Sentences with phrase «deep ocean and the atmosphere»

A release point in the Southern Ocean «When that happens, Meckler said, «you automatically generate communication between the deep ocean and the atmosphere.

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Perhaps the only person who can say «been there, done that» about both an airline and a railroad, Branson is now working his way through a to - do list that includes ferrying people into space (Virgin Galactic), traveling to the deepest parts of the world's five oceans (Virgin Oceanic), and ridding the atmosphere of 25 gigatons of carbon (the Carbon War Room).
Examining the distribution patterns of microfossils, Shen's Harvard colleagues have discovered that the marine eukaryotic algae of 1.5 billion years ago occupied only the ocean shallows and not the deeper basins, indicating a smaller oxygen concentration in the atmosphere than exists today.
But research published yesterday in the journal Nature rebuts this idea, suggesting that it was changes in ocean circulation, not winds, that predominantly led the deep water to surface near Antarctica and exhale carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.
Plankton plays an important role in the ocean's carbon cycle by removing half of all CO2 from the atmosphere during photosynthesis and storing it deep under the sea — isolated from the atmosphere for centuries.
«I never considered that weather events tens of kilometers high in the atmosphere significantly influence the decadal - to century - scale circulation kilometers deep into the ocean,» says climatologist Judah Cohen of Atmospheric and Environmental Research in Lexington, Massachusetts, who did not take part in this study.
«There was relatively more carbon dioxide emitted from the deep ocean and released to the atmosphere as the climate warmed,» Jaccard says.
The request also calls for canceling five NASA earth science missions, including an operating Earth - facing camera on the Deep Space Climate Observatory satellite and the planned Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, ocean Ecosystem satellite, set for launch in 2022, which would assess the ocean's health and its interactions with the atmosphere.
«We argue that it was the establishment of the modern deep ocean circulation — the ocean conveyor — about 2.7 million years ago, and not a major change in carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere that triggered an expansion of the ice sheets in the northern hemisphere,» says Stella Woodard, lead author and a post-doctoral researcher in the Department of Marine and Coastal Sciences.
Scientists believe that the different pattern of deep ocean circulation was responsible for the elevated temperatures 3 million years ago when the carbon dioxide level in the atmosphere was arguably what it is now and the temperature was 4 degree Fahrenheit higher.
In these areas, deep ocean waters that are naturally rich in carbon dioxide are upwelling and mixing with surface waters that are absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
The researchers found that during glacial periods when the atmosphere was colder and sea ice was far more extensive, deep ocean waters came to the surface much further north of the Antarctic continent than they do today.
A new study has found that turbulent mixing in the deep waters of the Southern Ocean, which has a profound effect on global ocean circulation and climate, varies with the strength of surface eddies — the ocean equivalent of storms in the atmosphere — and possibly also wind spOcean, which has a profound effect on global ocean circulation and climate, varies with the strength of surface eddies — the ocean equivalent of storms in the atmosphere — and possibly also wind spocean circulation and climate, varies with the strength of surface eddies — the ocean equivalent of storms in the atmosphere — and possibly also wind spocean equivalent of storms in the atmosphereand possibly also wind speeds.
In the North Atlantic, more heat has been retained at deep levels as a result of changes to both the ocean and atmospheric circulations, which have led to the winter atmosphere extracting less heat from the ocean.
A new study led by The Australian National University (ANU) has found seawater cycles throughout Earth's interior down to 2,900 km, much deeper than previously thought, reopening questions about how the atmosphere and oceans formed.
Functioning as a ballast, these platelets are important for the carbon transport to the deep oceanand thus for the ability of the oceans to take up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and mitigate the effects of climate change.
Most methane hydrates are buried in ocean water so deep that the journey through the water column is too far for the gas to ever reach the atmosphere, according to Ed Dlugokencky, a researcher at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
Those missions include the Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, ocean Ecosystem (PACE) satellite to monitor Earth's ocean health and atmosphere in 2022; the Orbiting Carbon Observatory - 3 experiment that would track carbon - dioxide levels from the International Space Station; the Climate Absolute Radiance and Refractivity Observatory (CLARREO) pathfinder Earth climate instrument for the ISS in 2020 time frame; and, finally, the Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR), a joint NASA - NOAA mission that is in orbit today and monitoring Earth from space.
Isn't the main problem that, even if we stopped adding any fossil - fuel - derived CO2 to the atmosphere, the ocean circulations haven't yet reached «steady state» — i.e., a stable thermocline and deep ocean temperature — and therefore THAT is the source of the Hansen et al. «heat in the pipeline»?
