Sentences with phrase «deep misgivings about»

U.S. District Judge Mark Walker expressed deep misgivings about the new policies, but ultimately ruled that the challenged provisions could stand because, regardless of their wisdom or fairness, the question was whether or not the evaluation policies were «rational within the meaning of the law.»
President Obama, once a candidate with deep misgivings about executive power, will leave the White House as one of the most prolific authors of major regulations in presidential history.
Despite deep misgivings about feeding commercially prepared formula to our son, we relied on those little bottles here and there, as well as powdered formula, for the next several weeks while my body healed.

Not exact matches

He concluded his statement by saying, «I think, I shall give my vote for integration with sadness of heart and the deepest misgivings because I can not see clearly that it is the leading of the Holy Spirit».37 F. Berkeli (formerly the mission secretary of the Lutheran World Federation) of Norway agreed with Max Warren and voiced the same apprehension about the administrative unity of the two councils.
It looked ideal when we unpacked it but my husband had misgivings about the size and whether it would qualify as cabin baggage on our Ryan air flight Sure enough it was 5 mm too deep and we had to leave it at home unused The long Ryan air walk at Dublin airport was longer than we had planned.
Frank Field, Maurice Glasman, Sir Robin Wales and Jon Cruddas have all expressed deep (and «labour» orientated) misgivings about the radical cultural and economic change wrought by Blairite / Brownite mass immigration.
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