, encouraging the student with dementia to inhale through the nose and exhale audibly ensures the instructor that deeper breathing is indeed being performed.
First, fortify your body with much - needed oxygen by taking three deep breaths, inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth.
Diaphragmatic breathing is when you take a deep inhale in through your nose, and an extra long exhale out of your mouth.
Children are especially vulnerable because they tend to breathe through their mouths, which means less filtering of pollutants by nose hair; they tend to hang out more outside, where levels of these pollutants are usually higher; and they run around a lot, which means they take in more nasty stuff and inhale it deep into their lungs.
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