Although the evidence was subsequently contested, some single - celled microbial life lacking a nucleus that segregates their internal DNA or RNA («prokaryotes») from the surrounding cytoplasm may have flourished in darkness within cracks in Earth's seafloor crust and around deep, warm or boiling hot ocean springs (hydrothermal or volcanic vents, such as at Lost City or at black smokers) without a need for light or free oxygen in the oceans or atmosphere.
Researchers carry out innovative basic and applied research programs in coral reef biology, ecology, and geology; fish biology, ecology, and conservation; shark and billfish ecology; fisheries science; deep - sea organismal biology and ecology; invertebrate and vertebrate genomics, genetics, molecular ecology, and evolution; microbiology; biodiversity; observation and modeling of large - scale ocean circulation, coastal dynamics, and ocean atmosphere coupling; benthic habitat mapping; biodiversity; histology; and calcification.
Field observations of microbes recovered from deep drill cores, deep mines, and the ocean floor, coupled with laboratory investigations, reveal that microbial life can exist at conditions of extreme temperatures (to above 110ºC) and pressures (to > 10,000 atmospheres) previous thought impossible.
Furthermore, by knowing the mass of a planet from radial velocity measurements and the radius of a planet based on how much starlight it blocked, it is a simple calculation to determine a planet's density, which can tell astronomers whether that planet is rocky or gaseous in nature, or whether it has a small core and a thick atmosphere, or whether it has a large core covered in deep oceans.
OTOH equilibration of the upper ocean, the atmosphere and the biosphere with the deep abyss takes a few thousand years.
Many scientists expect that carbon emitted from the burning of greenhouse gases and its accompanying heat will be predominantly sequestered within the deep ocean instead of the atmosphere.
Geochemistry — the science of the reactions in the atmosphere, the oceans, the soil and deep underground — affects everything from recovering oil to producing food.
In the oceans, warmer weather is driving stronger winds that are exposing deeper layers of water, which are already saturated with carbon and not as able to absorb as much from the atmosphere.
[OOOPS; this nonlinear effect puts their «alternative concept» into the realm of Trump administration «alternative facts» — BD] Although the deep ocean could dissolve 70 to 80 % of the expected anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions and the sediments could neutralize another 15 % it takes some 400 years for the deep ocean to exchange with the surface and thousands more for changes in sedimentary calcium carbonate to equilibrate with the atmosphere.
OTOH equilibration of the upper ocean, the atmosphere and the biosphere with the deep abyss takes a few thousand years.
To reduce the amount of carbon in the upper ocean and the atmosphere, you need to «bury» it into the deep ocean, a process that takes hundreds of years.
The surface heat capacity C (j = 0) was set to the equivalent of a global layer of water 50 m deep (which would be a layer ~ 70 m thick over the oceans) plus 70 % of the atmosphere, the latent heat of vaporization corresponding to a 20 % increase in water vapor per 3 K warming (linearized for current conditions), and a little land surface; expressed as W * yr per m ^ 2 * K (a convenient unit), I got about 7.093.
This in turn gradually causes carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to be removed and stored as land - based permafrost carbon or as deep - ocean CO2.
@ 48 If your speculation is correct, I assume that another consequence would be that, if / when concentrations of greenhouse gases start to drop, corresponding reductions in surface ocean / land temperatures would take place at a much slower rate than would otherwise be the case: the surplus heat stored in the deep ocean will gradually make its way to the ocean surface, and continue to warm the atmosphere for decades, if not longer.
1) Which part of the planet does «global warming» apply to — ie which parts of the atmosphere (how high), oceans (how deep) and land surface (how deep)?
IF cool deep sea water were mixed relentlessly with surface water by some engineering method --(e.g. lots of wave operated pumps and 800m pipes) could that enouromous cool reservoir of water a) mitigate the thermal expansion of the oceans because of the differential in thermal expansion of cold and warm water, and b) cool the atmosphere enough to reduce the other wise expected effects of global warming?
Even assuming that the dataset is comprehensive: Considering that the upper - ocean cooling is seen mainly at 30N and 30S, another explanation for this cooling is increased ocean — to — atmosphere heat transfer in these regions (possibly aided by hurricane - mixing of the upper ocean layer, and advection of deeper cold water as a result).
Linsley: I think this shows we need to focus some more attention on the places in the northern and southern hemispheres where the deep ocean is talking to the atmosphere and absorbing this heat and I think we need to spend some more time to understand how that water makes its way towards the Equator.
Then when they have partitioned themselves according to the original distribution, we will still have 15 % of the green molecules in the atmosphere, and these will only disappear over the longer time that it takes for mixing with the deep ocean and permanent uptake in the terrestrial sink, possibly more than 1000 years.
Half of that CO2 is removed from the atmosphere by rain in the Arctic and buried deep in the ocean by the descending leg of the THC (the Conveyor ocean current.)
If in exceeds out and the diffential MUST exist from top to bottom of the atmosphere, then before the hotter air can migrate to the deep ocean, the daily temerature cycling will force the hotter air at the bottom into an overall equlibrium ie hotter air will rise — or more correctly since GHGs have heated the air up more at the bottom, then the sun induced daily warming will add more heat to the top, & less at the bottom to force the equilibrium — ie effectively hot air rising even if not in actuality.
This suggestion of an accelerated warming in a deep layer of the ocean has been suggested mostly on the basis of results from reanalyses of different types (that is, numerical simulations of the ocean and atmosphere that are forced to fit observations in some manner).
So a ocean water thousand of meters deep, if vaporized make makes massive atmosphere and make the surface pitch black, without even considering the clouds reflecting light.
Both Judith Curry and Gavin Schmidt have acknowledged that even if Trenberth is right about global warming being sequestered in the deep ocean it doesn't matter because that sequestered heat can not undilute itself to warm the atmosphere quickly — it comes out over a 10x longer period at 1 / 10th the orginal power i.e. what when in at 0.5 W / m2 in a decade comes out at 0.05 W / m2 over a century which is insignificant.
The competing theories are (there was / is no theory competition) are: 1) The «late veneer theory» (the late veneer theory is connected with the fossil fuel theory, where a tiny amount of CO2 is recycled in the upper mantle) vs / or 2) The deep core CH4 theory (See the late Nobel prize winnings, Astrophysics» Thomas Gold's book «Deep Hot Biosphere: The Myth of Fossil Fuels», where there is a large continuous input of CH4 and CO2 into the biosphere from CH4 that is extrude from the core of the earth as it solidifies, which explains Humlum et al's CO2 phase analysis result paradox and roughly 50 different geological paradoxes / anomalies) as to the origin of the earth's atmosphere, oceans, and «natural» gas / crude deep core CH4 theory (See the late Nobel prize winnings, Astrophysics» Thomas Gold's book «Deep Hot Biosphere: The Myth of Fossil Fuels», where there is a large continuous input of CH4 and CO2 into the biosphere from CH4 that is extrude from the core of the earth as it solidifies, which explains Humlum et al's CO2 phase analysis result paradox and roughly 50 different geological paradoxes / anomalies) as to the origin of the earth's atmosphere, oceans, and «natural» gas / crude Deep Hot Biosphere: The Myth of Fossil Fuels», where there is a large continuous input of CH4 and CO2 into the biosphere from CH4 that is extrude from the core of the earth as it solidifies, which explains Humlum et al's CO2 phase analysis result paradox and roughly 50 different geological paradoxes / anomalies) as to the origin of the earth's atmosphere, oceans, and «natural» gas / crude oil.
The coralline sponges also indicate that your formula doesn't hold for the period after 1940, as increased plant uptake + increased deep ocean release of CO2 (the only other fast source of huge quantities of CO2) both should increase the d13C level of the atmosphere and the upper ocean waters.
This makes sense because it takes time to equilibrate an excess of CO2 in the atmosphere with the ocean, and the shallow ocean responds faster than intermediate or deep water, so the ratio of the land to marine signals is therefore proportional to the carbon emissions rate.
It involved a huge amount of data, taken from ocean buoys that take the temperature of the deep sea, along with satellites that measure energy flowing into and out of the atmosphere.
In both cases, methane gas bubbles to the surface with little or no oxidation, entering the atmosphere as CH4 — a powerful greenhouse gas which increases local, then Arctic atmospheric and ocean temperature, resulting in progressively deeper and larger deposits of clathrate melting.
Greenhouse gas concentrations spike — heating the atmosphere and the deep ocean after a period of glaciation during which vast stores of carbon accumulated.
While record - breaking warming is being felt on land, most of the extra heat energy being trapped in our atmosphere is being stored deep into our oceans causing rapid changes and the decline of key ecosystems.
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